death row

Chapter 88

Chapter 88
After inhaling it, I suddenly felt refreshed. No one of these four people is worth mentioning in terms of single-body strength, but the ability of four people entering the body at the same time will increase sharply. The four underground corpses lose their souls and instantly turn into mummies.

The redness of my body began to fade, and as the color of my body changed, the momentum of the storm gradually weakened, and I knew it was calm.

Once I returned to normal, the heroic feeling in my body disappeared in an instant, and the whole person returned to the state of dick, with waves of fear, and thought in my heart: Send the child to her mother as soon as possible.

"Let's go, Dong'er."

"Don't come here, your expression was too scary when you killed someone just now, it's impossible for a good person to be like this, I, I won't go with you." Lin Donger said with a look of fear on her face.

"You misunderstood me. They wanted to kill me just now, and I was forced to fight back." I stretched out my right hand to Lin Donger, trying to hold her hand, but found that the dark red palm was now covered with thin black lines. The little girl uttered a scream, and ran into the depths of the woods.

I quickly chased after him, and said while running, "Don't be afraid, I won't harm you."

The little girl screamed even louder. There was only a baby cry, and the big treasure ran out from the depths of the forest. The little girl immediately hid behind him and said to me, "Go, I don't want to be with you."

"Dong'er, don't be like this, trust me, okay?" My heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and I managed to squeeze out a smile, but I was extremely annoyed at the appearance of the Thunder Monitor Lizard, and even thought of killing it.

"Don't come here, don't come here." Seeing me trying to approach the little girl, I shouted.Dabao raised his head and let out an extremely loud roar that almost deafened my ears, unlike before it was just a baby crying.

"Get out of here." My anger exploded in an instant, and I shouted at the Thunder Monitor Lizard, my body was instantly filled with vitality.

Dong'er covered her ears and uttered a sharp cry. At the same time, Dabao's horn spurs suddenly sparked, and then she gurgled, and opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of white smoke. I clearly felt a puff of smoke around my body. Wet steam.

Then a bolt of lightning shot out from the spikes, and I screamed in my heart that something was wrong, I turned around and ran away, but my body was surrounded by water vapor, and my whole body was immediately enveloped by a tingling feeling, and my hair stood on end when the energy was not released Then, a strong electric current hit my back, and I could even see a golden spark surrounded my whole body, and I lost consciousness instantly.

I don't know how long it took when I woke up again to find that my body was still emitting green smoke, and a burnt smell poured into my nostrils from time to time. It seemed that I was stunned by the thunder lizard's blow.

Struggling to sit up, as expected, my whole body was burnt. If it wasn't for the magic ax possessing my body, and the strength of the yuan was greatly improved, I would have died.

Barely standing up, I found that I had become the most miserable living person in the world. That strong electric shock had completely destroyed my body, my feet became uneven, and my shoulders were skewed. I can touch the sad face and know that it is completely ruined.

The eyelid of my left eye was battered and the upper and lower skins were sticky together. The nerves in my mouth were damaged like a shoulder by the strong click. It was completely skewed. Shrunken, bumpy to the touch.

I didn't expect the Thunder Monitor Lizard's attack power to be so strong, I underestimated it.

Seeing that the girl and the giant lizard had disappeared, I still had the heroic feeling of competing with the sky, but I didn't expect to be beaten into this miserable state in an instant. When I stepped forward, I found that my left leg could no longer move. I jumped with my right foot, I didn't expect to jump up to the old height with a light jump, breaking through the long pine branches of a huge pine tree, as if flying into the air, when I was about to fall, I saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition in the distance fanning slowly advancing.

The soldiers who appear in this area can only belong to the restricted area, and they must be here for me.

I was immediately excited. After breaking many branches and falling to the ground, I picked up a thick and straight stick as a crutch, and rushed towards the direction of the soldiers. I believe that modern medical technology will definitely restore my previous "look". You can also go to Bangziguo for plastic surgery.

