The King of the Super Seminary

Chapter 104 Western Dragon

Chapter 104 Western Dragon
In the blink of an eye, a week or so passed quickly, and it was the day when Bai He and Chen Nan left.

After waving goodbye to their mother, Aunt Gu, and the brothers of the hunting team, Bai He and Chen Nan turned and left the town, and walked into the nearby mountains.

This will be the first stop of their tour!
The Tianyuan Mountain Range is a continuous high mountain range raised at the junction of the original Immortal Fantasy Continent and the Magic Continent. Various hundred-year-old medicines abound in the mountains, and there are even rumors of supreme immortal medicine in the deepest part of the mountain range. It was spread, but no one dared to walk in easily.

Because there are not only all kinds of powerful monsters, but also monsters from the east. If you are lucky enough, you might even meet the ancient giants in legends and the giant dragons in western legends.

For ordinary people, it is definitely a vicious place, but for cultivators, as long as they are a little more careful, they can still move forward reluctantly.

Without the burden of the ordinary people in the hunting team, Baihe and Chen Nan's progress was several times faster. In less than three hours, they had passed through the outer periphery of the Tianyuan Mountain Range and entered the inner periphery. It was already noon.

The inner perimeter of the Tianyuan Mountain Range is no longer the same as the outer perimeter. Here, ferocious beasts like ordinary tigers and leopards are nothing at all. Rank monsters can be seen everywhere. Baihe saw a small pack of red flame demon wolves not long ago. .

The deeper one went into the Tianyuan Mountains, the taller and taller the trees that appeared around him began to grow.

Every ancient tree is almost as thick as an embrace. The vigorous trunks stand up straight, and the green branches and leaves are layered like open umbrellas, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, even the blazing sun at noon. , can only cast patches of mottled reflections on the ground.

After walking for a whole morning, Bai He and Chen Nan couldn't help feeling a little thirsty.

Unlike the Dragon Island in the Longevity Realm, this place is located on the vast sea, and it has a humid, hot and rainy tropical rainforest climate, with a wide variety of fruits and no shortage of water.

Here, although there are various tall trees, there are no fruit trees, and there is no trace of water source in Baihe along the way.

After resting for a while under a towering ancient tree, the two set off again, this time their goal was to find a source of water.

At dusk, after nearly an afternoon of searching, the two finally found a clear stream in a valley.

The dim yellow sunset hangs in the sky, surrounded by the glowing red sunset clouds, and flocks of homing birds fly across the sky under the afterglow of the setting sun, singing one after another.

Baihe picked up a handful of clear stream water, and drank it in a big gulp. With the clear stream water slowly entering his throat, Baihe suddenly felt as if the exhaustion he had experienced from climbing mountains and ridges all day was also washed away. The second is clean, which makes people feel refreshed.

It was getting late, and in the midst of the vast mountains, traveling at night was undoubtedly a very bad decision.

Seeing that the sky had turned dark, Bai He and Chen Nan decided to stay in this valley.

Chen Nan set up a bonfire by the stream, while Bai He caught a snow rabbit not far away.

Although Snow Rabbit is called Snow Rabbit, it is a monster of water attribute. Its rank is zero and it does not have any attack skills. It can only spit out small water balls that do no harm.

But maybe it is also because it is a water attribute beast, which makes the snow rabbit's meat far superior to that of ordinary rabbits. It does not burn wood, but is extraordinarily tender and juicy.

Snow rabbits are processed in the creek and roasted over the campfire.

After eating the snow rabbit meat and extinguishing the bonfire, the two climbed to a tall tree, preparing to spend the first night in Tianyuan Mountain Range on it.

The next day, early in the morning.

After a brief wash by the stream, the two set off again.

Among the continuous mountains, the two walked another day's journey and entered the depths of Tianyuan Mountain Range.

As Baihe and the others went deeper into the vast mountains, the surrounding area became more barren, there were no paths to pass through, and there were tall towering ancient trees, lush shrubs and overgrown weeds everywhere.

But the rarer the human footprints, the uncanny workmanship of nature often exists here.

After Baihe and the others entered the depths of the Tianyuan Mountain Range, various strange scenes began to appear around them from time to time.

Among them are the snow-covered peaks that plunge into the sky and are shrouded in clouds and mist, there are also strange stone forests with jagged rocks and vines, there are flowing springs and waterfalls, and the lakes in the mountains where rainbows are looming, and there are also vast tiankengs that cover the sky and the earth and are bottomless. ...

Moreover, after entering the depths of the Tianyuan Mountains, Baihe and the others finally saw the truly powerful Western monsters and Eastern monsters.

Among them, the monster is a purple magic leopard with golden lightning-like markings all over its body. It is only less than two meters long, but its speed is as fast as lightning. into coke, it is estimated that there should be three orders.

The monster is a black giant tiger, nearly four meters in length, with black hair standing upright like steel needles, with sharp claws and sharp fangs. A gust of evil wind.

Another day.

When Baihe and the others were walking through a lush forest, a huge shadow suddenly shrouded their heads, and then there was a violent wind in the forest.

The two looked up, and saw a huge dragon with a length of nearly [-] meters from head to tail and covered with a layer of green scales flying past at high speed in the blue sky, and the huge shadow was exactly the same. its projected down.

Seeing the giant dragon flying over his head, Chen Nan couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

"Oh my god! Could this be... a strange bird with no hair? No way, a strange bird covered with scales, it's really ugly, and why does it have an ugly lizard tail..."
Chen Nan exclaimed.

White River.

Watching the green dragon gradually go away, Chen Nanfang recovered from his astonishment.

Turning his head, he suddenly found that Bai He was looking at him speechlessly, Chen Nan suddenly seemed to remember something, and couldn't help saying.

"The big guy that flew over just now couldn't be the legendary Western Dragon, this... this is really outrageous, it's just a big-bellied lizard with wings! It really is a monster dragon from the Magic Continent, Compared with those divine dragons in our Immortal Continent, it's just... oh!"
Speaking of the Shenlong in the Immortal Fantasy Continent, Chen Nan couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, he has never seen the mythical beast in the Immortal Fantasy Continent—the dragon, but there are countless legends about the dragon. From these legends, one can get a glimpse of the dragon. The perfection of a powerful creature like a dragon.

He grew up listening to the legend of Shenlong, but the Western Dragon he saw today really disappointed Chen Nan.

"Oh, if only one day I could see the dragon of the East with my own eyes, the dragon just now is really ugly!"

Chen Nan sighed a little.

"Don't worry, you will definitely have a chance!"
Bai He replied with a smile.


 To write a novel, you really need to persevere! ≥﹏≤

  When I get busy, I feel bad, and when I feel bad, I don’t want to code... This is not good!
  The forced code must also be coded!

  The road you choose is to climb and climb!

  The mentality caused by the course design is a bit broken, alas! T_T
  For the life you want, stick to it!

  mutual encouragement!

(End of this chapter)

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