death row

Chapter 53 Biochemical giant pig

Chapter 53 Biochemical giant pig
I was completely burned by the fire, but I was not in a burnt state. Of course he was not foolish enough to throw away the knife and turn around and run away, but I felt a huge heat in my body swirling around my limbs and bones, and I couldn't find a way to vent it. I felt uncomfortable all over because of time, I just felt like I was about to explode, I raised my neck and roared, and caught up with him in a few steps, only to hear a bang, he was going to teleport again, but this time I saw a real scene, ninja He took out a small wax pellet from his pocket and threw it on the ground to generate a certain amount of airflow, which was the instantaneous transfer by means of the airflow.

Before he could jump away, I shot like lightning, grabbed the back of his neck with one hand, easily lifted him over his head with the other hand, and threw him far away. Before he landed, I He ran to the place where he fell, caught people and then threw them far away, just like this one after another embarrassing and then catching people.

I did this not because of anything else, but purely because I really couldn't vent the extremely strong power that suddenly formed in my body, and I had to consume it completely, otherwise I would definitely suffer from death, but the ninja's feelings can be imagined, and he is not completely defeated in this regard. When I threw him out again, I took out a rope hook, wrapped around one end of the branch, jumped onto the tree with my strength, squatted on the top of the tree and gasped for breath.

My mind was already confused by the power I had accumulated, and I thought he was laughing at me. He punched down hard, and only heard a loud bang, the ground actually split a long and narrow ground crack, and the ground crack spread to the tree in an instant. Breaking out of the ground, the whole tree rushed straight up for dozens of meters like a rocket, and then fell into the mud pit. The young shoots and dead leaves that had just grown on the branches were instantly shaken off, and the ninja was also shaken off tree comes.

All the flames on his body were extinguished, and his muscles shone with a layer of "grease".

I was stunned by myself, as to have such a powerful force?

This kind of power must be related to the heart of anger. I opened my hands and looked at it. The satisfaction in my heart almost brought tears to my eyes.

Let you stimulate me, it deserves to be unlucky.The ninja knew that he must not be my opponent, so he turned around and wanted to run. I raised my leg and ran to him with a little force. He took out the wax pill and dragged it to the ground. I stretched out my hand and copied it in my hand. Stretching out eight steel claws, it was a sudden close-up attack on me. At this moment, the energy in my body was flowing, how could I be touched by him?He slapped his hands hard in front of him, and an invisible shock wave flew past him, causing his body to shake violently before flying backwards.

Not only the person, but also the mask was blown away, only to see a head of shiny black hair like a waterfall falling down, a fair oval face, pink lips, straight nose bridge, and big watery eyes clearly appeared in the long hair in my eyes.

This is a pure and outrageous island girl, and I forgot her identity as a ninja in an instant.

After a moment of stalemate, I suddenly realized that I was still naked, so I hurried to my equipment and dug out a set of spare military uniforms to put on.

"I'm sorry, I, you burned my clothes with fire." I said this after holding back for a long time.

She ran away as soon as she turned her head, and I still had a lot to do, so of course I couldn't let her go. A little stepping was already in her head, and the girl gritted her teeth and ran in the opposite direction. Xiaoji, she still couldn't get past me, and in a hurry, she drew a dagger from her body and pointed it at her throat, saying, "If you follow me again, I will die in front of you."

At this moment, her voice could not hear the slightest bit of male voice, it was as crisp as the voice of a hundred spirits, tactful and ethereal.

How can I let her die, I put my legs in front of her with a little effort, the girl didn't expect me to be so fast, her complexion changed drastically, I raised my hand and grabbed the dagger and said: "Don't worry about it!" Tell me clearly, you can't die."

"You, what exactly do you want?" She pursed her pink mouth, tears gradually came into her eyes, and she looked aggrieved.

I have a bit of pity and pity in my body. Seeing the appearance of a little lolita, I couldn't help but softened my heart and said: "I didn't intend to embarrass you, but you have to explain some things clearly. What is the purpose of making this appearance, and..."

Before the words were finished, an old sharp voice came and said: "I know why, the islanders use us as living body experiments, experimenting with a biochemical poison, once..."

Suddenly a puff of smoke appeared in front of me. There is nothing magical here. It is all peppers, peppers, onions, and peppers that are ground and gathered together. After the explosion, they float in the air. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don’t wear a gas mask, you will be stimulated , I coughed and sneezed and couldn't straighten my waist, watching her rushing out of the woods.

When I straightened up and chased out again, I found that each of the dead heads on the ground had a six-edged dart stuck on top of their heads. The expression of the old patriarch just before his death was dumbfounded. These people did not die immediately after their heads were detached from their bodies.

I suddenly realized that facing Kazuo Fukuda who was not far away, no, it should be Eve Fukuda: "This is your purpose, right? Why do you do it here, why don't you do this immoral thing in your own country?"

She sneered and said, "These human lives are worthless at all. They are lucky to be able to contribute their lives to the greatest scientific project of this century."

I was so angry that I almost changed the cupping. I was in front of her in an instant and I was going to raise my hand to give her a slap. This girl is really stubborn, she waited for me with her head held high, and she knew that she was definitely not my opponent. I didn't fight back, but looking at her slapped face, I couldn't take this slap anyway, so I changed it to pointing: "Aren't you afraid of retribution, if a huge earthquake or tsunami hits you directly? The island nation collapsed into the sea?"

"Only a fool would think so. The strong conquer others by their own strength." The girl said neither humble nor overbearing.

I wanted to continue arguing with her, only to hear a loud bang, a puff of smoke rose from the top of the mountain, just like the smoke and dust produced by a construction site smashing a house, and then a shrill siren rang through the valley.

It must be an extremely dangerous situation, because once the alarm is sounded, people outside will be attracted, and the real situation in the mountains will be exposed.

I was still thinking about it, but the girl turned pale in shock and ran towards the foot of the mountain. I felt a little bit in my heart and didn't care to follow her.

I was much faster than her, and soon overtook her. I suddenly felt numbness in my waist and eyes, and then a numb and itchy feeling spread from top to bottom to my whole body as if flowing with blood, and I couldn't move. On the spot, like a sudden brake, the body that was moving forward suddenly stopped.

"You, you, you are too..." Before I finished speaking, my mouth became unconscious, and I couldn't move anything except my eyes.

The girl's face was full of pride, so there's nothing wrong with her. She turned to me and said, "Luring the enemy into a fool is also one of the basic skills of a ninja. You are too powerful, so I can only defeat you with cleverness. will kill you."

Before she finished speaking, I clearly saw a nearly three-meter-high giant wild boar jumping out from the top of the mountain, with a purple mane standing high on its back and ivory-like tusks. Its cheeks seemed to be rouged, The two clusters of bright red color made the rough and strange face even more ferocious. The giant pig shook its head, raised its head suddenly, and let out a heart-piercing scream.

Ninja is really a very terrible profession. His strength is not only reflected in superb martial arts, strange weapons, and tenacious will. Many tricks.

In China, most of the martial arts masters are Guo Jing and Xiao Feng, who are loyal and capable, but among ninjas, what they pursue is by no means noble morals. It can be said that almost every ninja who endures and lives has the characteristics of becoming a ninja. In fact, she is a fox, even more cunning than a fox, just like this little girl who looks pure and innocent, but is actually several times more cunning than an old fox in her heart.

It was only then that I learned how powerful ninjas are. Compared to Yuriko and the other two, this little girl is a real ninja.

(End of this chapter)

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