Chapter 287 Lord Earl Allen
Wu Qingkuang looked up, and saw a young man walking slowly with three young men.

The leading boy was wearing a white dress. He was 14 years old. Every button on the dress was neatly tied, and a delicate bow tie was tied at the neckline. His light chestnut hair swept across his fair face, making him noble reserved.

His pair of amber eyes are like the most transparent glass, shining brightly in every way.

He walked up to Wu Qingkuang, bent slightly, held her hand with a white gloved hand, and gently kissed the back of her hand, "Hello, beautiful lady, please allow me to introduce myself, I am My name is Alan Hebrew, nice to meet you."

"Hello." Wu Qingkuang nodded slightly. She also dealt with British nobles in her previous life, so she was not very surprised by this.

"Alan? Hebrew, why did you come here?" The little devil looked at him with heavy eyes, and the disgust in his eyes was undisguised.

"I heard from Duchess Anling that you came here, so I came here to take a look." Alan Hebrew smiled slightly, "I just didn't expect that you didn't make any changes after you came here. Same as before, battle mad."

"Huh? Do you think you have changed yourself? Smiling tiger!"

The little devil jumped angrily. Although he and Allen grew up together, there was no brotherhood between them.

They are rivals and also hate each other.

"The words are much better than before. It seems that you have not learned in vain this year."

"Allen, are you looking for a fight?"

"Boy?" Allen raised his eyebrows. "You should call me Earl Allen. Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a year. Not only have you changed your clothes, but you even forgot your name. You really are a fighting madman."

"...You two slowly reminiscing about the past." Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Wu Qingkuang turned around and left.

"Wait, beautiful lady, you haven't told me your name yet. Telling each other's names seems to be the most basic courtesy, but I have just told you my name."

Alan Hebrew said with a smile, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"That's the rule of your Beiming Kingdom, I'm sorry, this place does not belong to Beiming Kingdom, so I don't need to tell you."

After finishing speaking, Wu Qingkuang waved away directly.

A young man wearing a long sword behind Alan Hebrew heard the words, his face turned cold, he took a step forward, drew out his sword and attacked Wu Qing, "How dare you be rude to the Earl!"

Wu Qingkuang stretched out his hand, without looking back, but pinched his sword accurately, and snapped the blade lightly, "So?"

"Is this the attitude of you Beiming people in other people's territory? Is this lawless?"

"Awen, step back!" With a shake of his body, Awen retracted the broken sword silently, and stepped aside.

Allen took a step forward, and bowed slightly to apologize to Wu Qingkuang, "Awen protects Xinqiong, and please beautiful ladies not to be as knowledgeable as him."

"You Beiming Kingdom, if you knights do something wrong, you have to apologize on your behalf? You don't know how to apologize yourself?" Wu Qingkuang raised her eyebrows, and after finishing speaking, she said to the little devil king, "Take your time to catch up on the old days. When the time comes, Gather outside the forest."

"What? What do you mean? I don't want to be with this person! Bad woman, wait for me!"

Seeing Wu Qingkuang leave, the little devil quickly chased after him.

Seeing this, Awen was a little dissatisfied, "Lord Earl Allen, why don't you let me teach this person a lesson? I have never seen such a person who does not understand etiquette."

"Awen, I told you earlier that this is not Beiming Kingdom, don't do that kind of thing again, and she has no malicious intentions."

"Lord Count..."

"Okay. Let you see the joke, let's continue looking for spirit beasts. I promise you to help you contract monsters, and I will never break my promise."

Allen looked at the two people behind him, and said with a smile, "But I hope you two will forget what you heard and saw today, after all, curiosity killed the cat, knowing too much is no good, right? "

"Yes, sir, don't worry! We didn't see anything today!"

"Yes, yes, we didn't see anything!"

"I just like being with smart people like you." Allen chuckled and led them away.

(End of this chapter)

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