Call of the Deer

Chapter 104 The gap between Sun Zhang and Fan Zeng

Chapter 104 The gap between Sun Zhang and Fan Zeng

Dongzhou North Line, Kaiyang City, the capital of Zhenzhou.

The coalition forces gathered together, the commander Liu Yu, and the deputy commander Sun Quan all looked solemn, looked at the princes and kings below, and said.

"My colleagues, there are many Taiping soldiers now, and they have won many battles and victories. Our army can't stand up to their soldiers, so we must defend Kaiyang City to kill the morale of the Taiping soldiers; General, raise the morale of our army!"


All the princes knew that Liu Yu was right.

"What kind of a hero is hiding in the city and being a turtle with a shrunken head? If it were me, I would definitely go out and kill the enemy's shit, that would be a joy!"

"Yes, yes, the boss is right..."

Suddenly there was an old-fashioned voice coming up from below, and he took a closer look, couldn't it be Sun Jian, Sun Quan's younger brother?Those who followed were Sun Jian's four great generals.

"Presumptuous! Who are you? How dare you question my elder brother, don't you want to live?"

Zhang Fei, who was sitting by the side, was furious when he heard this. He slapped the table, stood up, and glared at Sun Jian.

"Black bun, I questioned it, what's the matter, is what I said wrong?"

When Sun Jian was young and vigorous, seeing Zhang Fei dare to scold him, how could he let it go, stood up, and looked at Mr. Zhang coldly.

"What did you say? How dare you call me a black bun, oh, I'm so mad, do you dare to go out and make gestures with me, see if I can't take care of you, a guy who has no boss..."

When Zhang Fei heard Sun Jian call him a black bun, he suddenly became angry, screamed angrily, and threatened to punish Sun Jian.

"Bijibi, am I afraid that you won't succeed? Let's see who will take care of whom! Hmph!"

When Sun Jian heard that Zhang Fei wanted to gesticulate with him, of course he would not be afraid, so he also shouted.



Sun Quan and Liu Yu shouted at the same time, their faces were full of anger and embarrassment, they glanced at each other, and began to scold them.

"Third brother, how can you allow you to talk nonsense in the hall and act wild here, someone will pull Zhang Fei out and beat him twenty times as a punishment..."

"Second brother, how dare you openly question the commander's order, and if someone pulls you down, you will be punished for twenty..."

Seeing that Liu Yu directly wanted to punish Zhang Fei for twenty, he didn't dare to be selfish, so he also gave the order.

"Slow down!"

Suddenly, Fan Zeng, the main commander of the northern coalition army, stood up and stopped Liu Yu and the two of them.

And Zhang Fei and Sun Jian also had hope flashed in their eyes, firstly, no one would be willing to suffer twenty boards for nothing, and secondly, this is really an extremely shameful thing.

"Oh, Fan Junshi, what do you mean? Zhang Fei and Sun Jian openly disturbed the order and questioned the leader. It is really wrong. A little punishment is also appropriate. Why stop it?"

Liu Yu showed displeasure, but considering that Fan Zeng was appointed by Bei Minghao as the main army division on the northern front, he couldn't offend him too much.

"Commander, Fan believes that at the time of the battle with the Taiping bandit army, punishing the general before the battle will greatly destabilize the morale of the army. Second, if the two generals are injured, it will have an impact on the future battle. Beheading the enemy generals, and Zhang Fei and Sun Jian are two generals who are beyond the reach of ten thousand people, and they have to rely on one or two, how can these two be harmed?"

Fan Zeng didn't care about Liu Yu's unhappiness, because he knew that Liu Yu was a sensible person, and Zhang Fei was his third brother, so he could convince the two coaches as long as he showed affection and reason.

"Fan Junshi is right, but these two are blatantly acting wild in the hall, and not punishing them is not enough to convince everyone..."

After Liu Yu listened, he said with a look of embarrassment, but everyone could tell that he had accepted Fan Zeng's suggestion, and it was impossible to punish Zhang Fei and Zhang Fei.

"Hehe, what the commander said is reasonable, but as long as he makes more military exploits for the general tomorrow, the merits and demerits will balance out, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Fan Zeng said with a smile, it was to remove the last worries for Liu Yu, and gave him the ladder, and Liu Yu also walked down the ladder.

"What the military adviser said is right, I can forgive the two of you for your crimes, but you two must take the blame and make meritorious service, hide on the battlefield and kill the enemy generals, and show off our military power!"|
Liu Yu is worthy of being the hero of the ages, although he is really annoyed by Sun Jian's rudeness.

"Commander, Fan has a plan to defeat the enemy and send troops south!"

Suddenly, Fan Zeng cupped his hands, his eyes were clear, as if he had a plan in mind.

"Oh, Fan Junshi, what's the plan? Tell me..." Liu Yu immediately became interested and asked after seeing Fan Zeng's decisiveness.

"The coach is listening!"

Fan Zeng would not be so stupid as to tell everyone that the strategy would have failed.

Then, Liu Yu and Sun Quan listened to each other, and Fan Zeng whispered in their ears.


When the two heard this, they gasped and looked at Fan Zeng very unconfidently, with shock and suspicion in their eyes.

"Fan Junshi, is this plan feasible?"

