The Evil King Loves Pets: Playful Little Poisonous Concubine

Chapter 244 Is this the attitude of being a master?

Chapter 244 Is this the attitude of being a master?

Jun Lin's brows were dark, he didn't expect that she would sever ties with him so decisively.

She didn't expect what he did to make her so angry.

Standing up, Jun Lin walked away. The moment he left, the tables, chairs, and chessboard instantly turned into light sand and fell down.

"It seems that the lord is angry..." Lian Er was helpless. In fact, when Jun Lin rescued Wu Shanye, he felt something was wrong.

But the protection of Yaxin's child was entrusted by the Lord's father.

And the Lord is very grateful to Yaxin who saved his mother's life.

So at that time, it was really difficult for him to say anything. After all, Wu Qikuang and Zunzhu had not known each other for a long time, so it must be the child of Zunzhu's mother's savior who was more important.

Jun Lin went directly to Wu Qingkuang's boudoir, and went in without anyone notifying her, but she hasn't come back yet.

Her room is not as delicately decorated as other girls, with light blue bed curtains, a clean and tidy dressing table, and not many but exquisite furniture.

Just like herself, capable and decisive.

Jun Lin sat down by the window, and after waiting for a while, he heard the door open.

Wu Qingkuang saw that there were lights in her room, so she didn't worry too much. Just now Xingxing's condition suddenly deteriorated, and she really didn't have time to turn off the lights when she rushed over.

She just froze after pushing the door open, why is he here?

Jun Lin was sitting by the window, holding a chessboard with one hand, a chessboard was placed in front of him, and he held black pieces in his hand.

That head of silver hair was loose, and the moonlight fell on him, as if casting a layer of twilight on him, like a god.

The silver mask is mysterious and seductive, making people addicted.

Even though his face cannot be seen, he still has the capital to catch people's attention. This is King's Landing.

Wu Qingkuang came back to her senses, pretended that he was not there, ignored him, and walked into the inner room.

"Don't call out when you see Master, who taught you."

Jun Lin's eyes lightly fell on the chessboard, and his tone was light.

Wu Qingkuang was taken aback for a moment, ignored it, and continued on her way.

"Seven Maniacs." Jun Lin's thin lips parted slightly, and his eyes turned to her back, making her stiffen.

It has to be said that when her name came out of his mouth, it had a special flavor, which made her feel nice.

Feeling that she couldn't move anymore, Wu Qing laughed furiously, "Is this the attitude of a master?"

"The apprentice is too disobedient, so the deity can only be tougher."

"..." You are really domineering and shameless to the extreme, and you actually admitted it!

Wu Qingkuang's eyes widened, but it's a pity that her back is facing him now, so he can't see her at all.

"Come here." The moment Jun Lin's voice fell, Wu Qingkuang's body turned uncontrollably and walked towards him.

Seeing the haze in her eyes, he frowned slightly.

"sit down."

Wu Qingkuang sat down, with a storm brewing in her eyes, she didn't expect that he would do this, it was so annoying!
But she is not as strong as him, so she can only do what he said, why can't she release his spiritual power?
"What do you want? You have read the letter, so what are you doing here?"

Wu Qing glared at him wildly.

"Saving her is involuntary. She can be disabled, but she cannot die."

"..." Why is it similar to what grandpa said.

what the hell.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Qingkuang said in a cold tone, "I understand that you can't help but save her, and in the future, you will save her as long as her life is in danger."

"Although I understand it, it doesn't mean I agree. She and I are enemies. I will kill her whenever I get the chance, and you will save her whenever you get the chance."

"I don't think we can get along, so it's good for you and me to dissolve the master-student relationship."

Wu Qingkuang's words were impeccable, but Jun Lin frowned. Obviously, the little guy's analysis was good, but why was he a little upset?

Why are you upset?

(End of this chapter)

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