death row

Chapter 19 Zombie Legend

Chapter 19 Zombie Legend
Although Xiaoliuzi has a lot of information, he can't do anything about this last moment. We can only know the time of "four ghosts carrying the coffin" according to whether the compass is invalid or not. These white-haired old zombies may leave immediately, and some We may go again next year. In short, we are still living in great danger, and the two people in the crystal coffin are not dead, but super soldiers who have accumulated energy through ancient secret spells. Once they come out, our death will come.

The sad snow lotus also stabilized, I didn't persuade her, because this kind of thing can't be persuaded at all.

In addition to condemning the bloodthirsty behavior of the Desi people, I am also very incomprehensible. I can take this opportunity to promote "friendship" and resolve the enmity between the two races that has been passed down for thousands of years. Why can't I leave myself a way out and have to kill two people? A man and a woman who love each other, can't even let go of the child in their womb?Such behavior is brutality.

Thinking of this, I also became murderous, and walked to the crystal coffin with a gun in my hand, wondering if I should kill these two people. The little six walked up behind me and said: "This is a magic weapon for the Desi people to continue the mysterious power. If If you destroy it, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, they will not let you go, and this thing is indeed a divine weapon, even if there is something wrong, the fault is not on the object."

Tomb robbers naturally have pity for ancient artifacts, just like the relationship between beautiful women and perverts. I struggled for a long time, but I still let go of the trigger.

"What should we do now? We just sit and wait to die in this place," I said.

"We must go. Let's go to the place where the four ghosts carried the coffin. The most dangerous place is also the safest place."

I can only take his advice. After all, it doesn’t matter where you go in this perilous snowfield, as long as you don’t meet these Desi people directly.

It took us a lot of effort to persuade Xuelianhua to go away. She insisted on taking away her brother's head. I had no choice but to put the head in my backpack. When I got out of the cave, there was no one on the quiet snowfield. We were cautious. Going to the east, perhaps because of too many unlucky things before, the road was relatively peaceful, and after two days of walking, I could see a mountain range that was not too high but rolling.

"Brother, I have been in this industry for more than ten years, and I have never seen a zombie. Is it possible that such a thing really exists in the world?"

"I have never seen it, but I heard from my master once that when he was not a monk, he lived in a small mountain village called Wigan by the Yellow River. There was an old cemetery in the village, and all dead people would be buried there. The land of the Yellow River has been flooded year after year. , the cemetery is also chosen in the middle of the mountain, so the village is often flooded, but the cemetery is very peaceful."

"Although it is close to the shore, no one has ever drowned in Wigan Village, but people from neighboring villages or other places are often drowned in this section of the river. One summer, the rain was so heavy that the villagers could only go up the mountain to hide from the rain. When the flood receded, nine out of ten houses in the village were washed away. When clearing the mud, someone actually dug out a corpse from the mud pile. The corpse was dressed in a strange way, wearing a dark white robe and a gray cloth. Pants, a pair of ingot shoes, a dark red woolen scarf around his neck, and even a pair of glasses."

"So well dressed? Was he drowned or killed?"

"You overlooked a detail I said. The style of the corpse's clothes was only in the Republic of China, and my master saw this corpse in the late 60s, so people in the village were very panicked, so someone suggested that this corpse The strange corpses were burnt to prevent it from being caused by ghosts, but as long as there is a fire, there will be heavy rain in the sky. The fire to burn the corpses cannot be ignited anyway. Later, an old man in the village came up with the idea to use corpse oil to start the fire, but corpse oil is not Everyone thought about something that was easy to get, but in the end they made a very wrong decision. They stole a newborn baby from a neighboring village and baked the chin alive with candles until the baby died of pain, and finally got the corpse. Oil."

"On the day when the fire was started, it was still raining heavily, but after pouring the corpse oil into the firewood pile, no matter how much rain there was, the wood chips were lit and the fire was raging. It was shot straight up, and it was about to jump out of the fire circle. Everyone used thick and long wooden sticks to hold it firmly. Although the dead body was extremely powerful, its hands were stiff and could not touch the wooden stick to escape, and was finally burned into a corpse Burnt corpse."

I heard that I haven't seen the "zombie appearing" at this moment, so I can't help but feel a little anxious: "Where is there such a foreshadowing, let's just talk about zombies, where are they?"

"The zombies are out."

"The burnt charred corpse?"

"It's one of them, but it's not the scariest one. The dead baby who was roasted out of corpse oil is the real zombie. In the novels of tomb robbers, some corpses are said to be the source of zombies. This industry does not have the slightest understanding that some land with special soil composition can indeed make the corpse stiff and not rot, but it is impossible to become a zombie that flies into the sky and escapes from the ground. Souls are walking corpses, so their behavior will be directly related to the cause of death. Babies were roasted alive, and their death conditions were horrific. After death, there must be great resentment. However, the local villagers did not dare to burn the corpses because they were worried that the matter would be revealed. Secretly buried in the village cemetery at night."

"Seven days later, the old man who came up with the idea of ​​using corpse oil to ignite the fire died on his own bed. At that time, he opened his mouth and clenched his fist, his face was full of cramps. It seemed that he was frightened to death. The villagers immediately thought that the dead baby was responsible, and rushed to the cemetery. , I saw that the ancestral graves of all the families in the village had been dug open, the skeletons of the corpses were all exposed to the sun, and the corpses that still had rotting corpses were all covered with man-eating ants, while the pits where the dead babies were buried were empty, but There is actually a pair of glasses in the pit."

Speaking of which, Xiaoliuzi took out a pair of frameless round glasses from his treasure bag and said, "Master gave me this pair of glasses to let me know that tomb robbers are not afraid of ghosts and gods, but they must beware of zombies. Those whose bodies do not rot because of resentment have enough fear, otherwise every grave may bury the thief in it."

"It seems that I am still ignorant, and I always thought that zombies were a superstitious legend, but then, what happened to the people in Wigan Village?"

"Except for my master and a wandering Taoist who left and survived, the rest of the people are gone. The wandering Taoist also instructed my master not to get married and have children. It will only implicate innocent lives, because the dead babies will destroy the original village after turning into zombies. With Feng Shui in a peaceful and stable manner, everyone not only suffers from it, but also spreads it to future generations, and the old Taoist gave the master a solution. If you want to live for a long time, you have to go to a place where the yang energy is weak and the yin energy is strong, otherwise sooner or later You will still be found by the resentful spirits for revenge. Most of the world is full of yang energy, so the best place to go is the grave. Master has been in and out of the tomb all year round, so he was poisoned by the corpse unknowingly. curse."

"Understood, it seems that zombies are completely different from those described in the tomb robbery novels."

"Zombies absorb the essence of the sun and moon, and gather the pure yin energy of heaven and earth into one body. They are neither human nor ghosts. How can they be raised in a mound of earth? The novel only weakens its characteristics for the sake of the plot. It seems that there are everywhere in the world. Zombies, the appearance of this kind of thing requires various difficult and complicated factors, so it is not common, it is extremely rare to have four white-haired old zombies in a place like Yuriko."

As we spoke, we had come to the foot of the mountain with jagged rocks, and we were about to go up the mountain, but Xiao Liuzi grabbed me and said, "There are people on the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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