Call of the Deer

Chapter 165 Meeting with Liu Chang, going north to Huangzhou

Chapter 165 Meeting with Liu Chang, going north to Huangzhou

"General, are you awake?"

After Chang Yuchun passed out, he was rescued by a group of subordinates. When Chang Yuchun woke up, he looked at the stars in the sky with a blank expression, and was silent for a while.

"Father, mother is dead, there will be no one to take care of Mao'er in the future, woo woo woo..."

Little Chang Mao looked pitifully at the extremely silent Chang Yuchun, and began to cry again.

"Mao'er, don't cry, men don't flick their tears easily, Mao'er will be a man of indomitable spirit in the future, wipe away the tears..."

Little Changmao's crying woke up Chang Yuchun who was in a daze. Looking at his son's red and swollen eyes, this godlike man also had mist in his eyes, and helped Xiao Changmao wipe away his tears repeatedly.

"Father, what shall we do in the future? Mother is gone, will you take care of me for a while?"

"I will, I will…"

Chang Yuchun kept saying "yes", and began to coax little Changmao to sleep. After a while, little Changmao fell asleep with constant rumbling noises.

Seeing his son asleep, Chang Yuchun gently covered him with a quilt, and quietly removed the tent.

At this time, Lan Yu was already standing outside the camp, with her back to Chang Yuchun, staring at the stars in the sky without saying a word, dazed.

", tell me, what's going on!"

Chang Yuchun took a long breath, and said lightly, with a hint of trill in his tone.

"After you left...Mao'er came to find me...I met Chen sister hanged herself, and I was angry and killed Chen Shubao..."

"Why? I often ask myself that I have been loyal to him and have never done anything wrong. Why did he treat me like this? I am not convinced..."

After listening to Sapphire's words, Chang Yuchun roared into the distance, his canthus cracked, a trace of blood and tears fell from his eyes, his eyes were full of sadness and anger, and at the same time, a fire spread rapidly in his heart, as if to burn him to ashes .

After a long time, Chang Yuchun slowly calmed down, his anger fell silent, his body looked so desolate and lonely, and the aura of swallowing thousands of miles that he had in the previous battle with Tan Daoji completely dissipated.

"Yuchun, what are your plans next?"

At this time, Lan Yu suddenly said aloud, Chang Yuchun heard the words, looked at Lan Yu expressionlessly, stared at the hazy moonlight, and remained silent for a long time.

"What plan? Now that Chen Shubao is dead, I have become a lonely soul without a master. The world is so big, where is my place? Hehe..."

Chang Yuchun smiled sadly, his words were full of loss and confusion, that heroic spirit seemed to have disappeared with the wind.

"Yuchun, you are so depressed, what will Maoer do? He has already lost his mother, and if he can't lose his father, you should think about it..."

Lan Yu's eyes froze, she grabbed Chang Yuchun's lapel, and shouted angrily.

"Now that the world is in chaos, where can we shelter? Besides, now that Liu Yu is staring at me like a tiger, where should we go, ah..."

Chang Yuchun was also angry, pushed Lan Yu away, and roared angrily.

"Report, a Confucian scholar came from outside the camp, asking to see the king..."

Just when the two were fighting, the personal guard came to report.

"Confucian scholar? What Confucian scholar? Can you report your name?"

Hearing this, Chang Yuchun let go of his hand and asked with a puzzled expression.

"This person is said to be an old friend of the general, surnamed Liu Mingji!"

"Liu Ji? Bring him in!"

After a while, the personal guard came in with a young man. The man's brows exuded the light of wisdom, and his walking was full of confidence. He looked like an extraordinary person.

"General Chang, don't come here unharmed, Liu is being polite!"

"Uh, excuse me, I haven't seen Mr., I don't know Mr...."

Chang Yuchun was a little surprised when he heard this, he really had never met this person before, so he didn't know how he said he was safe, and for a moment he really couldn't figure out why this person came.

"It's okay, the general hasn't seen me, it's not surprising, this time Liu came here to help the general!"

With a smile on his face, Liu Ji shook his feather fan lightly, talking eloquently, without leaking any words.

"Help me? What can I do for you? It's okay to just say it!"

Chang Yuchun didn't wrinkle slightly, he didn't know what the Confucian scholar meant, and he was rather displeased by beating around the bush.

"Since that's the case, then Liu will just say that Chen Shubao's death was probably caused by the Lan Yishi beside the general. Now that Chen Shubao is dead, Liu Yu will make a move after hearing the news, and Pingzhou is hard to protect. General, as the chief general of Pingzhou, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to be alone. At that time, he will have to make a choice, whether to live or die, it is only a matter of thought..."

