Call of the Deer

Chapter 149 Sending charcoal in the snow, Dingtao's danger

Chapter 149 Sending charcoal in the snow, Dingtao's danger

In late autumn, the weather in Dongzhou gradually turned cooler. Under the howling autumn wind, a long dragon set off from Yanhuang City and headed east.

As Bei Minghao issued an edict to conquer the five prefectures of Qian, Si, Qin, Liu, and Su in the name of the leader, the princes of Dongzhou reacted differently, and few of them stood firmly on Bei Minghan's side, only Sun Quan of Zhenzhou .

The attitude of the other princes was not clear, either they were afraid of Bei Minghan, or they were afraid of Li Shimin and others' obscenity, the situation fell into tension for a while, and what Bei Minghao wanted was this tense atmosphere.

The so-called move the whole body with one hair, as long as there is chaos in Dongzhou, he can take advantage of the fire and seek benefits. He won the two states of Sizhou and Qianzhou in lightning speed, sitting on the three states in one fell swoop, and approaching the north and the south.

And just when the other princes were hesitating, Bei Minghao had already dispatched his own army.

The army on the southern front is led by Wu Qi as the commander, Di Qing and Wei Qing as the deputy commanders, Guo Jia as the military adviser, Li Cunxiao, Zhang Hao, Yang Yanzhao, and Lin Chong will be the vanguard generals in the four battles, commanding [-] troops, and approaching Chaoyang City.

The West Road still has Bai Qi as the commander, Yue Fei and Xue Li as the deputy commanders, Jing Xiang as the military adviser, Long Qi, Zhang Ying, Luo Cheng, and Wu Song will be the vanguards in the four major battles, commanding [-] troops, and marching towards Yuexi County, Qianzhou kill.

On the northern front, Bei Minghao originally wanted to use the military god Li Jing as the commander, but he was afraid of causing dissatisfaction among his subordinates, so he had to break the rules and promote Zhao Yun, who had been with him for a long time, as the commander, and Li Jing and Tian Dan respectively served as deputy commanders. Cui Hao served as the military adviser.

As for Yu Chigong and Qin Shubao, the vanguard generals with [-] soldiers, they secretly went to the northern front, fearing that Xiong Xin would form an alliance with Qian Sun and come to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

The only one staying in Yanhuang City was Zhendong General Gao Shun, and he sent out other famous generals to garrison various important cities in case there was any change.

At the same time, Li Shimin and other princes also stepped up their strategy. Li Shimin pointed the finger at Yunzhou, Liu Yuhu looked at Pingzhou, and Liu Bei took the opportunity to attack Linzhou.

As for Xiao Yan and Chai Rong in Yongzhou, they became brothers of the opposite sex, united in one army, and pointed directly at the land of Cangzhou.

But Sun Quan was not satisfied, and pointed his finger at the neighboring Anzhou, and sent Lu Su and Sun Jian to approach the border of Anzhen.

However, Hezhou and Hezhou in the northeast, for the first time, united together to keep warm and tightened the defense of the border, for fear that Sun Quan would still attack Xiongxin.

And Xiong Xin also secretly sent people to join forces with Qian Sun, the lord of Qianzhou, to jointly resist the soldiers of the Northern Underworld Army.


"Mr. Ziying, the king of Yuzhou is really willing to advance and retreat with our Qianzhou, and deal with the army of the Northern Dark Army together..."

Qian Sun, the lord of Qianzhou, has been restless since he came here, for fear that his head will not be on his neck when he wakes up. For his old life, he sent Liu Muzhi to Qinzhou to ask Li Shimin for help. .

It's a pity that Li Shimin didn't intend to help him. For Li Shimin, Qian Sun has lost its use value, and it's useless for him to invest as much. Why don't you develop your own power while Bei Minghao is attacking Qiansi Prefecture? good.

The result of Jiangling, the lord of Sizhou in the south, was exactly the same as that of Qian Sun. Both of them were abandoned by the other three parties, and the two were so angry that they vomited blood. How could they be unhappy when they heard that Xiong Xin was willing to send troops to fight against the enemy? It may be his last straw, if he doesn't seize it, he will never have another chance.

