Chapter 115

On the third day, Bei Minghao took down Xiancheng without bloodshed. The latest information came from the northern front. Liu Yu and Sun Quan used Fan Zeng's countermeasures to fight with their backs and wiped out Hong Xiuquan and his million-strong army in one fell swoop. , defected to Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang brothers.

When Bei Minghao heard the news, he rubbed his chest and laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, good wow, Fan Zeng really deserves to be called the subterranean father's peerless strategist. With one trick, the masts and sculls were wiped out while talking and laughing, and the army of millions became a thing of the past. Wonderful, wonderful..."

"Yeah, this tactic is really very clever, but it's also a risky move. Chang Yuchun's internal response completely makes up for this. At the same time, It also confuses Hong Xiuquan and Yang Xiuqing, using a strategy that kills two birds with one stone, I admire you!"

Jing Xiang also said with a smile, he seemed to admire Fan Zeng's wisdom very much, which is especially rare, neither Jia Xu nor Xu Shiji seemed to admire him so much.

"Hahaha, it's really rare. I've never seen someone whom Zizhen respects and admires..." Bei Minghao teased Jingxiang with a smile.

"My lord, I'm serious. Fan Zeng's plan is really clever. Even my lord agrees with it. However, there is one person I admire the most. This person's strategy can be called a monster, and he is even better than the minister!"

For Bei Minghao's teasing, Jing Xiang didn't care, just cupped his hands and expressed his opinion.

"Oh, the person Zizhen admires so much must be an extraordinary person. What is the name of this person? Does Zizhen know where he is now? Do you plan to become an official?"

When Bei Minghao heard this, his eyes lit up, and he began to ask eagerly.

"Uh, my lord, this person's surname is Zhang Mingliang, and his style name is Zifang. I met this person a few years ago in Jixia Academy, Jizhou, Zhongzhou, and I haven't heard from him since then. I really owe my lord's love..."

Jing Xiang was astonished, and then smiled wryly. He knew that his lord was thirsty for talents, but he was a little bit dumbfounded, but he still reported the matter truthfully.

"What? You mean Zhang Liang? He's in Zhongzhou?" Bei Minghao stood up in surprise when he heard the words.

"Well, Zhang Liang is indeed in Zhongzhou. I met Zhang Liang when I was studying in Zhongzhou three years ago. This person is indeed in Jixia Academy, and he is quite extraordinary..."

Jing Xiang was a little puzzled, why did the lord lose his composure like this, could it be that he had a personal enmity with Zhang Liang?
"Well, if you see this person in the future, you must keep this person. I have heard of this person. He can be called a holy man. I don't want to be an enemy of this person in the future. I will become my arm. good…"

Bei Minghao laughed boldly, and his words were extremely domineering. The person he likes must be a courtier and cannot be his enemy!

"Uh, I've made a note, I will report to the lord as soon as there is any news in the future..."

Jingxiang rolled his eyes, but he valued Bei Minghao even more in his eyes. It is extremely rare for Bei Minghao to judge a hero based on his ability without asking where he came from.

"Wenhe, what do you think should be the next move? Looking at the overall situation, our coalition forces are already on the verge of victory..."

Bei Minghao looked at Jia Xu, who looked like an old monk in meditation, and asked about the world, and Jia Xu also followed Bei Minghao's question, slowly opened his eyes, showing a thoughtful look.

"Okay, you old fox, stop pretending, tell me, what's the next step!"

Bei Minghao was not fooled, he couldn't help laughing at Jia Xu's acting, and cursed with a smile.

"Uh, my lord, in my opinion, in order to maintain the advantage and not be taken advantage of by other princes, I think my lord should issue an order to the coalition forces on the north and south fronts as the leader of the alliance, urging the two fronts to speed up their offensive and arrive earlier. Eastern Imperial City, but as for the reason, I think the lord should already have a draft, so that the losses of the two coalition forces will definitely increase. In comparison, our side will have a lot of lead, and we will win the Eastern Emperor by then. City, with the strength of our army, we have more say..."

When Jia Xu heard the words, she laughed awkwardly, and then a few seasoned people expressed their suggestions. When everyone heard this, they all looked sideways at this young man, with a little fear, it was simply a scheming plan.

This move of watching the fire from the other side is extremely ruthless, it hits the vital point, and it is a strategy of harming others and benefiting oneself.

When Bei Minghao heard this, he nodded appreciatively, and was extremely grateful to be able to recruit Jia Xu, an old fox.

"Wen He, this plan is very good. Compared with Fan Zeng's plan, it is not much better. I admire you!"

Jing Xiang also stood up and bowed his hands. Regarding Jia Xu's strategy, he didn't care about his character, but only looked at it from his own point of view. It was indeed a very good strategy. Jia Xu deserved his praise!
"Zizhen, it's serious. Compared with your water attack plan, Jia's plan is really difficult to be elegant..."

The old fox Jia Xu rolled his eyes and said humbly.

"Wenhe, this plan is very clever, so don't belittle yourself!"

Bei Minghao looked at the two of them and stopped him with a smile.

"Okay, I will issue an order immediately. As for the reason, haven't you guys noticed anything unusual about the recent cities?"

Bei Minghao suddenly rolled his eyes and said mysteriously.

"Unusual? If you say it is unusual, Xiancheng seems to be too easy to attack, and there is no resistance at all, especially the coach Li Su, who is nowhere to be seen..."

Cui Hao said thoughtfully, and everyone else nodded in agreement, but Jing Xiang and Jia Xu showed puzzled and clear expressions.

"What do you two think?"

Bei Minghao looked at Jing Xiang and the two with a smile, they looked at each other and nodded, Jing Xiang immediately stepped forward and said.

"My lord, I want to write down my views on a piece of paper with Wen He, and see if we have the same views!"


Then the two of them each wrote two characters on a piece of paper, Jing Xiang wrote the word "Qing Zhuang", and Jia Xu wrote the same word.

The views of the two coincided with each other, and the other counselors saw that they could understand without pointing, and nodded one after another. They admired Jia Xu even more.

"That's right, they are young and strong men. Although most of the bandit army is young and strong farmers, they will not exceed a certain limit. In the places we passed before, we rarely saw young and strong men, but some were extremely thin. Weak people, or old, weak, sick, and disabled, this is really unusual. There is only one guess. It is said that Zhang Jiao is a magician with great Taoism, and his actions are extremely evil. How can people be immortal? The only explanation is that these disappearing youths were used to cast evil spells and cast this army, and I think you all know that this is not nonsense!"

Speaking of this, Bei Minghao's face was extremely solemn, the previous fengqingyundan completely disappeared, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

When everyone heard the words, they were all horrified, their hairs stood on end, especially when Zhang Jiao used evil methods to cast immortals, they were full of horror.

"Therefore, Zhang Jiao must be removed as soon as possible, so as not to worry about the future, otherwise there will be endless troubles..."

Bei Minghao expressed his views very seriously, and he knew Zhang Jiao better than anyone else.

After that, Bei Minghao immediately issued this order as the leader of the alliance, stating the "facts" in it extremely seriously, and sent someone thousands of miles to rush it...


Recently, when it's time to go on the list, I hope that the book lovers can give a lot of support. Thank you, Fengshang. After it goes on the shelves, the content will be even more exciting...

(End of this chapter)

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