Liu Ji stared into Chang Yuchun's eyes, and said word by word, neither humble nor overbearing, neither happy nor sad, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

"Oh, sir, it's not bad, but the world is so big, where in the world can I stay?"

"Cao Cao in Xizhou, Liu Che in Beizhou, Yingzheng in Zhongzhou, Li Shimin in Dongzhou, and Bei Minghao are the masters of the Ming Dynasty. The general only needs to dismiss his soldiers as soon as possible, and go to the master of the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible. Why sit here and wait for death..."

One word at a time, sonorous and sharp, what Chang Yuchun said was stunned, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Mister is a great talent, I don't know how to choose if Mr. is me?"

Chang Yuchun took a deep breath, bowed and asked.

"If I were you, I would choose Yanhuang King Bei Minghao. This man is a man of majestic talent, martial arts and martial arts. He is thirsty for talent. He is known as Bole. The general must have heard of it before, right? And his generals are like rain, and counselors are like rain." , in the future, he must be the master of Dongzhou and look down on the people of Kyushu, so it is the most correct thing to go to him!"

"Sir, but King Yanhuang sent to persuade me to come here? Hmph!"

Chang Yuchun's expression changed, and he suddenly asked in a cold voice.

"No, Liu has never seen the true face of King Yanhuang, but only admires his prestige, so he traveled thousands of miles from Yanzhou to the north, and came here to join him. Naturally, he is not a lobbyist sent by King Yanhuang..."

Liu Ji shook his head and smiled wryly, denying Chang Yuchun's statement, looking straight at Chang Yuchun without fear, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Come from Yanzhou not far away? Go to Bei Minghao?"

Hearing this, Chang Yuchun looked at the fearless Liu Ji in disbelief, and his mind became active for a while.

One look at this person and you can tell that this person is a generation of great talents, and his words are clear and well-reasoned, and he doesn't look like an alarmist at all, so naturally he has already believed his words in his heart.

"That's right. Today the world is in chaos, the country is collapsing, heroes from all over the world are rising up, the so-called good birds choose trees to live in, and good times choose the master to do things. Who doesn't want to go to the Ming Lord and make contributions? Later, Liu also had this idea, and Yanhuang Wang Beiminghao rose up at an early age, but in just three years, he has already become one of the overlords of the Eastern Continent, so he is naturally the Ming lord..."

Seeing that Chang Yuchun had already started to waver, Liu Ji immediately intensified his offensive, his tongue was full of lotus flowers, and his mouth was full of gold, intending to persuade Chang Yuchun with all his might and take him northward.

In this way, when the time comes, Bei Minghao will value him very much and use him heavily, and his ambition and ability will come into play.

Chang Yuchun's eyes flickered, and he began to move, after all, now he has become a lonely soul without a master, and his future is bleak, but Bei Minghao is famous in Dongzhou, even Kyushu, and has the name of Bole, so he will not be able to go to him buried.

It's just that he is not reconciled to letting him abandon the [-] troops who accompanied him on the battlefield.

"Sir, what you said is reasonable, but the [-] army under my command is my brother who has been through life and death with me. It is really inappropriate to abandon it hastily, so..."

"Don't worry, general, as long as the general tells them that those who are willing to follow the general can disperse and leave for Huangzhou, make an appointment, and it's okay to get together again when the time comes.

As for those who don’t want to follow, let them stay. He will point to Pingzhou in the future. At that time, the general will raise his arms, and all the brothers in the past can respond one after another. At the critical moment, they will help the general to take Pingzhou quickly and make great achievements. Isn't it beautiful? "

Liu Ji was eloquent and eloquent, and with just a few words, he solved all of Chang Yuchun's worries. Now Chang Yuchun naturally had nothing to hesitate. With a bite of his teeth, he made a decision and planned to go north to the Yellow River. Zhou, defected to Bei Minghao.

"Mr. Chang's words made Chang suddenly understand. Thank you sir for pointing out the maze. In the future, he will go through fire and water for what he wants, and Chang will never frown..."

"Hehe, the general is serious. We will be colleagues in the future, so we will naturally support each other, hahaha..."

Liu Ji rubbed his chest and laughed heartily, quite happy.

The next day, Liu Ji took the first step and went to Dingtao to make the final arrangement.


 Dear book friends, since Fengshang was put on the shelves, it has been updated by [-] every day. Now there is no recommendation. I hope you will support more, subscribe more, reward more, and give a monthly pass. Otherwise, I don’t have the confidence to continue Write it down, woo woo woo, my monthly pass is still zero, it's too embarrassing, woo woo, if anyone else has any opinions, they can boldly raise them, and I will accept them humbly. . .

  At the same time, I would like to thank Little Wukong 12. I am obviously in a daze. I will work hard to earn money to buy a house this year. I will continue to work hard to update it. I hope you will support me too. me please
(End of this chapter)

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