Black lotus, she doesn't want to whitewash

Chapter 185 The Person I Like Is a Little Fairy

Chapter 185 The Person I Like Is a Little Fairy
"Thank you, Mr. Huo, but there's no need." Liyue stood up and didn't want to continue chatting anymore, "I'll go buy a ticket first, see you when I come back."

"Tang Liyue!" Huo Beiqing stopped her, stood up and walked to her side, "Why are you so alienated from me?"

He felt that he was pretending very well. He didn't ask what he wanted to ask when he sent her to school every day. He worried that she would feel superfluous when he sent her to school. The breakfast he sent was only sent after asking her preferences.

Now it is also because I heard that she doesn't like men, so she is cautious.

But seeing her suddenly like this, he couldn't help but ask.

He is not a grumpy person, he is decisive in the business world, but has no experience in the love field, if this matter is torturing people, he will solve it directly.

"Because you are my boss." Liyue looked up at him, "It is necessary to respect and alienate the boss."

"Isn't it because I'm a man?" A light flashed in Huo Beiqing's eyes. Does that mean that there might be room for negotiation between them?
Just like opponents in the market, whoever reveals his cards first in the game between the two has less chance of winning.

If she doesn't hate herself because she is a man, it proves that he can improve.

Liyue turned to look at him, "Why this?"

She suddenly remembered the setting of Tang Liyue in the original book, as if there was a buff that hated men.

"I don't hate it." Li Yue lowered her eyes, "I do hate a lot of men, but I don't hate Mr. Huo, not at all."

She said when Huo Beiqing's expression changed, "On the contrary, I admire Mr. Huo very much. You have the foresight and courage that ordinary people don't have. Since you believed in me, Mr. Huo's status in my heart has risen sharply."

Huo Beiqing's eyes flickered, "Then, Liyue..."

"Mr. Huo!" Liyue interrupted him with a serious look, "I want to ask you a question."

Huo Beiqing was slightly taken aback, his face turned serious, "Say it."

"Is there someone you like?"

Huo Beiqing looked at her and squeezed his fingers together, "Yes."

Perhaps, he just likes her, should he tell her now?
It seemed that it would be a bit inexplicable to tell her that he liked her so suddenly, but this was what he thought in his heart.

"Is that person still alive?" Liyue looked at his face, and she still had to untie some knots in her heart.

If there is really no way to start, then end it completely, don't let yourself see this person every day, like but can't talk to him too much.

Huo Beiqing raised his thin lips slightly, seeing her cautious appearance, his heart moved slightly, and he said whatever he thought, "Alive. She is still a little fairy, and—"

Liyue's heart lifts up, little fairy?Why is this doting tone so familiar.

Huo Beiqing approached her, and his magnetic voice rang out behind her ears, "It's so close."

Liyue was stunned for a moment, then opened her eyes wide, was it far away from the horizon and close in front of her eyes?
she,,,? !

Liyue quickly looked around, and she was the only one nearby.

He, he, he he likes himself? ! ! !

God knows, she was just asking casually, thinking that she would slip away if she couldn't finish the question, and there would be no embarrassment when they met again in a week.

Who knew he said he liked himself? !

Huo Beiqing likes himself? !What shocking news!

"I, what you said, is it me?" Liyue suddenly became timid, which was a feeling she had never felt before.

A heart is pounding, sour and sweet, expecting and a little scared.

Huo Beiqing was also a little nervous at first, and he was like a kid in front of this person who was strategizing. He didn't understand feelings very well, so wouldn't it be too good to be so direct?
 The next chapter will be updated after 2020 recommended votes. (Carvin is confident)


(End of this chapter)

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