Moreover, Fan Zeng, a strategist under Xiong Xin's command, was resourceful and resourceful. He was brilliant when he attacked Zhang Bao and Hong Xiuquan. Helping each other and turning danger into safety seems no longer a dream.

As for whether this is the case, Fan Zeng knew it, and no one knew his weight better than him.


In the land of Pingzhou, Zhou Mu Chen Shubao sat on the top of the main hall, watching the dancers below dance lightly, and the singing and dancing rose.

"Report, Liu Yu, the lord of Suzhou, sent his general Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to approach Wangcheng..."

Suddenly a voice came from outside the hall, so urgent and so uneasy.

"What? How is it possible? Where's my army of one hundred thousand? Where's Chang Yuchun? What's he doing to eat? He even let Liu Jun come to the capital..."

Chen Shubao turned pale with shock when he heard the words, and asked inconceivably, his words were full of surprise and fear.

"Return to Your Majesty, General Chang has been trapped in Liuhuang City for three days, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to send troops to rescue..."

"Trash, full of special codes, let Liu Jun come to Wangcheng, what should I do? What should I do..."

At this time, Chen Shubao had ants like ants on a hot pot, walking up and down the hall, up and down, feeling extremely uneasy.

"Your Majesty, why don't you surrender, so Liu Jun won't hurt us..."

When an old official heard that Liu Jun was killing him, he knew something was wrong. He didn't want to die under Liu Jun's butcher knife, so he had to offer advice to Chen Shubao.

"Nonsense, Gu is the lord of a state, how can he beg for mercy and surrender the county town? Come, someone, pull this thief who has confused the army's morale down and beheaded..."

As soon as he mentioned surrender, Chen Shubao was as if he had stepped on his tail, and immediately became furious, so angry that he had the greedy minister who offered advice be pulled down and beheaded.


"Boss? What should we do? Liu Jun is so powerful that he has besieged Liuhuang City for three days. What is he going to do?"

In Liuhuang City, Chang Yuchun stood on the city wall, looking at the Liu Jun barracks stationed below, his face was full of hesitation.

"I'm afraid that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's troops have already killed the king's city at this moment. This Tan Daoji is so good at using troops, he dares to block our army's retreat and breakout directions. This is to stop our rescue of the king's city..."

Chang Yuchun looked in the direction of Wangcheng, and immediately figured out Tan Daoji's plan.But this is Hong Guoguo's conspiracy, there is nothing he can do if he sees it through.

Tan Daoji and Mu Shun formed a quarrel, firmly besieging the Liuhuang City, and Liu Jun sent 15 troops this time, and the army besieging the Liuhuang City alone has [-] people.

On the other side, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu brought another [-] troops to Dingtao, the king's city. This Liu Yu was determined to take Pingzhou.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to be trapped here to death, watching the king's city fall?"

Hearing this, the young general asked in surprise.

"Trapped here? Hmph, I don't have this plan. If I want to win Pingzhou, I don't have to pay some price. How can it be possible?"

Chang Yuchun's eyes were full of madness, as if he had already made a plan.

"Pass down the order, let the soldiers eat and drink well, break out at midnight tonight..."

At the same time, Xu Da and Liu Ji from Yanzhou finally broke through many obstacles, entered the border of Dongzhou, and arrived at Linhai City, Linhai County, not far from Liuhuang City.

Because Linhai County is in the south of Liuhuang County, it has not yet fallen, but the atmosphere in the city is particularly tense, and the defenders on the city wall are stationed day and night, for fear of the enemy's attack.

And the guard guarding the city was called Man Chong, who was promoted as Xiaolian, and he was the most outstanding figure of the Man clan in Linhai City, so Chen Shubao made an exception and was promoted as the city lord.

Liu Bowen and Xu Da found an inn, ordered a few dishes, and began to nourish the dilapidated Wu Zang Temple.

"Have you heard, because before Li Shimin, Liu Yu, Liu Bei and other five major forces joined forces to ambush King Yanhuang's troops, King Yanhuang was furious and issued a joint edict as the leader..."

"But it seems that none of the princes sent troops, it seems that it failed..."

