death row

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
We hurriedly rescued Lu Yufan, who was soaking in blood. If we slowed down, he would be drowned. However, the figure at the entrance of the cave was shaking, and Snow Lotus rushed in recklessly. Seeing that we were all safe, she immediately rushed into our He hugged me tightly in his arms and cried: "I was scared to death seeing you and that monster running into the cave. I thought, I thought you were being..." She wiped her tears at this point Said: "Where is that monster? Where did it go?"

I pointed to the human-shaped corpse on the ground and said, "It was this grandson who turned into it. We were almost wiped out in the cave. Fortunately, we got a special weapon to deal with it by accident." After finishing speaking, I picked up the magic stick The stick, with the death of the ancestor of Wrath, the suction disappeared.

Snow Lotus took the stick and looked at it carefully: "Could it be that you killed it with this thing?"

"That's right, it's the staff held in the hand of the statue of the ancestor. It stands to reason that the statue was built in the place of the Desi people. They should know this secret."

"It's also possible that this oral oracle was lost in the long history of existence, and this secret is not even mentioned in the holy religion." Snow Lotus said.

"Forget about him, anyway, we have completed the task, and your life has returned to normal."

"No, there's one more thing you haven't done." Xuelianhua pulled out a bone knife and walked to the corpse. I cried out inwardly, but I couldn't stop it. Whoever said it too much before, there was no room for maneuver. .

The beautiful girl and her skillful technique disemboweled the corpse, then dug out the steaming heart and held it in front of me, saying, "Eat it."

My companions were all dumbfounded, none of them spoke, they looked at me silently, I could only sigh and said: "Are you sure you want me to eat?"

"You must eat it, because this is your promise to me."

Eating people's hearts alive, what kind of behavior is this?Even if the other party can turn into a monster and be inhumane, it doesn't mean it's right to devour his heart, but I really can't refuse, seeing the expectant expression on the beautiful face of Snow Lotus, I broke my heart, After receiving the bloody heart, he didn't dare to look at it, held his breath, closed his eyes and opened his mouth to bite off a large piece without chewing. After swallowing the stomach, he tore a piece, and swallowed the whole heart in this way.

I wiped the blood from my mouth, my disgusted eyes were full of tears but I managed to force a smile and said, "How is it?"

"Thank you, you are so kind to me." The snow lotus slipped into my arms again, and stood next to her. I couldn't help but react, and the girl's body subconsciously retracted. I don't care about you, I can do it for you You are self-willed, what's the matter with getting some cheap?Thinking of this, I "followed up" without hesitation. She finally stopped avoiding her body and stuck to my body tightly, and her breathing suddenly became short of breath.

It seems that the girl has long been disappointed with her father, and she desperately entered the territory of the Desi tribe to find her brother, perhaps in order to get away from her father.

She didn't want to stay by his side even if she died, so her father's death didn't affect her at all.This is the sorrow of a father.

Little Six came to us and whispered: "I really don't want to interrupt the lingering relationship between the two of you, but it's meaningless to stay here all the time. Shall we go out first?"

I just came to my senses and quickly let go of Snow Lotus's soft and fragrant body. She was also blushing. When she walked out of the cave, she saw that the wide snow field was full of Desi and Nabi warriors. Everyone looked at her with solemn expressions. Looking at us, Snow Lotus said loudly to them: "The ancestor of Wrath has died in their hands, everyone can rest assured."

After a moment of silence, a loud howl broke out suddenly, and all the aborigines were so excited that they could not help themselves, so that they made all kinds of strange behaviors to celebrate this epic moment, while the Nabi tribe surrounded them. The princess, that is, Snow Lotus, danced a strange dance. I knew that today would be the day when a new leader was born. Maybe the two tribes would put aside their past differences and unite under the leadership of the new leader. For them, everything is There will be a new beginning.

And I know that I can't have any results with Snow Lotus. I am a death row prisoner who must complete all kinds of incredible tasks in order to atone for the sins I have committed in order to obtain real love. free body.

But once the flower of destiny blooms, there will be results, so the story between me and the snow lotus is not over. In the near future, an unforgettable pain will be firmly engraved in my heart, and all of this is now I don’t know at all of.

So even though I was reluctant to part with him, I still set foot on the return journey, taking Lei Zhen's body with me. Although to the restricted area he was just a humble life, to me, he was a man of indomitable spirit.

At the pre-set assembly point, we sent out a rescue signal. Not long after, the transport helicopter from the restricted area came crashing down, carrying our group of death row prisoners full of unbelievable stories on their way home. At that moment, I did not escape from death. Fortunately, but full of doubts.

There are too many secrets in Yuriko that have no answers. For example, where are the ruins of alien civilizations?For example, is it really possible for Hitler to be resurrected again?And all of this is even related to the direction of human destiny.

Back in the restricted area, we saw the team leader Ma Jingtian, and after reporting the mission, Gou Changqing said: "I want to know the truth behind the arrangement for us to carry out this mission?"

"It's just a normal search and rescue mission, but because of the knowledge of the area related to Yuriko, no special search and rescue force was used, but people from the restricted area. I thought that the possibility of these five people surviving was very small, and you will find dead bodies at the entrance. Unexpectedly, four people desperately protected one person, and he was brought into the black pine forest by a group of vengeful mercenaries, but you did not give up the mission, so I can only say that good luck tricks people." Speaking of this, Ma Jingtian's face appeared Let out a sly smile.

Perhaps it was because of my concerns about the killing situation of the two races, he added: "In my opinion, the thousand-year enmity between the two primitive races and the killing are all for better survival. Killing can be seen as survival of the fittest, ensuring the survival of the population." Excellence, isn't this the breeding ground where the aliens formed the Orc Corps back then? This is a natural area with an extremely harsh ecological climate, so it is necessary to maintain excellent genes?

"There is another purpose of killing, which is to control the population. The Yuriko area is only so large, and the increase in the number of people means the expansion of the territory. This will inevitably pose a huge threat to ordinary people. Although they are powerful, their numbers and technology do not occupy Advantages, once a large-scale attack is assembled by an army, how can the flesh and blood resist? I think the two races divide and rule, mutually suppress each other, and survive each other. This is the secret between the two races, so don't overturn their existing ones. Survival mode, peace in the long run will only completely destroy these two amazing races."

After that, he got up and said: "You have completed an impossible task with strong determination and never giving up. This makes me very happy. You should be rewarded. After you think about it, feel free to find me. As long as it is legal and reasonable Be as satisfied as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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