Chapter 626 Too Ugly to Be a Thief (3)
The corners of Madam Xie's mouth twitched.

"If you're ugly, you can't be a thief?" Nao Nao asked curiously as she leaned against her mother.

"That's a good question! When you were handsome and invincible, if you became a thief and stole other people's things, as long as you denied it, people would treat you as a hero who recovered lost things, and they would have respect for you." Plus!" Li Xiaojin took advantage of his son's education, "Of course, if a handsome and invincible person becomes a flower picker, it is estimated that the girl who is picked will take the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Girl!" Mrs. Xie twitched the corners of her mouth and stared at her convulsed daughter-in-law, teaching her children everything. Both of her grandsons didn't know what was stuffed into their heads by this convulsed daughter-in-law.

"Mom, I'm not a thief. If I were a thief, I would be caught!" Nao Nao still knew what a thief was.

"Very good! This shows that you are a person with a normal personality. Let's leave the glorious profession of a thief to others!" Li Xiaojin rubbed the little heads of his two sons.

"My grandson is the smartest!" Mrs. Xie smiled proudly and complacently.

That night Xie Chuning was on duty in the palace and didn't go home. Li Xiaojin didn't dare to look at the things he received from the old monk Yuantong, so he found a safe place to hide them.

The next day, the housekeeper of the princess's mansion went to Wucheng Bingmasi with drums and gongs, and asked how to deal with the three ugly and shameless thieves.

"Our princess is a benevolent person. If the younger one came to pass on the message, the three of them didn't steal anything. They are so ugly, and it's not easy to live. They just need to be taught a lesson!"

The three thieves had already been beaten up, and then they were once again severely despised for their looks, and they were released from Wucheng Bingmasi.

"It's not your fault that you are ugly, it's wrong to come out to scare people! Come out to be a thief!" Qi Butler despised the three of them again, and then brought them back to the Princess's Mansion.But he was really surprised why the grandma asked him to come over and despise others for being ugly.

The three thieves were almost in a mess in the wind.

Li Xiaojin had someone secretly monitor the three thieves, and he was relieved when he was sure that nothing unusual was found.

At this time, Li Xiaojin received Tang Junhua's secret letter. The secret letter was written in English and pinyin, and it was covered with blood, which shows how difficult it was to deliver the secret letter.

The letter said that Murong Chen, king of Liao, had a conspiracy to lead the army. He found out the place where Murong Chen secretly hid grain and grass, which was enough to feed 30 troops for nearly two years.He also found out that some of the generals died very strangely, and their bodies were mutilated. He suspected that those people were not dead, but hid.

Li Xiaojin discussed with Xie Chuning, and Xie Chuning told the emperor when he entered the palace to exchange value as if nothing had happened.

Murong Ye who received the secret edict was very surprised, but he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately found a substitute to stay, and secretly brought [-] elite soldiers to the border.

At the same time, Emperor Longde sent a zip to the border to Liao King Murong Chen, who asked Murong Chen why he hadn't won yet.

At this time, it was the late autumn when the vegetation was withered, and the endless prairie in Beiguan was beautiful.Murong Chen launched a fierce attack on the barbarians, but was killed tragically.

Tang Junhua hadn't played a few battles as a deputy general yet, and Murong Chen said it was a kind of protection for him. Although the country was in crisis and everyone was responsible, Tang Junhua, as a deputy general, was supposed to charge forward, but he was the younger brother of Princess Jin after all, so it seemed that he was Protection, in fact, is an overhead right.

After many dangers, Tang Junhua also knew that Murong Chen had thought of his life, if he hadn't known medical skills and had personal guards by his side, he would have died by Murong Chen's hands long ago.When he learned that Murong Ye had rushed over quietly, he immediately sent a secret letter, summoning the guards of Lincheng to go north together.

Seeing the 30 barbarian army, Tang Junhua sneered.Murong Chen really colluded with the barbarians!He just sent a message to the barbarian Khan through Murong Chen's hand, and he came with an army.This time, they will definitely come back and forth!
Tang Junhua led [-] troops to detour to the rear of the barbarian army and set fire directly.

The barbarian army looked ridiculous at the fire, and now it is blowing to the north. Tang Junhua set fire to them and thought he could burn them to death. He was undoubtedly destroying the city!They could attack south and annihilate them!

But after a while, they discovered something strange. Borrowed by the north wind, the fire was astonishingly large and burned all the way to the south.What is even more astonishing is that the fire has also started in the south.

The barbarian Khan was startled, and a big fire was also burning in the south. Isn't Tang Junhua afraid that the fire will burn to the border and cannot be extinguished! ?Especially the fires on the grasslands, where the old grass and leaves accumulate, the powerful fires can burn for several days.

Murong Ye was also a little uneasy, and ordered his soldiers to speed up.

They basically didn't bring too many powerful weapons, but all they brought was processed saltpeter and water, which were directly poured on the ground through a shallow stream, stretching for several feet, and soon the water froze.

Murong Ye was relieved, and ordered [-] elite soldiers to bring poisoned arrows and join Tang Junhua to intercept the barbarian army.

The fire was too fierce, especially in the south, and the barbarian Khan ordered to go straight to the north.He would never accept this practice of giving up all the credit.His army must not die here!

It's just that the north wind was not strong enough, and the fire was still spreading towards the north. More than 30 of the [-] troops were buried in the flames.

The people who rushed out directly faced Murong Ye and Tang Junhua's [-] elite soldiers, and the arrows rained down, either with fire or poison.

The barbarian Khan was furious, they had been tricked!He couldn't go south, so he had to go north, but he didn't want to be intercepted by Tang Junhua.He dared to say that the south was definitely safe, otherwise Tang Junhua would not have been able to intercept and kill them so confidently.I don't know what method they used to stop such a large fire from attacking southward, but it is too late to go southward now.

In fact, some people rushed to the south, but when they found that the south was the way to live, before they had time to be surprised, they were turned over by the ice slipping under their feet, and then they were greeted by poisonous arrows one after another.

The barbarian Khan was defeated and lost more than 8 troops, leaving only [-] people to escape the encirclement and flee northward.It can be described as a fiasco!

The faces of the soldiers of the Great Zhou who saw the fire changed greatly in fright, but they saw that the fire seemed to be blocked and did not spread to the south, but the spies came to report that there were soldiers of the Great Zhou in the fire circle In the war with the barbarians, they were all surprised.

"Send someone to investigate right away!" Murong Chen had a very bad expression on his face, and after finishing the order, he personally led the troops out.

When he saw that it was Murong Ye who led the troops, he was shocked.Obviously he was the one who led the commander-in-chief to lead the army, so why did Murong Ye appear here at this time?And the situation just now...

Murong Ye showed the emperor's secret decree, and won another big victory, annihilating more than 20 barbarian troops in one fell swoop, but only 5 were used, which made those soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty excited and excited after losing for almost a year.

(End of this chapter)

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