Call of the Deer

Chapter 171 Beiming Bestows a Marriage, 3 Happy Homes

Chapter 171

Xiao Xiao lonely wind and frost travels at night, white snow and cold sky fly!
Before the cold winter came, Bai Xue came first, and inside the Wuji Hall, there was a warm current. All the hot people took off their coats, and the generals took off their armor one after another, and sat around the stove.

"Dear dear ones, this cold snap is unexpected, but fortunately it covers a relatively wide area, Dongzhou and even the entire Nine Continents have been hit by this cold snap;

Unfortunately, in this cold snap, there may be countless Liming civilians who will die. I am lonely and heartbroken. I can only try my best to protect the people under my rule and help them tide over this crisis. As for other states, I am afraid It's beyond the reach of the whip, the heart is powerless, alas..."

Bei Minghao drank a glass of keel wine, warmed his body, and sighed endlessly.

"My lord, you urgently called us back this time, but what's the rush?"

Long Qi has the most irritable temper, so naturally he was the first to ask questions, and the others were also very curious, and they didn't do anything like this early bird.

"Hehe, Longqi, don't worry, let the lonely king speak slowly, it's a great thing to invite you this time, but the number of places is limited, you need to fight for it yourself, hahaha..."

"The number of places is limited? My lord, what do you say? Can you explain in detail?"

Bai Qi frowned slightly when he heard the words, not knowing what Bei Minghao meant, so he had to bow and ask.

"Hehe, Gongsun, don't worry, you'll know what it means right away, hahaha, let them come up and meet the wishful man chosen by the lonely king for them..."

As soon as Bei Minghao's voice fell, three beauties came out from behind the screen of the Wuji Hall one by one.

Even Bei Minghao, who had met these three people before, couldn't control himself anymore, and immediately activated the Xuanwu Yutian Jue, suppressing the flame in his heart, so as not to make a fool of himself in front of his subordinates.

Could it be Chen Yuanyuan, Mao Qiang, and Qian Keer who were summoned in Beiming Haofengyi Pavilion, and the captured Qian Keer? When Bai Qi and the others saw the three women, their expressions immediately changed.

When Long Qi saw Qian Ke'er, he was a little surprised for a while, this woman was captured by him, he didn't pay attention at that time, he really didn't expect to be so beautiful.

As for Bai Qi, after a slight surprise at the beginning, his expression became calm, as if it had nothing to do with him; and Wu Qi, on the contrary, had a fiery look in his eyes, salivating.

Wei Qing and Zhao Yun glanced at each other, both of them were a little surprised, they didn't understand what Bei Minghao meant, could it be that there was no test?Not daring to act rashly for a while, he looked at the smiling Bei Minghao, wondering what kind of medicine Bei Minghao bought in his gourd.

Luo Cheng is worthy of being called a cold-faced and cold-faced gun. Seeing such a beauty at this moment, he still has a cold face, as if everyone owes him money. The house attracted the woman in the green dress.

"Okay, you guys, don't make such an expression. These were obtained by the lonely king by accident. Now he plans to give marriages to the three people present. As for who it is, it depends on the intentions of the girls. Those who have won a beautiful woman can show themselves in front of everyone..."

Seeing that none of these guys were attracted by the beauties, Bei Minghao wondered for a while, could it be that the three beauties he chose couldn't catch their eyes?Helpless, I had no choice but to explain the whole story.

After listening to Bei Minghao's words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They looked at the three women standing in the middle again. It was only when they were serious that they appeared astonished.

"The three girls, here in Wuqi, are the governors of the southern front. I wonder if they are lucky enough to be favored by that girl?"

Among them, Wu Qi was the most impatient, making Bei Minghao feel ashamed. This fellow is quite capable, but why is he so lustful?When I think about its historical reputation, I feel relieved.

Contrary to Wu Qi, Bai Qi seemed quite plain. He glanced at him and closed his eyes to rest his mind. It seemed that the three women couldn't arouse his interest. This surprised Bei Minghao, but at this time Bei Minghao suddenly noticed Bai Qi closed his eyes, and immediately knew that this guy did it on purpose.

Which hero doesn't love beautiful women? God of killing is also a human being. Naturally, he can't avoid it. However, as the chief general of Bei Minghao, he can't make it too obvious. It's embarrassing for Bei Minghao. He has no choice but to be indifferent, so as to attract the attention of the three women on the opposite side. force.

It's a pity that Bai Qi miscalculated. Although he looks very burly and has a serious face, who told you to be unconventional and "disdain" the three of them?

On the other hand, Zhao Yun looked very ordinary, looking directly at Chen Yuanyuan quietly, his eyes were full of appreciation, and he had no suspicion of lust. He looked like a gentleman at first glance, and he was very handsome, with a smile on his face, which made people look at him Like a spring breeze, it is easy to develop a good impression.

