Chapter 108
When Yandang Mountain was covered with thick smoke, Liu Yu, Sun Quan and others were all on Kaiyang City, looking up at the burning Yandang Mountain.

"Pei Yuanshao, you can go at ease, Guan will definitely avenge you..."

Guan Yu looked at the fire that soared into the sky, and secretly swore in his heart.

"Military division, should we carry out the next plan now?" Liu Yu looked at Fan Zeng, and Yang cornered a trace of apprehension, and asked with a smile.

"Boss, don't be in a hurry, let's wait and see the reaction of Hong Xiuquan and others before taking the next step, it's not too late!"

Fan Zeng shook his head, said to Liu Yu, then turned to Sun Quan, and said, "Deputy commander, the next step is up to you. This step is particularly critical. If it succeeds, it will be the end of the Taiping Bandit Army. If it fails, all previous efforts will be in vain. , South into the Eastern Emperor is nowhere in sight!"

"Don't worry, sir, this time you will only succeed, not fail!" Sun Quan replied with great certainty.

In the Taiping bandit camp, Hong Xiuquan was extremely happy at this time, listening to Niu Jin's report with inexplicable excitement.

He didn't care much about the loss of more than half of the battle, because in his opinion, as long as he could burn hundreds of thousands of grains of the coalition army in one fell swoop, this loss was extremely cost-effective.

"Hahaha, I'm so happy. Chang Yuchun's intelligence is indispensable for being able to burn down the food and grass of the coalition army so quickly this time. It seems that this person is sincerely defecting, otherwise he would not have told me such important news. This time I can rest assured!"

But Yang Xiuqing felt that something was wrong there, but according to what Niu Jin said, he couldn't find anything wrong, so he didn't pursue it for a while.

"Boss, Chang Yuchun can use it, but Yang still feels that there is something wrong there, but he can't remember it for a while..."

Yang Xiuqing frowned and said rather distressed.

"Xiuqing, I think you are suspicious because you have been terrified by the coalition forces recently. In my opinion, Chang Yuchun is completely trustworthy, so don't doubt it anymore..."

Hong Xiuquan said very indifferently, it seems that he has completely trusted Chang Yuchun.

"Commander, if the enemy uses bitter tricks, wouldn't we have slipped into the enemy's trap, and it's better to be more cautious!" Yang Xiuqing still insisted on her own opinion.

"Well, if this is not the case, let's wait and see if he will provide some confidential information. If he does, and if the information is true, we will completely trust Chang Yuchun. If it is false , then it means that this is the enemy's bitter trick!"

Hong Xiuquan saw that Yang Xiuqing was so stubborn, and he was also the deputy commander of the Taiping Army, so he was not good at making opinions at the moment, so he made a compromise.

"Okay, as long as Chang Yuchun is willing to provide information, and when Kaiyang City is taken down, I will definitely come to apologize and use him again!"

Seeing that what Hong Xiuquan said was reasonable, Yang Xiuqing nodded and agreed to Hong Xiuquan's proposal.

Sure enough, on the second night, Chang Yuchun sent Liu Bin to the Taiping bandit camp again.


"Go back and tell General Chang that I, Hong Xiuquan, have completely trusted him, and tell him to prepare well. After I attack the city, I will cooperate with the inside and outside, and take down Kaiyang City in one fell swoop, and establish an indelible feat!"

Hong Xiuquan caressed his chest and said to Liu Bin very politely.

"Please also tell General Chang to let him provide information about the coalition forces so that our army can eat away at the vitality of the coalition forces so that we can be sure about the siege of the city. Of course, when Kaiyang City is captured, I will also send General Chang Report the credit to General Tiangong and get him a good future..."

Suddenly, Yang Xiuqing opened his mouth and said, ignoring the matter of asking for credit for Chang Yuchun, his words were sincere, as if he trusted Chang Yuchun extremely.

