Chapter 272 The Only One You Can Rely On
"Let's go! Are you still planning to spend the night here?" Wu Qingkuang glanced at the crowd behind him, and glared at King's Landing.

She is not used to being watched by these people all the time.

More importantly, for grandpa, she must find a way to notify as soon as possible, otherwise grandpa will be in danger tomorrow.

Damn it, it will take a month for a one-way trip here, and when she goes back, the day lily will be cold, so how can I tell Grandpa about this as quickly as possible?
Seeing the worry in Wu Qingkuang's eyes, Jun Lin pulled her into his arms, hugged her with one arm, and disappeared without a trace.

After they left, Patriarch Xiao looked at Gu Xun with a worried expression on his face, "Brother Gu, what should we do? If the girl tells the City Master about this, there will be risks."

"Long nights and dreams, tomorrow I will take people to Fillmore College to look for Wu Qikuang, and I will definitely finish this matter in one go!"

Gu Xun's eyes dimmed, "Brother Xiao, do you know where there are communication balls? I must contact the king as soon as possible and tell him about it."

"I know, but I'm afraid it's hard to get this communication ball."

Patriarch Xiao had a sad expression on his face.

"How to say?"

"The largest auction house in Rongcheng will auction a communication ball tomorrow morning, but the land deed of my largest property is in the hands of Wu Qikuang, and the assets in this property cannot be moved naturally."

"Damn it, it's her again!"

Without gold coins, how to fight for the communication ball?
"Hey, brother Gu, what should I do?"

"We didn't bring a lot of gold coins with us this time. It seems that I can only go to Wu Qikuang to get the land deed back!"

"The lord can only report later. You can help me to occupy a seat when the time comes. Be sure to take down the communication ball when the time comes. I will naturally bring back the title deed."

"Okay, then I'll wait for the good news from Brother Gu!"

On this side, Gu Xun and Patriarch Xiao discussed the countermeasures, and on the other side, Wu Qingkuang was also sent back to the academy by Junlin.

Back in his room, Wu Qingkuang opened the door directly, and said to Jun Lin, "The night is already very late, Your Excellency, please."

"That's how you treat your savior, huh?"

Jun Lin sat down at the side, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and had no intention of leaving at all.

"...Your Excellency, I'm going to bed, why don't you leave?"

Wu Qingkuang paused, and continued, "I will repay your kindness in the future."

"It's two."

"Huh?" Jun Lin's words made Wu Qingkuang a little puzzled, how could there be two kinds of kindness?
"What are you worrying about?" Jun Lin raised his eyes slightly, his obsidian eyes seemed to have penetrating power, and he could see into her heart.

"No." Wu Qingkuang said stiffly, she didn't want to owe King Lin any more.

"In Rongcheng, the only person you can rely on is the deity." Jun Lin's tone was light, but his words were like a thunderclap, resounding in Wu Qingkuang's mind.

There was even a wave of fluctuation in her heart. In the past and present, he was the first person to say this to her.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"In Rongcheng, is there someone stronger than this deity?"


"En." Junlin nodded in satisfaction.

So, that's what he meant by that statement?
Because he is the strongest, so she can only rely on him?
This is some kind of messy overbearing logic.

But she didn't find it annoying.

Probably because, King's Landing has such an arrogant capital.

Wu Qingkuang pondered for a while, and finally sat down opposite him, she is not a person who does not understand flexibility.

She really can't do anything about grandpa, so even if she owes Jun Lin a favor, she wants to see if he can do anything.

"I want to get in touch with my grandpa, right now."

(End of this chapter)

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