Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 123 Do you drive at every turn?

Chapter 123 Do you drive at every turn?
Tang Nuannuan was stunned, she felt that this woman should have a good relationship with Tang Liyue, after all, they were sitting together drinking coffee.

It turned out that she was Jian Yang's older sister, and she had just heard that Jian Yang had an older sister, which Jian Yang had never said before.

But this sister looks as annoying as Tang Liyue!
They all have a very annoying face!
"You—" Xia Jianyang's chest heaved in anger when he heard Xia Jianxi's threat, "My mother said that Aunt He's death has nothing to do with her! You will regret it for treating us like this!"

Xia Jianxi didn't speak, but just sneered.

It's ok?
What she saw with her own eyes could have been a misunderstanding. If Uncle An hadn't protected her, she would have died with her mother at that time.

Li Ya, that woman, she won't let her go!Including Xia Jianyang, they should all pay for it!

She didn't have any evidence, only the scene she saw with her own eyes, so she didn't need to go through any legal procedures. She just wanted to take revenge on them and leave them with nothing. Even if she gave everything she had, she would still seek justice for her mother!

Seeing her like this, Xia Jianyang knew that it didn't make sense, so he took a deep breath, "Xia Jianxi, I really treat you as my sister, I won't rob you of Jinghaixia's business, I will give you whatever you want. But the business in Yunhai City is handled by my mother, she has worked hard to open up the market, and you won't allow you to destroy it, if you intervene again, I won't be polite anymore!"

Mom's non-stop promotional design has finally gained a place in Yunhai City, and he won't let Xia Jianxi ruin it.

"Then I'll wait for you to be rude!" Xia Jianxi's mouth curled up, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

Xia Jianyang was too lazy to tell her, he let go of Tang Nuannuan's hand, "Nuannuan, I'll wait for you outside, you can ask me anything, I will tell you, don't listen to other people's instigation."

After he finished speaking, he walked out quickly. He wanted to tell his mother about Xia Jianxi's stay in Yunhai City.

Tang Nuannuan also wanted to leave, but she didn't forget her purpose of coming here. She ignored Xia Jianxi and looked up at Tang Liyue, "Sister, Mom misses you very much. She doesn't eat or drink these days just to see you one side……"

"This sister." Xia Jianxi looked at her and suddenly laughed, "Did you communicate with Xia Jianyang Liquid too many times, and your brain got into his water, and you will die if you don't eat or drink for a few days Yes, your mother is really good."

Liyue felt that Xia Jianxi, an old driver, would drive at every turn. What is liquid communication? Fortunately, she had been immersed in the Internet for many years, so she was immune to such words.

Tang Nuannuan looked at Xia Jianxi and was a little angry when she heard the words, "Sister, I think you are Jian Yang's sister, so I respect you. Now I am talking to my sister, please don't interrupt."

"Don't say that, interrupting is too much, I have no tools." Xia Jianxi waved his hand quickly, "Don't respect me because of Xia Jianyang, I have never recognized him as my younger brother. I am ashamed of my brother who has no future. I am telling the truth. Correct your wording from a scientific point of view. You can try not to eat or drink for a few days and nights. You must transfer from the eighth floor of the hospital to the morgue on the first floor. .Rizuki, am I right?"

Liyue thinks that Xia Jianxi is really good at slandering talents. Just now when the two of them were chatting, she said something about what her mother did to her. Now she is helping her to speak, and she will find the key points, which makes Tang Nuannuan I was speechless.

 Ask for tickets, if you can get [-] tickets today, there will be four more chapters to update at midnight. (><)
(End of this chapter)

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