Chapter 106

"Hahaha, bastards, let your grandpa Zhang die, hahaha..."

Zhang Fei laughed loudly, his attack was extremely fierce, the snake spear stabbed out continuously, blood flowed profusely, the battle armor was covered with blood, and looked extremely ferocious.

On the other side, Sun Jian held an ancient ingot knife like a Shura, and was bathed in blood on the battlefield. Behind him, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and the four tiger generals were like four sharp knives, omnipotent and full of lethality.

As for Chang Yuchun, he was unwilling to lag behind, a long spear, like a dragon swimming in water, was made superb by it, blood fell on the sharp point, dripping blood in rain.

Chang Shiwan is like Shura who came from the Nine Netherworld, his evil spirit is incomparably strong, and his evil spirit is only a notch worse than that of Bai Qi, which shows that this person is also a ruthless person.

"You bastards, die for me, ah..."

And at this moment, Zeng Tianyang finally came to kill Zhang Fei with a big knife in his hand. When he saw Zhang Fei, his eyes turned bloodshot immediately, and he came to kill him.

"Zhang Fei, take your life!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei took a closer look, and saw the old man who was approaching to kill him, his temples were already grey, and he immediately started laughing loudly.

"Hahaha, there is no one in the Taiping army, and they sent an old man with one foot in the coffin. I laughed so hard!"

"Oh, my little boy with a yellow mouth, I want to chop off your dog's head, serve you food, and kill..."

When Zeng Tianyang heard it, he was instantly furious. Hong Xiuquan and Chen Xiuqing had despised it before, so he was filled with anger. He didn't expect this yellow-mouthed boy to dare to despise him so much. It's not enough not to kill him. To appease my anger!

Zeng Tianyang was holding a nine-ring sawtooth thick back saber, which looked quite astonishing, while Zhang Fei's snake spear was also eight feet long, exuding a cold and gloomy light, which was quite scary!

"Eat me with a knife, split the mountain!"

"Teng Snake Transformation Fury Snake Sprint!"

As soon as the two fought, the snake spear and the serrated knife collided fiercely, and then the two retreated one after another, each retreating seven steps before they stabilized.

"Hey, you old thief, you still have two brushes, and if you come to eat your grandpa Zhang with a spear, you will know how powerful your grandpa Zhang is!"

When Zhang Fei saw that this person was comparable in strength, he was surprised and killed him again.

"Hmph, you are a young child with a yellow mouth, you are so reckless, you will die for someone!"

When Zeng Tianyang saw that Zhang Fei's strength was on par with him, he was immediately very surprised, but the so-called Wenwu is the first and Wuwu is the second, he will not let Zhang Fei off so easily.

Then the two fought each other again, and went back and forth for more than a hundred rounds, but still no one was at a disadvantage?The faint Zeng Tianyang's attack became even more violent, and Zhang Fei was overjoyed when he saw that there was such a fierce general in the bandit army, and he also used all his strength to fight the bandit.

After more than a hundred rounds again, there was still no winner. Instead, because of Zhang Fei's delay, the bandit army gradually became encircled.

But at this time, Chang Yuchun was like a reincarnation of a killing god, constantly leading the army to kill in the direction of the Chinese army, separated from Sun Jian and Zhang Fei.

At this time, Sun Jian was the most relaxed person. Seeing that the enemy had begun to encircle him, he immediately scolded: "Retreat, the enemy has already encircled, if you don't retreat, it will be too late!"

But at this time, Chang Yuchun seemed not to notice, and didn't stop Sun Jian's words, just kept attacking, yelling in his mouth to enter the Chinese army, behead the general and make meritorious service!

"Boys, follow this general, enter the Chinese army, behead Hong Xiuquan and Yang Xiuqing..."

Sure enough, not long after, the Taiping bandit army rushed over from all directions, surrounded Chang Yuchun's army, and kept compressing the formation. Chang Yuchun's army was constantly beheaded, and the situation was precarious. Ended up annihilated.

