death row

Chapter 16 Blood Totem

Chapter 16 Blood Totem
In fact, these two people can see me if they pay a little attention, but they are really careless.

I have been struggling with whether I should shoot with a gun, but if these two people are invulnerable, then I will spare the lives of myself and Snow Lotus.

After thinking about it, I feel that no matter how awesome these two are, they are only flesh and blood, and it is impossible to resist the penetration of an assault rifle. Just when I was about to raise my gun to shoot, they suddenly stood up, and I quickly stretched slightly again. The outstretched body shrank back, and the frightened heart beat wildly.

The sharp voice said: "Go, I guess they will come out tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, the two closed the door after leaving the cave, and the cave was suddenly plunged into darkness.

I leaned against the stone wall holding my beating heart and said, "I almost sold myself, these two are Desi warriors?"

"Yes, if they find me, I will be sent to the altar immediately."

"and then?"

"They will cut off my head and dig out my heart to sacrifice to the Desi totem snow wolf god."

"You girl doll is really daring. Knowing that they will treat you in such a cruel way, you dare to go deep into the dangerous place alone. You must not use your emotions in the future." I warned.

"I just want to find my brother. The Lolo they mentioned just now is the girl from the Desi tribe that my brother likes. If the two of them can get married, it will definitely ease the thousand-year-old hatred between the two races. I don't want to see each other killing each other again. In fact, in the final analysis, why do we, the descendants of the Xueyuan God, have to fight to the death."

The girl is young, but she has a compassionate heart.

I lit up the flashlight and went to the corpses whose throats were cut by them, and cut open one of them with a knife. I saw that there was actually a black man in military uniform. It seemed that another wave of "newcomers" had appeared, and then I cut open a few more people. There are black and white spider webs on the body, uniform military uniforms on the body, and even an Asian face, which seems to be a stick.

This group of people wore military tags around their necks, each with a serial number. I estimate that nine out of ten people sneaked in secretly from that country on the west side of the Pacific Ocean.

Finally, I saw this national soldier who regarded himself as the father of the people all over the world.

But a new question arose immediately, what mission did they come here to perform?
For the neo-Nazis.Or is it the same as that group of people in order to obtain the hidden power possessed by the Nabi and Desi people?
Going deeper and thinking that even these foreigners know that there are people in Yuriko, why do the Han Chinese who are of the same lineage as these people, especially us who have lived together for nearly a thousand years, actually define Yuriko as a no-man’s land?

Is it really not knowing or pretending not to know?Is our mission here really to find those five people or is there another purpose?Thinking of this, I have more and more doubts in my heart.

"Do you feel sorry for these people?" Xue Lianhua walked up to me and asked.

"Without that effort, these greedy people deserve to die."

"You want to know why they poured blood into the hole?"

"We should go down and have a look. They can't kill for the sake of killing." So I walked to the entrance of the cave, and the snow lotus twisted the mechanism to open the door.
I saw candles flickering in the cave, and by the bright light, we could see six transparent crystal coffins placed horizontally in the space below. The strange thing is that each coffin was filled with bright red liquid. Wrong, it should be human blood.

Through the wooden ladder at the entrance of the cave, we arrived at the inner cave. We saw a long and thin pipe made of crystal extending to the crystal coffin at the entrance of the cave. The blood of those people really flowed into the coffin through this pipe. Two of the coffins contained a figure in each Tough young men with wolf head tattoos, Desi warriors.

The area of ​​the lower cave is larger than that of the upper one. In addition to the six coffins, there is also a colorful sarcophagus embedded in the stone wall on the left. The shape is somewhat similar to the coffin containing the mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs, except that the human figure on the front is replaced by a wolf head. The pattern of the human body.

Snow Lotus stared at the sarcophagus in surprise for a long time before saying, "Could it be that this is a holy place for the Desi people?"

"Holy Land?" In my concept, the Holy Land is naturally a magnificent and resplendent building, and there must be dozens or even hundreds of people around it.

"That's right, this is the holy land of the Desi people, because this snowfield is located in the central area of ​​the Desi people's territory, no matter which way you enter, you have to go through the territory controlled by them, so it's not a big deal to come here. Easy stuff."

"Accidents always happen. They are now concentrating on finding my brother and Lolo. Otherwise, we would have encountered Desi warriors."

She walked around the cave while talking, and there were two or three raised stone pillars in front of her. The shape was like a nest built by termites, dividing the cave into two areas. Looking from the gap between the stone pillars, there seemed to be a copper panel on the back , It seems that there is still a mystery in this cave, so I walked there with Snow Lotus.

Unexpectedly, just after she turned around the stone pillar, she suddenly burst out with a shrill howl, and I thought to myself: Not good.He ran forward quickly, and after turning around, he saw a wide stone platform behind the stone pillar. Behind the stone platform was a golden chair inlaid with various exquisite gemstones. The tall, wolf-headed ancestor of the Desi tribe, with his left hand resting majestically on the armrest, held a staff that was also made of pure gold in his right hand.

However, there are two human heads enshrined on this ancestral altar, two living human heads, one male and one female. This man has a face with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his long hair is fixed behind his head by a red rope. Although he had died long ago, his eyes were still wide open. This must have been the eyes that glared at the enemy before he died.

The dead woman looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old, with dark complexion but beautiful features. She closed her eyes, but her expression seemed to be in pain.

The scariest thing is not these two human heads, but the three crystal bottles filled with transparent liquid on the altar. Two of them contain a human heart, and the other contains a placenta. The child already has a human shape. There should be five or six months of pregnancy.

Xue Lianhua cried loudly and knelt in front of the altar and kept shouting: "Brother, brother..." The voice was sobbing and complaining, which made people unbearable to listen to.

Of course I can understand her mood, she would rather go deep and dangerous to find her brother, which is enough to show that the relationship between brother and sister is very deep, but all the original hopes were instantly shattered by the tragic situation in front of them.

If it was just death, it might be acceptable emotionally, but the death of the two people in front of them was too tragic. Not only were their heads cut off, their stomachs were ripped open, even the children in their stomachs were taken out alive as sacrifices.

If the man is still a Nabi tribe and is a deadly enemy, this woman is a Desi tribe. Why do you use such cruel methods to treat her?These people are simply more vicious than wolves.

I was so out of breath by this sudden cruel scene, not to mention the snow lotus who saw her brother die tragically with my own eyes.

I don't know how to comfort her. Xue Lianhua knelt down in front of her brother's head and wept bitterly for a long time before she said to me: "Why are they so cruel? Why can't they choose to live in peace, and even the children can't be spared? devil."

Before the words were finished, I suddenly heard the sound of stones falling to the ground. I immediately pulled out my pistol and used the flashlight to shoot around, and soon found a person at the top of the cave full of rocks.

At first I thought it was those two who left and returned, my whole body twitched, and I felt that I had to confess, but I didn't expect to see a Taoist priest wearing a green cloth robe, and I saw him hiding in the dark at the top of the cave. In the middle, trembling with hands hugging knees.

I felt relieved for a while, I guess I met the old Taoist apprentice "Xiao Liu", so I pointed a gun at him and said, "Who are you?"

He immediately raised his hands and said: "Don't shoot, I, I'm not from the Desi tribe." After saying that, his buttocks fell to the ground and slid down with hands and feet.

"I know you are not from the Desi tribe, why are you here?"

"I'm still wondering how you came here? This is where the blood totem, the holy land of the Desi tribe is located."

(End of this chapter)

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