"Commander, as the saying goes, if you don't break, you can't stand, if you break, you can build. As long as the time will be able to break the Taiping army's million-strong army in one fell swoop, and the famous town of Dongzhou!"

Fan Zeng said very firmly, as if he had seen the Northern Allied Forces defeat the Taiping Bandit Army in one fell swoop.

"Here, Fan Junshi, can you allow us to discuss for a while before answering?"

Liu Yu is not confident. Although Fan Zeng's words are nice, but the battle on the battlefield changes rapidly. He dare not be careless, otherwise it will lead to a catastrophe.

"Yes, anyway, the angle of view is still very generous. What we need to do now is to improve the morale of our army and kill the morale of the enemy army..."

Fan Zeng shrugged, and said indifferently, if it wasn't because Bei Minghao had appointed him as the main army division on the northern front, and the Yuzhou army was also here, he wouldn't be doing thankless work.

The next day, the Taiping bandit army came to call for battle, while the northern allied forces were already gearing up and went out to fight immediately.

I saw a general running out of the Taiping bandit army. This man was wearing a yellow armor and holding a steel gun. His eyes flashed fiercely. He shouted loudly!
"I am General Lai Hanying under the command of Nanping General Hong Xiuquan, who dares to fight me?"

"I'll kill you!"

The guilt of Zhang Fei and Sun Jian depends on the outcome of this battle, so the two immediately went out and killed them, and no one would let the other go.

"The thief general is despicable and shameless, I will kill you!"

Seeing two people from the coalition forces on the northern front line, how could the Taiping army suffer a loss, and another person came out and killed them!
"We're one by one, let's see who takes the head of the enemy general first!"

Seeing a person coming out, Zhang Fei immediately went to meet him, and at the same time he did not forget to make an appointment with Sun Jian.

"Hmph, I must be the first to stand on the dog's head of the enemy general!"

Sun Jian snorted coldly, rode his horse and charged towards Lai Hanying, holding the ancient ingot knife tightly, his sharp eyes focused on the Taiping enemy general.

But with a distance of hundreds of zhang, the horses and horses under the crotch of the two are both extraordinary, they run like flying, and in an instant, the two of them meet hand to hand.


Lai Hanying's steel spear is very good, but Sun Jian is also extraordinary. The ancient ingot sword is like a dragon leaping into the deep, swimming dragons out of the water, quiet as gentle as water, moving like thunder.

The constant attacker was Lai Hanying. As one of Hong Xiuquan's generals, Lai Hanying was not weak in force, and should be similar to Cheng Pu and others. However, when he met Sun Jian, who was one level higher in rank, the ending was destined to be sad.

Suddenly, between Sun Jian's flashes and flints, the Gu Ding Dao quickly slashed out from Sun Jian's armpit, flying Lai Hanying's steel spear aside with lightning speed, and at the same time changing the blade with his left hand, the sword, light, sword and shadow quickly slashed out, cutting directly Lai Hanying's throat.

Blood splattered everywhere, Lai Hanying finally failed to resist Sun Jian's Gu Ding Dao, and died under the Gu Ding Dao.

And Zhang Fei, who was fighting Hu Yihuang, was even more straightforward. Hu Yihuang's offensive was open and closed, and his destructive power was extremely strong, and Zhang Fei was also such a style.

Compared with the battle between Sun Jianlai and Hanying, the battle between Zhang Fei and Hu Yihuang is more straightforward and simple, that is, constantly stabbing, poking, chopping, wiping...

It is purely of strength, so as the battle progressed, Hu Yihuang became more and more frightened, while Zhang Fei became more and more angry. This damned enemy general was about to make him lose to Sun Jian. How could Zhang Fei not be angry?
Seeing that Sun Jian was going to kill the enemy general immediately, he was very angry and anxious, and shouted angrily.

"Hey, dog thief, kill me!"

After talking about the Zhangba Snake Spear, Zhang Fei used it as a long knife and slashed down horizontally. Hu Yihuang immediately blocked it with the knife.



I saw Zhang Feizhang's angry blow from the Eight Snake Lance, which directly chopped off Hu Yihuang's long knife, and along the snake spear, directly split Hu Yihuang's head in half.

At this time, Sun Jian also cut off Lai Hanying's throat with a single knife.

"I won!"

"I won!"

The two spoke at the same time, looked at each other, and then shouted at the Taiping army formation at the same time.

"Who dares to fight me?"

At this time, the Taiping bandit army discovered that their general had been beheaded by the enemy general, and there was no place to bury him.

"No, the general was killed..."

They started to panic, and the morale of the Taiping bandit army was shocked for a while, but the morale of the coalition army suddenly became high after Sun and Zhang jointly took down the head of the enemy general.

"General, it is extremely disadvantageous for our army at this time. I see that the enemy generals are all extraordinary people. There are very few people in our army who can fight against them. Why don't we retreat first and plan a second plan?"

When Hong Xiuquan's general Yang Xiuqing saw that Hong Xiuquan was going to send another grand prize, he immediately stopped him.

"Retreat, the whole army retreats!"

When Hong Xiuquan heard this, his anger gradually subsided, and after taking a look at Yang Xiuqing, he yelled "retreat" unwillingly, and began to call for money to withdraw his troops.


(End of this chapter)

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