"No, Chang Yuchun is surrounded by bandit army, you guys follow me to rescue!"

When Sun Jian saw that Chang Yuchun was indeed surrounded, he immediately turned pale with fright, and immediately led the army to rescue.

As for Zhang Fei, who was fighting Zeng Tianyang, he didn't dare to be careless, he immediately left Zeng Tianyang and headed towards the Chinese army.

"Don't worry about Chang Yuchun, I will save you later!"

Seeing that the two were like two sharp knives, Zhang Feisun instantly tore through the cage of the Taiping bandit army and rushed in.

It is a pity that it is easy to get in and difficult to get out. With the continuous gathering of the Taiping bandit army, more than 3 coalition forces fell into the quagmire for a while, and it was difficult to extricate themselves for a while.

"General Zhang, General Sun, what should we do?"

Chang Yuchun's face was ashen and pale, watching the soldiers under his command being beheaded and torn to pieces by the rushing bandits, his heart felt like a knife was twisted for a moment, and he was full of tears.

"Breakout, retreat!"

Zhang Fei and Sun Jian looked at each other, then rushed towards the Qianjun barracks with a cold drink, Chang Yuchun watched the soldiers behind him fall one by one, his face was full of hesitation, and finally gritted his teeth, with A small number of people followed Zhang Fei and the two to break through.

Soon, the three of them, relying on their brave force, broke out of the cage abruptly, left the barracks of the bandit army in a state of embarrassment, and headed for Kaiyang City.

And the thief army was unwilling to let the three of them return to the city so easily, so Zeng Tianyang led the army to chase after them.

Just when Zhang Fei and the others fled in a hurry with a small part of the army, there was an army lurking on the way Zhang Fei and the others retreated.

"General Guan, General Tan, Zhang Fei and other three generals, why haven't they come back yet? No?"

Song Yi, the deputy general, saw that three hours had passed, and Zhang Fei and the others hadn't come back yet, so he said worriedly.

"No, the three generals are outstanding in martial arts, especially General Chang Yuchun, he is an excellent commander, nothing will happen..."

Tan Daoji shook his head and said very calmly.

At this moment, the sound of killing came from a distance, Song Yi heard it, and said happily: "They succeeded!"

At this time, Guan Yu frowned suddenly, because he was a little surprised to see Zhang Fei and others walking towards them with a small army, and at the same time, a bad feeling came to his heart.

"Archers are ready!" Guan Yu shouted, as if he was ready to release his arrows at any time.

At this moment, Zhang Fei and the three returned in embarrassment with an army of less than [-], and there were countless troops chasing after them. This scene surprised the three of them.

When the three of Zhang Fei walked through their ambush point in embarrassment, the bandit army was approaching in no time.


"Whoosh whoosh..."

Following an order, tens of thousands of rockets descended from the sky, rushing toward the unprepared Taiping army.

"Puff puff…"

"Ah ah ah..."

For a moment, half of the sky was brightly illuminated, and the Taiping army's formation suddenly became a field of Shura fire, and the screams came and went, extremely shrill.

As the chief general, Zeng Tianyang, seeing his soldiers being ignited by the rockets that were continuously shot down, felt bad for a moment. Seeing Zhang Fei's remnant army running farther and farther, he sighed extremely unwillingly and ordered to retreat.

"Retreat, retreat!"

On the other side, Guan Yu and others immediately returned to Kaiyang City after the Taiping bandit army withdrew. In this night attack, the coalition forces killed more than 8000 enemy troops, including [-] killed by Guan Yu's men.

As a result, the raid basically ended in failure, and Chang Yuchun, Zhang Fei, and Sun Jian, who were the coaches, would inevitably be severely punished.

Sure enough, when Liu Yu heard this, he was furious. For Chang Yuchun, who was greedy and aggressive, he was punished with one hundred army sticks, and Sun Jian and Zhang Fei were also punished with fifty army sticks.

On the second day of the night attack, a person quietly left the city and headed towards the barracks of the bandit army...
(End of this chapter)

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