death row

Chapter 205: The Fountain of Youth

Chapter 205: The Fountain of Youth
"That's right, I also find it a bit strange when you say that." I said.

At this time Liao Xingtian stood up and said: "This mountain is the ancestor, and the distant mountain is the young ancestor. The mountains run across the north and south, rolling, and the terraced fields are scattered. This is the image of the dragon's veins? Besides, the dragon's veins in the mountains first suppress and then rise. , there is a horizontal barrier of Yuping Saturn in the north. With the help of Yuping's side column, the dragon vein rises successively, and then suddenly breaks off, majestic and thick Saturn, turning from west to east to southeast. It should be a dragon's lair, why would it become a place to cross the catastrophe?"

Little Six let out a "huh" and said, "Mr. Liao also has a lot of research on Feng Shui Xuan?"

"Nonsense, can the matter here be resolved by force alone? There must be various abilities to integrate into this combat team." I said.

"Wen Tianji is right. Finding the location of Xita Chemical is not an easy task, but I don't understand one thing. Judging from the mountain's topography, this is obviously an auspicious geomantic terrain. Why would a mountain spirit cross the catastrophe again? "

"It is precisely because of the energy gathered in the mountains that there are ghosts cultivating here to become immortals. There is no contradiction between the two."

Liao Xingtian frowned and thought for a while, "Go, let's go to the construction site."

"I don't want to go again even if I die." The three said with fear on their faces.

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe, and I won't get too close to the scene."


"I'm no stupider than you, and I don't have any plans to commit suicide in the near future, but I must see with my own eyes what you're talking about." Liao Xingtian said.

After some bargaining, we finally paid 5000 RMB to let them take another dangerous journey, so we walked to the accident site while the night was dim.

It was a fault on the left side of the mountain, a small stream flowed down slowly, the water was weak, so the sound could not be heard at all, and there was a depression on the mountainside, where the stream flowed to form a small pond.

There is a circular hole on the left and right sides of the pond. The inside is dark and deep, and a purple gas is faintly gushing out from the hole, which makes my scalp tingle.

"From the point of view of the terrain, this place is completely in line with the place where Shanjinghualong ascended to heaven. The most important point is that there is a water source near the cave, because you have to show up to fetch water the day before Jackie Chan. If you don't get seen, you can get it the next day. Dao ascends to heaven, if he is seen, he will be punished by heaven immediately, this is the so-called crossing calamity place." Xiao Liuzi said.

The first time I heard about the concept of "Crossing Tribulation Land", I couldn't help feeling horrified, and asked, "Could it be that the Land of Crossing Tribulation means the place where the big guys exist?"

Xiao Liuzi said: "It can be said that, for example, someone once witnessed a giant anaconda tens of meters long in the Amazon rainforest, so the place where this kind of anaconda was bred is the old dragon's nest. There are folk rumors, but the environment in which the giant grows must be different from other places, so the land of crossing the catastrophe must exist."

We looked down from a high place and saw that the machine on the day of the start of work was still lying on a cracked soil layer. As the man said, the force that caused this kind of destruction was released from the inside out, so the soil under the soil layer There must be areas where the contents of the cave enter and exit.

I said, "Shall we move on?"

"If you don't want to cause trouble for yourself, don't compete with Dujie's place. Dujie's place is also a ecstasy formation, and people who enter it can't get out, so we have to change our way." Xiao Liuzi said.

Afterwards we returned to the camp, the bonfire had limited light, and the rest of the mountainous area was completely covered by night. Facing the endless darkness, I couldn't help feeling sorry for it, adding more firewood to make the fire more vigorous.

I suddenly felt that the howling of wolves yesterday was so "wonderful", because at least I could understand the danger I was facing. Only the danger that I can feel but cannot know is the most penetrating and terrifying.

Suddenly there was a strong smell in the air, which made each of us cough loudly. We couldn't tell what kind of smell this smell was, but it was an unpleasant smell. But the stench is getting stronger and stronger, almost suffocating, Yu Qin said: "I really can't bear it anymore, no matter what monsters are in this mountain, I don't want to be suffocated to death."

"Don't act rashly. We don't know anything about the mountains. If we enter the mountain rashly, we may encounter some dangers. Just bear with it for now and wait for tomorrow's action." Liao Xingtian said flatly.

At this moment, there was a swishing sound in the suddenly quiet space, like the amplified sound of human hands stroking a leather jacket. This sound suddenly came out in the dark night, which made each of us stand on end. , what exactly is this sound?Is there something to do with that weird smell?

Immediately, the noise became louder and louder, and lasted for about two hours before it gradually stopped. Soon after the noise ended, dogs and wolves began to howl in the dark forest, and various nocturnal rodents also came out to look for food. There was a rustling sound, and I asked the survivor, "Do you know what that is?"

The man said: "I don't know, I'm just here for the first time."

After a while, as the sound disappeared, the strange smell also gradually disappeared, Liao Xingtian got up and said: "You can sleep, it's not a big deal."

The three of them simply pulled out some strangely shaped plants and threw them into the fire. After a while, the smell was pungent. Regardless of the bad smell, they lay down and fell asleep with their eyes closed. After a while, the child called snore.

I said: "You guys go to sleep, I'll be on duty at night." Liao Xingtian didn't polite to me, got into the tent and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, it began to rain lightly, and it was quite cold and cold. When the night was quiet, I saw the little six unzipped the tent, got out and sat beside me and said, "I can't sleep, so I will chat with you."

"Why can't I fall asleep?" I knew he was going to talk to me about Yu Qin, so I pretended to be confused and asked.

"It's usually because of girls that men can't sleep." This guy admitted shamelessly.

"What do you miss about Yu Qin?"

"I want everything."

"Be specific."

"Alas..." The kid continued with a sad face: "I haven't kissed Lin Li yet. You said that I have lived with her for so many days, and if I want to have such evil intentions, what can't happen? I want to kiss now. Mouth, I just don’t have that mood anymore.” After hearing this sentence, I couldn’t help myself from laughing and said, “Only because of this, you two must go back safely no matter what, both are indispensable.” As soon as the words fell, the silent Suddenly there was a strange meow in the night sky.

Are feral cats good at stealing food?I immediately became vigilant, holding my breath and listening to the movement in the darkness.

At this time, one of the three sleeping people turned over, murmured twice: "Fountain of Youth, Fountain of Youth, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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