death row

Chapter 9 Slaughterhouse

Chapter 9 Slaughterhouse

I don't know how to describe my mood at this moment. In short, the word "fear" is definitely not comprehensive enough.

The bonfire was still burning, so the wolf meat being grilled had been completely roasted into a mass of charcoal, emitting bursts of unpleasant green smoke, and those powerful and vicious mercenaries were also sitting in place, even in the same posture and position. Almost when we left.

But some people lost their heads, and some people were disemboweled, and the bright red blood covered the glade.

Their guns were all hung on their bodies, but none of them fired a single shot when they were attacked. Otherwise, there would definitely be shots from our distance. This means that a dozen soldiers were killed in a very short period of time.

It is not difficult to kill this group of people, whether it is a special force that specializes in fighting criminal forces, or various large-scale criminal organizations, but it is impossible for anyone to prevent these people from firing a single shot, and the raiders also There is no use of guns, whether it is cutting the head or slicing the belly, you need to get close. Why don't these experienced mercenaries even have time to react?
Could it be that the Snow God really appeared?Thinking of this, I suddenly felt cold all over, because the more I looked at the burnt "wolf corpse", it actually looked more like a human corpse, no matter its limbs or body shape.

Although he is headless, I know it must be the bearded man who roasted all wolves and ate raw wolf meat, even though he has no head.

Thinking of this, my whole body trembled uncontrollably, and I completely forgot that there was a beautiful woman beside me.

The sound of howling wolves behind me became clearer, mixed with people's shouting and cursing. I knew that my teammates might not last long, so I had to bring some equipment back to support them. The problem was that if I stepped into this area cursed by the Snow God , will encounter the same fate as these people?

After hesitating for a moment, I knew that there was no better choice, so I turned my head and said to the girl, "If something happens to me, you will have to rely on yourself." I don't know why, but she didn't show any gratitude to me at all. A look of resentment.

I didn't have time to wonder too much, and walked into the slaughterhouse cautiously.

The place of battle is the place with the largest concentration of deaths, and few people have thought about what it would be like to be in it.

Bloody corpses, broken limbs and broken arms can be seen everywhere, and even some shocking human organs are scattered around.

I thought so too in the past, but after I actually entered the slaughterhouse, I realized that the most uncomfortable thing was the ubiquitous smell of blood. The rust-like smell of blood was drilled into my nose one by one. I seemed to see Countless souls in pain pass through my body, and the strong smell of blood is the breath of their bodies.

If there is a hell, it is nothing more than that.

Every gun is intact, the chamber is full of bullets, and a single one has not come out. I found my own ninety-five style, and was hung on me by a mercenary. Bloody intestines hung from the gun.

After a moment of hesitation, I finally stepped forward to take down the gun, because although the AK47 used by mercenaries is the king of guns, I have never used it to shoot. This powerful and stable gun is easy to deviate from the long-range shooting trajectory. However, the large recoil force has been eliminated by the armies of various countries, and only the armies of some small countries in South America and Africa are equipped with this weapon.

Of course, in the underground arms trading market, the AK47 is still the best-selling weapon.

When I took the gun from his neck, I accidentally found a nail stuck in the man's face.

I thought I was dazzled, so I moved closer to observe carefully, when suddenly the man's closed eyes opened.

I was caught off guard and scared out of my wits. He grabbed my neck tightly, and I felt his hands were colder than ice.

At that moment, I even felt that I had turned into an ice corpse, my whole body was cold and stiff, and my soul was dragged into the unfathomable space by the person in front of me, where only darkness and pain existed.

But in the end I found that this was just the dying struggle of a dying man. He stared at those eyes full of horror, breathed hard and squeezed out a sentence: "A group of demons, there are a group of demons here, you, you... hurry up." After saying this sentence with all his strength, he finally went to death.

The scariest thing for me was not being strangled by him, or even being taken to hell by him.

It was the moment when he suddenly came back to life, I could clearly see some organs in his body regained their functions, the heart beating rapidly, the stomach moving, and the lungs convulsing due to the inhalation of a large amount of cold air.

The blood in his body had actually frozen.

I knelt down in front of him in shock, my mind went blank for a while, at that moment I didn't know who I was, where I was... I didn't know anything anymore.

When I regained consciousness, there was no sound around me, even the sound of humans and animals fighting had disappeared. I thought to myself: Not good.I hurriedly took off the nail, gun and equipment and walked outside the forest. Fortunately, the girl was still there, but she still stared at me with hostile eyes.

Now is definitely not the time to talk to her, so I pulled the girl up and went back the same way, and when I arrived at the Colosseum, the four companions were gone, only a lying down brown bear and seven or eight corpses of snowfield wolves.

The pure white snow was also covered with a layer of bright red blood.

When I carefully observed the surrounding environment, the girl ran towards the brown bear recklessly. At this moment, the brown bear, which was attacked by wild wolves and covered with wounds, was already dying, staring at the girl with lifeless eyes.

Running in front of the brown bear, the girl knelt down and hugged the bear's head tightly, crying, "Dalin, I was wrong. If I knew I shouldn't have come out, please don't die, don't abandon me." The brown bear breathed out, trembling He raised his head and hummed twice at me.

I seemed to be able to feel its thoughts, so I walked up to it and nodded, "Don't worry, as long as I live, I will not let her get hurt."

The brown bear's huge black eyeballs actually shed two tears. It exhausted all its strength and finally rubbed its head against the girl's cheek, exhaled its last breath, closed its eyes and died.

The girl was so sad that she burst into tears, but I seemed to see speckled green lights flashing in the dark area again. I was afraid that the wolves would come back, so I said, "Girl, I can understand your mood at the moment, but it's too dark here." It's too dangerous, let's not waste time, find a safe area first, okay?"

The girl turned her face to me and said viciously: "Get out of my way, you greedy human being, stay away from me, don't let me see you."

I was stunned by her scolding, why did I become a "greedy person" when I was so good, what did I do?Shouldn't I get my weapons and equipment back?Thinking of this, I said, "Whatever you want to say about me, but those wolves and the demons who killed those soldiers must not be far away, maybe they are around us, you probably don't want to meet them again?"

My words seemed to have a deterrent effect on the girl, and she finally looked at me without resentment in her eyes, but full of sadness again, her head was pressed against Dalin's neck and she cried bitterly.

Although I am curious about this girl's life experience, this is definitely not the time to ask these questions, but I also understand that a bear may be a beast in the eyes of others, and it is a dangerous beast, but to a girl, this is her friend , loved ones, now watching it lose its life in order to protect itself, the pain and self-blame in my heart cannot be felt by outsiders.

So no matter how dangerous it is, I have to make time to bid farewell to her, who made her a little beauty, so I raised my gun and stood beside her on guard, while the girl and the brown bear murmured goodbye, I took out the piece of paper from my pocket. Looking carefully at the nails by the light of the fire, I saw that the nails were indeed human, only thicker and sharper than ordinary people's nails, and the tip was covered with blood and even some human tissue, which can definitely be attacked and killed. The one who killed the mercenaries was definitely not Xueyuan God, but a group of people like me. The question is how can a group of people kill a group of soldiers with live ammunition in an instant?Not even giving them time to pull the trigger?
It seems that there is indeed a group of mysterious and terrifying aborigines with super abilities in the area of ​​Yuriko, and maybe this girl is one of them. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but hold the trigger of my rifle secretly, and gradually backed away, keeping a certain safe distance from the girl.

Beauty is good, but the price of life is higher.

(End of this chapter)

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