Call of the Deer

Chapter 158 Qianzhou ends, Yang Zhi with a green face

Chapter 158 Qianzhou ends, Yang Zhi with a green face

The cold wind was howling, and the night's weather was extremely gloomy and cold. Looking at the Beiming Army who had killed them, Qian Sun was completely desperate at this moment, and the helplessness in his heart suddenly dissipated at this moment.

Qian Sun, who was terrified at first, became calm at this time, and returned to the palace alone with a blank expression, and never cared about the war in the capital and the surrounding ministers.

"Brother Daohe, what should I do about this matter? Qianzhou is completely over..."

All the ministers asked Liu Muzhi anxiously with a look of hesitation on their faces.

"Death or life, it's all in your mind, why ask me?"

Liu Muzhi glanced at these ministers in disgust, and hurriedly walked towards the Liu family. He was leaving Qianzhou City and brought the outstanding children of the clan with him.

The Liu family's family business will inevitably plummet after this war, so for the sake of the Liu family's prosperity, he will not sit idly by, and he also wants to avenge his younger brother Liu Daogui.

"Your Majesty, you are back. How is the battle outside? Has the Northern Underworld Army been stopped?"

When a group of concubines saw Qian Sun coming back, they gathered around one after another and started asking questions in a chattering voice.

They are naturally very concerned about the war. After all, as Qian Sun's wives and concubines, once Qian Sun falls, they will be taken captive by the enemy, but they will no longer be able to enjoy a life of luxury and good food.

In this troubled world, women are sad, they have no power to restrain chickens, they can be bullied at will, a stable home and a reliable husband are what they pursue.

And choosing to be Qian Sun's wife and concubine naturally also chooses to live in danger all the time, just like dancing on the tip of a knife, and may die at any time.

"Go and bring Ke'er, Bian'er over here..."

Qian Sun ignored the inquiries of all the wives and concubines, and said indifferently, there was no wave in his eyes, but there was a strong sense of death, hegemony had no end, and his heart was determined to die.

After a while, a man and a woman walked in. They were seventeen or eighteen years old, and their footsteps were flimsy. At first glance, it was the realization of excessive indulgence, and the age of the woman was also at the age of Jin, slim and graceful, a pair of Xiaojiabiyu, like a beauty .

"Ke'er, Bian'er, now that the army of the Northern Underworld Army has entered the capital, there will be no end to his father's dominance, and there will be no place for him in the world, but you two are still young, and as a father, he can't bear the death of your brother and sister love. I will send someone to send you two out of the city, remember, since ancient times, there are only winners and losers, there is no right or wrong, so don't avenge your father, live in peace and stability..."

The so-called people who are about to die have good words, and Qian Sun is like this at this moment.

"Father, but I won't leave..."

The woman immediately knelt on the ground and sobbed when she heard the words, but the man was stunned, completely unaware that her wise and powerful father was defeated. He was still waiting to inherit the great cause of the king of Qianzhou. How could he lose? Woolen cloth…

"Come here, escort Ke'er, Bian'er to leave..."

At this time, it was Qian Sun's last elite team that rushed in. The number was only 500, and they were all warriors. He was very assured that with this army, his two children would definitely rush out of the capital without incident. of.

But after the second son was escorted away, Qian Sun seriously flashed a trace of violence and determination, holding his sword, he entered the back hall of the palace, where his concubines lived.

"My lord, you... ah"

Seeing Qian Sun walking in, a group of concubines immediately went up to meet them, but what they never expected was that they were greeted with a murderous disaster, and Qian Sun attacked them unceremoniously.

"Uh, my lord, you are so cruel..."

In less than a moment, all the concubines died under his sword, and drops of blood only dripped from the blood sword. At this moment, Qian Sun's face was so ferocious.

He, Qian Sun, can accept failure. After all, there are too many princes in the world, and he is just the most mediocre one, but he can't stand his own woman making love under other people's crotch, and even wearing a cuckold and marking himself with a logo after death. It is a great shame and humiliation, so only sending them on the road first can make him feel at ease...

But at this moment, Bai Qi had completely controlled the situation, and just waiting for an order, he could enter the palace in one fell swoop and kill Qian Sun and others.

"Commander, an army of 500 people suddenly rushed out from the back door of the palace and headed towards Ximen..."

"Long, listen to the order. I order you to lead three thousand cavalry in pursuit. You must not let a single person go..."

"Soldiers, follow me to kill the palace, kill..."

The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren are on the side of the water, follow it backwards, the road is long and obstructed, follow it backwards, like in the middle of the water...

When the soldiers rushed into the palace with a murderous look, except for the servants who panicked and ran away, they didn't see a soldier, only heard a distant singing...

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Qian Sun standing on the roof of the palace, singing loudly, as if he was singing for himself, but also for others...


With a loud noise, Qian Sun jumped from the roof, with his head on the ground and his feet in the air, and made an intimate contact with the ground, followed by a large pool of blood spreading on the ground.

Qian Sun finally chose such a way to end his life, and withdrew from the stage of the feudal hegemony with his dominance and regret.

With his eyes wide open, he seemed to want to continue to look at those princes who were still persisting below, to see how they ended up...


"Soldiers, follow me to kill all the remaining evils of Qian and Sun, don't let any one go, kill..."

Holding a purple war halberd and riding a tall horse, Long Qi was like a God of War. He was the first to kill. At this moment, the five hundred elites of King Qian Sun had already reached the city gate.


The halberd killed all directions, and under the shrouding of the night, Long Qi, who was wearing a purple battle armor, combined with that cold gaze, looked extraordinarily heroic.

With the [-] cavalry led by Long Qie and the Beiming Army blocking the front, it was naturally impossible for Qian Sun Wang's elite to resist.

"Help me..."

At this time, the son of King Qian Sun was stabbed in the leg by a soldier, and fell to the ground with a terrified expression on his face, and he repeatedly called for help with both fear and fear.

"Stop hurting my young master..."

At this time, a general appeared out of five hundred elites. He was seven feet tall, with a cold face, and he was holding a dark iron point steel gun.

Suddenly he shot out, killed the Northern Underworld Army with a single shot, picked up Qian Sunwang's son, and rushed towards Qian Ke'er who was in danger.

"Leave him alone, take me out, hurry up..."

At this moment, the son of King Qiansun's liver and gallbladder were torn all over his body, his calves were trembling, tears of pain fell down, and he scolded the man for leaving his sister Qian Ke'er alone and taking him away.

The blue-faced man glanced at Qian Sun's daughter who was 50 meters away from him, and then at Qian Sun Wang's son who was pale. He gritted his teeth and shot towards the city gate.

"Yang Zhi is here, give me death..."

At this moment, Qian Ke'er saw that her brother was ignoring him, she immediately looked desperate, and at this moment, a soldier took the opportunity to stab her in the face with a long spear, and Qian Ke'er's face paled immediately, showing a look of shock.


"Taking advantage of others' danger, you are not worthy to be my soldier, get lost..."

Just when Qian Ke'er was about to die in the hands of the Beiming Army, Long Qie suddenly knocked the soldier's spear away with his halberd, yelled at him, grabbed Qian Ke'er by the shoulder, and captured him alive.


At this moment, with the hard work of all Qiansun elites, the city gate was finally opened.

Riding alone on a horse, Yang Zhi led the shattered son of King Qian Sun out of the royal city and disappeared into the night...


(End of this chapter)

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