I almost died of excitement, I didn't expect that this group of people would not give up on me at the critical moment.

I was walking fast, when suddenly there was a miserably miserly and ethereal voice: "Wen Tianji, Wen Tianji." The voice was weird and strange, as if haunted by ghosts. I have encountered too many strange things recently, and I was scared to the scalp Twitching for a while, he quickly hid behind a tree.

After a while the sound got closer and closer, I poked my head out and looked around, only to see a thin little girl walking tremblingly among the dark woods with a gun in her hand, the ghostly sound came from her It came out of her throat, it is estimated that this girl is more nervous than me.

It seems that the soldiers are just broken back. The three members of the Falcon team who were really looking for me were relieved. They got up and turned out from behind the tree. They wanted to say "I'm here", but they made a "uh, huh" sound , it seems that even the vocal cords are damaged.

Seeing my steps, the little girl stopped immediately, stared at me dumbfounded, turned around and ran back in fright, and said as she ran, "Ghost, there are ghosts here." I was so angry that I dared to say that I was a ghost, and I exerted a little force on my right leg. With a whoosh, he jumped up and stopped in front of her.

Although I lost a leg, my speed was faster, so I let her flee from east to west, and I always stopped in front of her, but this girl's voice is still soft, and she doesn't make much noise when she shouts desperately. Didn't know anything unusual happened here.

We are like a cat catching a mouse and fleeing one after the other for a long time. The little girl was startled and afraid of being tired, she had no strength at all, she knelt down on the ground with a thump, closed her eyes tightly, clasped her hands together and said, "Buddha bless, there are no taboos..."

This is a typical ostrich behavior. Thinking of this, I suddenly felt amused, and my dislike of girls was slightly reduced, and I even thought she was a little bit cute.

Thinking of this, I had the idea of ​​playing a prank, walked up to her with a walking stick, and lifted off the slightly wide steel helmet stuck on her head. The girl was terrified, but she still closed her eyes tightly and said The nagging is more rapid.

Why did Lu Yufan say she was a man?Thinking of this, I walked around her, raised her hair and looked closely at the small and slender ears. They were white and thin, and I could even see the blue blood vessels wrapped under the skin. The skin was so tender that it was blown to pieces. For a man to have such skin, it must be a hormonal imbalance.

And a faint orchid-like body fragrance hits the nostrils.

Body fragrance is a unique sign of women. No matter how much a man looks like a woman, there will be no fragrance except for perfume, and there is a clear difference between natural fragrance and perfume.

Just look at the chest.

Thinking of this, I suddenly couldn't restrain my lust and wanted to lift the girl's neckline. She was trembling with nausea, but she didn't dare to open her eyes and didn't move.

This girl is very timid and has a "naturally fishy" personality. I have already touched her neckline with my hand, and I only heard Lu Yufan's voice say: "Don't move, raise your hand."

I was so excited that I finally saw an acquaintance. I turned around and jumped towards him with a cane. Lu Yufan shot me in the head without hesitation.

At that moment, I clearly saw the trajectory of the warhead spinning rapidly in the air and flying towards me. Everything was like a slow motion. Every movement could not miss my eyes, so I raised the wooden stick and hit the warhead with a bang. Sawdust flew, a branch was broken, and the warhead was knocked away by me.

This move was obviously beyond Lu Yufan's expectation, he was shocked and put the bullet into the chamber, ready to shoot again, I pulled up the little girl and pinched her neck to stop her in front of my chest.

I didn't mean to use her as a shield, but to tell Lu Yufan to calm down. Lu Yufan pointed his gun at me and said, "Release her immediately. Do you think I will compromise if I take her as a hostage? Just dream."

The little girl finally cried out in shock, I cursed in my heart that Lu Yufan was really cruel, I could only push the little girl away, raised my hands, and it was meaningless to fight with him.

I saw him take out the intercom and announce his location, and he gave the reason for finding me: "I found a monster." I really couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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