death row

Chapter 75 Falling into the Deep Valley

Chapter 75 Falling into the Deep Valley
"Fuck, this grandson still has the ability to increase the concentration of the air."

According to Huang Tianchou, there is no one in the restricted zone who has reached the second level of Yuanli, so I am the only one here, and Liu Baiyun is so afraid of Luo Qing, he dares to fight me before Luo Qing is as good as him.

Thinking of this, I didn't pay much attention to his "Gangfeng Shock" at all. I was filled with true energy purely to intimidate him, and I took his move without dodging.

Of course, I knew that the other party had also entered the realm of primordial power, so I couldn't take it lightly, so I secretly activated the power of heavy primordial energy, and the vital energy in my body flowed rapidly, forming an invisible energy immediately, and it was not easy to rub against the violently rotating air circle in front of me. There were sparks bursting out around me. People who didn't know would think that I was going to spontaneously combust. However, after a while, the sparks weakened, and there were some extremely fine gold threads floating around my body. The gas floated up one after another, and I suddenly felt that I had the posture of a fairy coming to the world, and I couldn't help but secretly proud of myself.

I just had this idea, my attention was only slightly distracted, and the true energy in my body disappeared without a trace in an instant, I secretly shouted: it's not good.I watched the mass of flowing mercury-like gas passing through my body unhurriedly.

There was no discomfort, and I even turned my head to take a look, only to see a mass of floating silver light swaying like running water and then disappearing.

Could it be that this is just a cover-up, that there is another ultimate move behind him?Before I could finish the thought, I suddenly felt a strong breath erupting in my body, pushing me up on tiptoes, and then off the ground. The viscera are like being pulled out and stretched back and forth with hands. Although it is not fatal, the severe pain penetrates into the bone marrow. I couldn't help but screamed and fell to the ground. The cold air came out, and even the pores were numb, and it was also because of the air.

He said coldly: "If you hadn't possessed the strength of your body, you would have exploded and died at this time."

I suppressed the severe pain in my body and said: "Your uncle, why do you want to do such a murderous thing?"

"Isn't it vicious enough for you to kill Li Qin? Boy, you have to understand a truth. In this world, the big fish eat the small fish. If you don't have that ability, you will be less likely to cause trouble."

I felt a thump in my heart, Huang Tianchou told me what he said, and I promised it so happily, I forgot it immediately when I came out?As a result, I suffered immediately. Did I suffer retribution?
After he finished speaking, he didn't stop, and shouted violently again: "The Gang Qi shakes." After saying that, a cloud of silvery white air formed in front of him again.

I knew that I had no way out, and if I refused to fight, I would be killed by him. I didn't care about the pain at the moment, I took a deep breath to calm my mind, and it was strange to say that when the true energy flowed again, a chill came out, tormenting The human pain disappeared without a trace, I took advantage of his luck, and shouted violently: "Xuantian finger." I snapped my finger at the grandson.

A finger popped out, and a circular energy was formed in front of the fingertip, about the size of a ping pong ball. With a loud bang, it turned into a billowing white smoke and stabbed forward.

Its speed is like a bow and arrow leaving the string, and it shoots in an instant. He is still busy with his luck. The true energy that has just gathered is penetrated by the white smoke, and the white smoke and silver energy disappear without a trace at the same time.

But his "gang qi vibration" requires luck, and my Xuantian finger came when I raised my hand, and I flicked two more fingers immediately, only to see two clear white smoke shooting at his shoulders and chest clearly. The white smoke disappeared in an instant, and Liu Baiyun let out a low growl, losing his balance. Although he tried his best to keep his balance, he still couldn't do his best and fell to the ground.

He was a little surprised and said, "Xuantian Finger?" Suddenly, he burst out laughing and said, "You actually entered the Storm Gate? Well, it really is good."

I thought he was praising me, and thought to myself: Anyway, he is also an instructor, and it’s enough to show weakness. I don’t need to argue with him, so I walked up to him and stretched out my hand: "Actually, the results of Tigers I admire it, but people like us must take revenge, you must understand this, you are an instructor, why should such a high status be mixed with people like us."

He said coldly: "Boy, you were originally a death row prisoner, and you still have some status. Do you know what Storm Gate means to a Yuanli cultivator? You, an ignorant fool, didn't know that you were cheated ?”

