Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 117 Thank You, Mr. Huo Beiqing

Chapter 117 Thank You, Mr. Huo Beiqing

Liyue watched the two play dumb, and was a little puzzled, what is this for?
Bai Ye came back after a while, holding two contracts and a red book in his hand.

He handed the things to Huo Beiqing and left. Huo Beiqing looked at the things before handing them to her.

"This is my passbook." He handed her the passbook, "The password is six zeros."

"Mr. Huo, I'm not that kind of person..." Liyue sees him like this, doesn't the boss want to support herself?

It is the golden sentence of the domineering CEO: "This is my card, just swipe it as you like."

Huo Beiqing's eyes seemed to have an abyss, and the corners of his eyes slightly raised, "Tang Liyue, what are you thinking, this is a dividend."

"Divided, dividends?" Liyue was embarrassed for a moment. Mr. Huo was giving her dividends, but what she thought was that he wanted to support her, cough cough cough.

She really watched too many romance dramas at [-] o'clock.

Holding the teacup, Huo Beiqing drank it again, and said flatly, "You discovered this oil, and I'm just in charge of mining it, so we each get half of the profit."

"!!!!!!" Liyue's eyes widened, my God? !

Huo Beiqing, what did he say?
Half of the oil revenue?
"The first batch of mining has ended, and there are dividends in it. This is a contract. You have a look."

Liyue quickly picked up the contract and took a look. It was probably the process of discovering oil, and then he started to prepare for the process of mining.

There is also the most recent data on the contract, manpower, material resources, and financial resources are all included. After subtracting those, the proceeds will be shared between Party A Huo Beiqing and Party B Tang Liyue.

Li Yue looked up at him, feeling that Huo Beiqing was so handsome today.

The corner of Huo Beiqing's mouth raised slightly, "There is another one, take a look."

Liyue opened the bottom and looked at it, and found that it was an admission notice.

It is the admission notice of Yunhai No. [-] Middle School.

Liyue's heart was touched.

"The matter of Ye Meigui is handled by Tang Yu, and you can come to participate in their planning after school."

"Mr. Huo..." Li Yue's voice was not as excited as before, she looked at Huo Beiqing, "Thank you."

When Huo Beiqing heard the word 'you', his scalp tingled.

He put down his cup and turned to look at her seriously, "Am I very old?"

"Huh, huh?" Liyue looked up at him, quickly waved her hands, with a flattering smile on her face, "You are not old, Mr. Huo, you are young and handsome."

Huo Beiqing felt a little frustrated, he arranged this for her, but she still called him Mr. Huo...

After seeing Yang Huai for a few days, he called him by his name, but I called him Mr. Yang very alienated.

Huo Beiqing pursed his thin lips slightly: "Just call me Huo Beiqing from now on."

"Okay, Mr. Huo Beiqing." Li Yue covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"..." He turned his head to look at her, his deep eyes narrowed, why did he think she was playing tricks.

"Haha." Li Yue stood up and bowed to him, "Huo Beiqing, thank you, I really appreciate it."

Seeing her bowing, Huo Beiqing felt even worse, always feeling like her elder.

He sighed slightly in his heart, and then said seriously: "Because you are an adult, I arranged for you to be in the third year of high school. You don't have to care about your grades, just wait until the next semester to get a certificate in the college entrance examination."

"Yeah!" Liyue nodded, her senior year in high school was very good, and she wished she could take the college entrance examination directly.

Huo Beiqing continued: "Don't be in a hurry to buy a house. After a while, the government will plan to build a lot of community houses, and the ones you buy now will be demolished later."

(End of this chapter)

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