"Yes, now Liu Yu's claws are pointing at me in Pingzhou, Liu Yu's second brother and third brother Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are even pointing at Wangcheng Dingtao. It seems that Chen Shubao is over..."

"Hmph, if General Chang Yuchun hadn't been trapped in Liuhuang City, how could Thief Liu have easily killed Dingtao..."


"Tiande, what do you think?"

Liu Ji glanced at the thoughtful Xu Da and asked.

"Isn't it clear? Chen Shubao is dead, and his general is trapped. Who will rescue him?"

Xu Da rolled his eyes, and said angrily, this Liu Ji likes to find trouble for nothing, and even these small people in Shengdou know about this kind of thing, so it is really inexplicable to ask him.



"I told you to go, Chen Shubao..."

"Pfft... I'm going to rescue him? Are you kidding me? How can I save Liu Jun's [-] troops? Besides, didn't we come to join Yanhuang King? Why do you want Chen Shubao again? Have you changed your mind?"

Xu Da just spurted out the wine he drank, and asked in disbelief, his expression was as if he had discovered a new continent.

"No, the war in the north has not yet started, and Liu Yu has already extended his hand to Pingzhou. Once Liu Yu takes Pingzhou, it will be considered as a free hand. At that time, he will definitely intervene in King Yanhuang, and the two of us Time to pretend to defect to Chen Shubao and restrain Liu Yu's army, wouldn't that buy time for King Yanhuang?"

"Then how do we save Chen Shubao? Is it just you and me? Don't be joking, okay..."

Xu Da said angrily.

"No, add the [-] troops of Linjiang City, and suspend the letter with Chang Yuchun, let him restrain Tan Daoji's [-] troops, and our army can go straight to Dingtao to rescue the capital!"

Liu Ji looked at Xu Da's extremely distrustful eyes, and was speechless for a moment. Could it be that his scheme is so bad?
Anyway, he is also known as "Zhuge Liang who divides the world three times, and Liu Bowen who dominates the world".

"[-] troops in Linhai City? How do you know? Besides, how do we move the guard of Linhai City? He will listen to you?"

"Are you full? Come with me when you are full..."

"Oh, you haven't finished yet, wait for me..."

Linhai City City Lord's Mansion.

"Report to the city lord, two people came from outside the mansion, saying that they have something to report, this is a greeting..."

"bring here!"

Man Chong looked at the book of war, frowned, and said something lightly without even looking at anyone. It was obvious that he was very upset at this moment.

After receiving the letter and opening it, the more he looked at it, the more his brows became more and more wrinkled, and finally wrinkled into a well shape.

"Come here, go and invite people from outside the house to come in..."

Man Chong took a deep breath, looked at that person, and said lightly.

After that, two people came in, and they were Liu Ji Xuda who left the inn.

"Grassman Liu Ji (Xu Da), met the city lord..."

"Well, you said that there is a way to solve the crisis in Pingzhou? But is it true?"

Man Chong looked at this scholarly scholar with feather fan and scarf, and nodded secretly without realizing it, and at the same time cut straight to the point and asked directly.

"Avoid the city lord, the grass people do have a strategy to solve the crisis in the king's city, but before talking about the strategy, please ask the city lord to agree to the next request..."

Naturally, Liu Ji wouldn't foolishly speak out about his strategy. If this man's pet crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, it would be bad.

"Oh, tell me..."

"That is, once the city lord feels that this plan is feasible, he must take the people around me as the vanguard and let me serve as the military adviser to solve Tao's danger together..."

Man Chong heard the words, his complexion changed slightly, and he took a deep look at Liu Ji, and Liu Ji looked at Man Chong without changing his expression. After thinking for a long time, Man Chong finally agreed to Liu Ji's request.

"Okay, I promise you..."

"The strategy is to write a letter to Chang Yuchun from the city lord..."

Sure enough, after Liu Ji finished speaking, Man Chong was overjoyed immediately, and the expression on his face changed. Then he called his generals to compete with Xu Da. Seeing Xu Da's martial arts, he did not hesitate to let Xu Da be the vanguard .

And except for some soldiers who stayed behind, he used his whole army to attack Dingtao and rescue the king's division, and Liu Ji was naturally worshiped as a military advisor by Man Chong...


(End of this chapter)

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