death row

Chapter 227 God Slaughter Field

Chapter 227 God Slaughter Field

Afterwards, I took advantage of the opportunity of cooking to ask Liao Xingtian, "Can you see it?"

Liao Xingtian sighed and said, "So what if you see it? They don't believe it themselves."

I said: "Since you can see it, why don't you prove what I said?"

"Will they believe it? In short, pay attention to their every move, keep calm and see what they will do afterwards."

At this time, Xiao Liuzi came over with a shot dead rabbit and said, "What are you guys talking about?"

I said, "I didn't say anything, just chat."

He quickly stripped the rabbit's fur, looked at the still steaming body and said, "When I see this, I think of Ling Feng, and I feel disgusted."

I said: "Can you stop talking about this matter? Isn't Ling Feng unlucky enough?"

As soon as the words were said here, there was only a rustling sound, we were immediately alert, followed the sound, and after a while, we saw Xie Chenglin coming out from behind a pile of bushes.

We were all stunned in our hearts, only to see that his face was as usual, "reunion after a long time" did not show much surprise, and before we could speak, he said first: "I once had a brother who was tricked by Guimu Wangtian, and he was skinned alive. The skin broke, and it took a long time to talk with us before I understood it, and then it hurt to death."

"You, how did you come back?" I said.

"I came back just like that, what's the matter?" He seemed a little incomprehensible to my question.

I wanted to continue to ask questions, but Liao Xingtian said: "How could it be possible that the skin has been peeled and you don't know?"

"Do you think it's strange? But that's how it happened. At that time, my brother suddenly lost consciousness on the way through the formation. When he regained consciousness, the skin on his body was gone, but he didn't feel any pain at that time. It took me a long time to realize my real situation, I have witnessed this terrible situation with my own eyes, the hag who looks at the sky with ghostly eyes specializes in skinning people."

Yu Qin covered her mouth and trembled all over, and I also felt cold from the inside out, while Xiao Liuzi smoked his cigarette and said, "Don't think you can scare me by saying that, I've never seen a ghost before, I'm not afraid of ghosts." Xie Chenglin smiled and said nothing.

Xie Chenglin appeared inexplicably, what happened to him?Liao Xingtian secretly signaled me not to ask.

We had just had a few mouthfuls of the rice when the little six suddenly threw a rabbit leg on the ground and stomped on it a few times, saying: "The weak one is like boiled water, it's really fucking unpalatable."

Yu Qin's expression changed immediately, "Who are you scolding?"

Little Six stared at him and said, "I didn't scold anyone, so I'm happy with what I said?"

The two glared at each other, and it seemed that they might fight at any time. Seeing this, I had no choice but to stop between the two of them and act as a peacemaker this time, but it seemed that this matter would not be settled so easily.

Before eating this meal, Xiaoliuzi and Yu Qin were full of anger, and their stomachs rose and fell violently without moving their chopsticks. I was quite surprised, because these two people have good tempers, especially Yu Qin, who is typical of resignation Such a small personality, actually blushing over such a trivial matter?

After eating, we continued on our way. As we walked, Xie Chenglin suddenly frowned and said, "I don't want to go any further, I want to go back and dig for treasures."

"Dig a fart treasure, there is something to see in it, and those who go there will die." I said.

"Don't fuck me, I blinded me by asking you to cooperate. If it weren't for you, I would have gone back to enjoy my happiness." He glared at me.

"What do you mean by that?" I felt that something was wrong with him.

"We have to get out of here quickly. It's not safe here. Friends will turn against each other and brothers will kill each other." Xie Chenglin said another inexplicable sentence.

"Are you out of your nerves, scared..."

Before I could finish speaking, Little Six let out an "Aww", pulled out the dagger abruptly and stabbed at Yu Qin.

Fortunately, Liao Xingtian reacted very quickly, he raised his hand and grabbed Xiao Liuzi's neck, and threw him to the ground with a big back, I kicked the dagger away from his hand and said: "You boy is crazy."

Xie Chenglin laughed and said: "See, the closer people are, the more deeply they will be affected here. This is where the lore is located, hahaha..."

Liao Xingtian held down Xiaoliuzi and said to me: "According to him, this may be the location of a killing formation, and the function of this formation is to make two people feel suspicious of each other, and then turn against each other. The closer you are, the deeper the impact will be, so there is no problem between us."

"So how to solve this situation?" I said.

"Let's carry one, we'll be out first and then we'll talk." After he finished speaking, he picked up the little six, and Yu Qin, who was hesitant to draw the dagger, was knocked unconscious with my palm, and I carried it on my back and walked out quickly.

Not far away, I heard Xie Chenglin say: "Follow me and make sure you escape safely." After he said that, he jumped in front of us and walked forward quickly.

"I won't go with a lunatic." After that, we walked in the opposite direction of Xie Chenglin.

I don’t know how long we walked and how many mountain roads we walked around. We came to a cliff mouth, and there was a big rock erected beside the long and narrow cliff mouth. We could only hear a person panting from behind the stone from time to time, "Hey! Hey!" It was heard that at the same time there was the sound of an iron pickaxe scratching the ground.

Liao Xingtian and I looked at each other, thinking secretly whether we should take a look at who this person is, when suddenly Xie Chenglin turned out from behind the stone, and said with a panicked expression on his face: "Run, run, here It's the God Slaughtering Field, we can't survive, we can't survive." While talking, he ran away without a trace.

What is "Slaughtering Field"?Before I could figure it out, I heard a squeak, and then there was a rattling sound. We followed the sound and walked around behind the stone, only to see the corpses of Xie Chenglin's two companions being buried in a dug earth pit. The soil layer of the corpse kept shaking, and a huge rusty copper-skinned coffin was exposed under the surface of the floating soil, and it was carved with strange patterns.

Liao Xingtian said: "Tu Shen is a kind of mountain ghost. This place should be the place where it was suppressed. Xie Chenglin must have wanted to concoct the cat ghost with his companion's corpse. If it is released, all living things that belong to its mountains will not be able to live, so run away quickly."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a sound similar to that of an ape, and the coffin lid was shaken open, and then a huge orangutan-like thing jumped out.

I saw that it was tall and burly, and its height was not exaggerated, about two meters. Although it was covered with golden yellow body hair, its knotted muscles could be clearly seen, and its arms were thicker than the thighs of a bodybuilder. , the nails on the palms and soles of the feet are straight like daggers, a big face is clear and green, even the eyeballs are green, only the nose is slightly red, and the expression that looks like a smile is so weird and weird .

(End of this chapter)

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