"What do you mean?" I was baffled by what he said.

He originally looked at me with hate in his eyes, but now he looked contemptuous and sarcastic, and smiled disdainfully at me and said: "Storm Gate is like the relationship between the underworld and the police to Captain Xiaolong. It is one of the four great evil sects in ancient times, and it is ten thousand times more evil than the current Qingming God Sect and the ancestors of Dongge. Xuantian refers to the skill of breaking the sky, do you understand the meaning of breaking the sky?"

No wonder Ma Jingtian kept a secretive attitude when talking about his sect. It turned out that I had joined a cult.

Thinking of this, I was immediately discouraged. What is a cult?When I was a teenager, I practiced vigorously such qigong and that qigong. The less harmful ones were defrauding people of money, prostitution of wives and daughters, and the serious ones even subverted the regime and split the country.

It is said that sometimes right and wrong, good and bad are difficult to define clearly, but a cult is undoubtedly bad, because it only does immoral things.

Liu Baiyun said more and more vigorously: "Xuantian pointed out, breaking the sky and breaking the earth. What an awesome statement, what a savage aura, and now these great cults that use super-strong energy to run rampant in the world are all yours. Disciples and grandchildren." After finishing speaking, Liu Baiyun laughed loudly, and continued after laughing, "It's a pity that the four ancient evil sects of wind, cloud, thunder and lightning were wiped out by Xuandi Xie Sheng. There are none left. I didn’t expect there to be a single head of garlic like you in Qianli Woye. It’s really gratifying. If it weren’t for the pain in my body, I would really want to kowtow to the elder of the Demon Sect. Orthodox people despise it, and they don't tolerate it in cults. People in cults are all bosses. How can they worship a living god like you? So brother, the Xuantian Finger must be well hidden, otherwise, if it is leaked out, it is guaranteed Your dead bones are gone."

I'm so stupid, did Huang Tianqiu push me into the pit?I just gave a little hope, and my dream was completely shattered. Is there such a vicious "ghost"?No wonder he asked me to keep a low profile, because if I was a little high profile, I would be chased and killed by the whole world, and let me be honored. I was a young pioneer who was educated with eight honors and eight disgraces since I was a child. Can I do such a wicked thing?
I was thinking wildly, when suddenly a handful of sand was thrown into my eyes, my eyes were so sore that I couldn't even open them, and I cursed this grandson in my heart for being too despicable and shameless, but I heard him say: "Evil heretics, Everyone will be punished, and you will die." After saying that, he shouted violently: "The gang qi shakes", I couldn't see my eyes, and suddenly felt a numbness in my back, and then a huge air flow was generated in my body. Gained feet, pushed me into the air again, and then an invisible qi dragged my body upwards for a while, only to hear several screams, followed by Liu Baiyun's roar: "This person is a spy from the Storm Gate, he The surveillance video of Xuan Tianzhi I used just now can prove that I am doing justice for the sky."

The sound became smaller and smaller, but my body sank rapidly. It seemed that I had fallen into an abyss of three hundred feet. The infamy of the "Elder of the Devil's Cult" has become a person who has been infamous for thousands of years.

But although the ants are small, they still struggle a lot when they are dying, not to mention that I am such a big living person, I immediately stimulate the true energy in my body, and the gust of wind that pierces the body like a sharp knife disappears instantly, and the speed of my fall is also fast. It suddenly became slow. I have a pair of jade wrists on my hands. The restricted area does not confiscate the booty brought back by the executed prisoners, so I have been wearing this thing on my hand, and I have never used it. Finally, When it was used, I popped out the blade and slammed it into the stone wall. The terrible thing was that the blade was too sharp. It often cut a crack in the thick stone wall, and then the blade snapped twice. I continued to fall. At this time, my eyes It has been able to open, and with the help of the internal energy, use the Xuantian finger to continuously shoot at the protruding stones under the body, so that the falling figure will slow down a little bit, and there are pine branches on the cliffs that can be used to slow down the fall. , smashed several weeping pine trees one after another, and then I fell into a huge and lush branch and leaf, only to hear crackling, clattering, clattering in my ears, I don’t know how many branches I broke and fell to the damp muddy ground with a bang, I fell from a height of three hundred feet and survived.

(End of this chapter)

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