Chapter 255 He Will Be Burned Alive

"Bad woman! Have you forgotten that King's Landing is still in danger? At this time, you still want to listen to the story of the beast king?!"

Long Ze put his hands on his hips and glared at her angrily, with a righteous expression on his face.

It absolutely does not admit it, it knows only a little, absolutely does not admit it!Otherwise, the bad woman must think that he is not good enough.

"...That's right, let's talk about it another day." How could Wu Qingkuang not be clear about Long Ze's thoughts?
But now is indeed not the time to listen to those. Someone has already drawn his sword to fight towards Junlin. Lian Er didn't find Wu Qingkuang, so he rushed over to help. The driver continued to speed up, but it was still useless.

Jun Lin stayed in the carriage, and with the passing of his spiritual power, his consciousness gradually disappeared.

Wu Qingkuang waited for a while and saw that Jun Lin hadn't come out, and felt something was wrong.

Junlin should know that those people don't have golden silkworm clothes, right?Then why didn't he come out?
Long Ze, who was in Wu Qingkuang's mind, knew what she was thinking, and coughed lightly, "He probably lost consciousness, so he doesn't know what's going on outside at all. He should be defenseless now."

"...You didn't say this kind of thing earlier!" Wu Qingkuang charged his feet and headed towards the carriage of King's Landing, and went directly in from the front.

Lian Si, who was driving, was so nervous that he didn't realize that someone sneaked in behind him.

After Wu Qingkuang went in, he realized that Jun Lin had closed his eyes and was meditating, as if he couldn't notice anything outside.

You must know that he could still notice when she came in just now, but now he can't notice at all.

"Your Excellency?" Wu Qingkuang called out tentatively, but he didn't respond.

"He has lost consciousness, good bad woman, you have helped him take off those people's golden silkworm clothes, you have helped him enough, get out of here!"

Wu Qingkuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on Jun Lin, and the robe on his body began to burn, probably because he could no longer resist.

"What if he doesn't last until tomorrow?"

Wu Qingkuang asked in a low voice with a very light tone.

Long Ze was taken aback, and also noticed that something was wrong with Jun Lin, "There is no such case in the memory of the Beastmaster. It seems that his disease may have been brought from the mother's womb."

"If he can't make it to tomorrow, he will be burned alive."

Wu Qingkuang didn't know why, when she heard the word death, her breathing became uncomfortable.

"Is there any way to save him?" In this situation, the method of throwing Junlin out and burning those people to death is obviously unworkable.

"Lian Po." Long Ze bit his lower lip, "The lotus soul can save him, but the lotus soul is in your body and cannot be taken out."

lotus soul...

That's it, no wonder Long Ze was so repulsive when she approached him, no wonder Long Ze was so nervous when he asked that question.

It turned out that she would not be burned because of the lotus soul in her body!
"Bad woman, you should understand that the lotus soul cannot be discovered by anyone, so you have to stay away from King's Landing when you are sick! You should also be careful not to be noticed by him."

Wu Qingkuang pursed her lips, did she want to watch him die here?The noise outside was getting closer and closer, Lian Er couldn't last long.

How to do?
"Is there any other way? Other than taking out the lotus soul."

Wu Qingkuang felt that she was really crazy to want to save him so much.

Obviously he saved Wu Shanye's life a while ago, let him die, it's fine.

"I don't know... But as long as he touches the lotus soul in your body, he should be fine. In the past, those people in the past were all fine after they got married..."

The more Long Ze said, the lower his voice, what are you kidding? !No bad woman would marry him!

"Oh, is that so, let him die then." Wu Qingkuang said indifferently, what else can one do after getting married, isn't that what she does? Chastity is all on board.

"Bad woman, hahaha..." Longze was inexplicably happy, "Let him die! Let's go."

 Good night, rest early, I love you!

(End of this chapter)

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