"Don't worry, the coach and the general, my general will do his best to help the coach win Kaiyang City..."

When Liu Bin heard it, he also said very politely, sonorously and forcefully, very simply.

Three days later, Liu Bin really brought Chang Yuchun's intelligence letter.

When Hong Xiuquan heard this, he was overjoyed and shouted with great excitement.

"Sure enough, Chang Yuchun didn't lie to me. The coalition army was running out of food and grass. They sent general Sun Jian to transport food to the rear. Hahaha, God helped me..."

"Boss, you said Sun Jian was sent out to transport food?" Yang Xiuqing said in surprise.

"That's right, Chang Yuchun's letter said that at midnight tonight, Sun Jian will secretly go out of the city and go to the rear to escort food and grass, and Jushi Valley is the place they must pass through. As long as we wait in ambush on the road, we will be able to achieve great success , Cut off an arm of the coalition army, let the coalition army pay the price!"

At this time, Hong Xiuquan was extremely high-spirited, talking loudly, as if he had ambushed Sun Jian and beheaded Sun Jian!
"Commander, since this is the case, General Zeng Tianyang and I will lead the army to ambush this time!"

Suddenly, Yang Xiuqing recommended himself and went directly to Qin Ming to ambush Sun Jian.

"Alright, you are prudent in your work, and with the assistance of General Zeng Tianyang, I am very relieved!"

Seeing that Yang Xiuqing took the initiative to invite Ying, Hong Xiuquan happily agreed to his request.


Boulder Valley, because the valley is surrounded by boulders on both sides, is also the only official road from Kaiyang City to Bixi City behind.

At this moment, above the Boulder Valley, there are densely packed people hiding, like bugs, lying there motionless, beside the boulders that have already been built.


The cold wind howled past, and the bandit army above the valley unconsciously fought a cold war.

However, the sound was instantly swallowed by the cold wind, drowned in the whimpering sound of the cold wind.

Before long, an army of 5000 people, holding torches, passed slowly down the valley.The leader was riding a tall horse and holding an ancient ingot knife. From a vague look, this person was clearly Sun Jian.

five hundred feet...

Three hundred feet...

one hundred long...

fifty feet...

Soon, he arrived at the bottom of the ambush point. Yang Xiuqing looked at the unaware coalition forces below, raised his hand, and shouted "shoot the arrow", and then tens of thousands of rockets were like meteors falling, fiercely towards the valley. The coalition forces below are killed.


For a moment, there were countless screams and mourning at the bottom of the giant stone valley, and they began to look for a place to hide in a panic.

"Let me go, smash them to death..."

Zeng Tianyang let out a loud roar, and saw countless huge boulders rolling down from the top of the Boulder Valley, or were thrown down by the Taiping bandits.

Immediately, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the screams were extremely shrill, and the place below seemed to be a Shura hell, like terror.

Soon, the voices below the Boulder Valley became extremely rare, and it seemed that the loss had been heavy, and there were not many left.

Yang Xiuqing knew that the matter was almost over, and immediately led the army to kill.

At the bottom of the valley, none of the coalition forces survived, and they were seriously injured even if they did not die, especially Sun Jian, the leader, because the Taiping army was "taken care of" before.

So I went to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss very peacefully, and died happily.

"Is this person Sun Jian?"

Yang Xiuqing looked at Sun Jian, who was so dead that he couldn't die any more, and asked with a frown, feeling that something was wrong.

"Reporting to the general, this person is Sun Jian, the villain is very clear, I can recognize him even when he turns to ashes..."

A personal guard immediately stepped forward to inspect the body of the deceased, and then said with great certainty.

"Okay, since there is no doubt that this person is Sun Jian, then I can rest assured, get ready, and we will retreat immediately!"

Afterwards, the Taiping bandit army quickly withdrew from Jushi Valley, and after the Taiping bandit army left, a person slowly climbed out from among the many actions, and then he limped towards Kaiyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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