Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 140 She Has His Taste

Chapter 140 She Has His Taste
The rich man named Qin Zichen looked at Li Yue unscrupulously, and there was some faint love in his eyes.

Liyue put down the wine, "President Qin, don't be angry, tell me what's going on?"

When he heard Liyue addressing him, he felt much better. He glanced proudly at the young masters, see, Tang Liyue treats him differently.

The few of them were talking about Tang Liyue just now. After all, they were very interested in such a pretty girl.

In the past, because of Chen Xi'an, they didn't do anything. Now that Chen Xi'an has changed people to pursue her, and Tang Liyue has become Ye Meigui's manager, they have to pursue them even more. They like talented and good-looking beauties very much.

For Tang Liyue, they all got VIP cards here. They are all betting that whoever upgrades to the supreme VIP first will be the first to pursue Tang Liyue.

It's a pity that he hasn't saved enough pocket money, and he has encountered a wave of bankruptcy, so he can only be an ordinary VIP.

Now that Tang Liyue is so kind to him, he can't help feeling a little proud.

But to make face in front of these two new friends, Jinghai, he could only continue to ask: "Liyue, how can I not be angry! My two friends from Jinghai said they wanted to meet a dancing girl of yours. , isn't it Su Lanxin?"

As he spoke, he looked at Lai Hai and Xia Jianyang, as if confirming the name.

In Ye Meigui, he only likes Tang Liyue, and he doesn't pay attention to the others, so he doesn't know if there is such a person.

Lai Hai's eyes fell on Tang Liyue, and he nodded, "Yes."

This woman suits his taste, after he cleans up Su Lanxin and Ye Tianyu, he will play with this woman again.

Women from this kind of place can solve their problems with money.

"Yes, it's Su Lanxin, Liyue, do you have this person here?" Qin Zichen lowered his head and approached her. Liyue smelled so good, it was his favorite smell.

The other young masters stared at Qin Zichen, damn it!It turns out that the moon is the first to be close to the water!

Liyue took a step back and opened the wine, "Mr. Qin, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Yang come here often, so I will give this bottle of wine to everyone to cheer up."

"Liyue is grand!" Seeing that she didn't want to talk to him, Qin Zichen felt a little depressed, but he didn't forget to praise her.

"Where is Su Lanxin!" Xia Jianyang looked at Tang Liyue, of course he knew who this person was, she was not only Nuan Nuan's sister, but also Xia Jianxi's friend.

Nuannuan hates her so much, and because of Xia Jianxi, he has no good looks towards this woman.

"She didn't come to work today." Liyue directly poured wine for the young masters, "I've asked for leave recently."

"Impossible!" Xia Jianyang stood up, staring at her intently, "I sent someone to guard the door, but she came in and no one came out. You'd better hand her over!"

"Send someone to guard Ye Meigui?" Li Yue lowered her face, her tone was cold, "What does Mr. Xia mean by this? Is sending someone to guard Ye Meigui or the Huo family?"

When the others heard this, they all fell silent.

For the Huo family? !
Don't want to mess around and target the Huo family?
"I didn't mean that." Xia Jianyang's eyes were a bit dark, he was only looking for a good friend, so he was looking for this Su Lanxin, how could he target the Huo family.

"Su Lanxin is my friend's fiancée. She ran away with a wild man. I heard that she works here, so I invite her to come over and we will give money!"

(End of this chapter)

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