Sure enough, Chen Yuanyuan, who was stared at by Zhao Yun, noticed the young and handsome Zhao Yun staring at him, and his face suddenly turned pink, extremely ashamed, and he hid his face to hide his shyness, so he didn't dare to look at Zhao Yun for a while.

On the contrary, it was Luo Cheng, who had a solemn face since he entered the Promise Hall, and his face was always so cold. His handsome face was covered with frost, which was colder than this winter's wind and snow. It makes people look a little cold.

However, Mao Qiang was attracted by Luo Cheng, and kept looking at this mysterious handsome man with that handsome face, sitting there motionless, looking at the three women, with no waves in his eyes.

As for Qian Ke'er, he has been staring at Longqie since he came on stage, making the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Longqie a little embarrassed, extremely shy and uncomfortable, and dare not look at the other two beauties for a while.

"Okay, since you don't say anything, let the three girls choose for themselves, hehe..."

Seeing that all his subordinates were so silent, Bei Minghao was afraid of being cold, so he directly interrupted everyone's eye contact and let the three girls start to choose.

"My lord, I choose General Longqi..."

As soon as Bei Minghao's voice fell, Qian Ke'er pointed at Longqi delicately, and her tone was extremely strong. This made Longqie, who was unprepared, stunned for a moment, and then looked around uncomfortably. Looking towards Longqi.

"Brother Long, congratulations on embracing the beauty, hahaha..."

Zhao Yun was the first to speak to Long Qie with a smile, a trace of joy and anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"Uh, no, I..."

Long Qi was dumbfounded and didn't know how to explain it. In order to ease the tense atmosphere, he picked up the keel wine on the table and drank it.

Seeing the embarrassing appearance of the dignified King of Chu's top general, Bei Minghao felt very funny, couldn't help it, and laughed directly.

"Okay, since Miss Qian chose Longqi, Gu will definitely make good things happen for both of you, hahaha..."

"Chen Yuanyuan, Mao Qiang, two girls, have you two chosen? Could it be that you look down on the brothers of the lonely king?"

Beiming was afraid that the girls would look down on the others, so he had to elevate the identities of the girls and give them more bargaining chips so that the two girls could make a choice.

"My lord, a famous woman chooses a general with delicate features, red lips and white teeth, and wearing white armor..."

A general in white armor?Luo Cheng or Zhao Yun?Everyone looked at Zhao Yun and Luo Cheng.

"Don't look at me, he chose Zilong!"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Luo Cheng looked a little embarrassed, and said coldly, while looking up at Mao Qiang.

At this moment, Mao Qiang was looking at him, and Qianqianyu pointed at him. He became extremely embarrassed for a while, and his face turned a little red. He was also a man with blood and blood. The beauty was moved, but I didn't think that I would be selected, so the previous scene appeared.

"Uh, Brother Luo, don't you like Miss Maoqiang? Then give it to Wu, who still needs a concubine, hehe!"

At this time, Wu Qi looked at the embarrassed Luo Cheng, and joked, a trace of disappointment and helplessness flashed in the eyes of his colleague, and his gaze stayed on Bei Minghao for a moment, as if looking forward to it.

"Uh, who said I don't like it?"

Luo Cheng was provoked by the mature and prudent Wu Qi, and immediately said nervously.

"Hehe, I was just joking, why is Brother Luo so excited, hehe..."

Wu Qi touched his nose and said helplessly.

But at this time, when Mao Qiang saw that Luo Cheng said he liked her, he was also relieved from the bottom of his heart, and he secretly agreed.

"Uh, well, where is Miss Chen? Who do you choose?"

Bei Minghao interrupted everyone's whispering, and looked at Chen Yuanyuan who hadn't chosen yet, this beauty known as one of the "Eight Beauties of the Qinhuai River".

"My lord, my daughter, my daughter chooses the silver-armored general..."

After speaking, he immediately covered his face to conceal his nervousness and shyness. At the same time, he looked through his fingers at Zhao Yun who was a little at a loss, expecting and nervous.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun, this courageous man, also turned red at this time, looked around, looked at the envious eyes of everyone, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Zilong, you and I have been together for a long time. I know you haven't married yet. I wonder if you would like to marry Chen Yuanyuan? If not, I will marry someone else..."

"My lord, the general is willing to marry Ms. Chen as his wife, and I ask my lord to make it happen..."

As a brave general on the battlefield, he is naturally not the type to be timid and timid. After experiencing the initial panic, he immediately changed his attitude. After the test, Zhao Yun naturally figured out the whole story, and his tone became extremely strong.

"Okay, since Zilong is willing, then choosing a date is worse than bumping into the sun. Tomorrow I will personally officiate the wedding ceremony for the three of you and let you get married, hahaha..."

"Congratulations to Zilong, Brother Luo, Brother Long, hahaha..."

The others congratulated one after another. Although they were envious, they were also sincerely happy for the three of them.

"My lord, when will you find a beautiful woman for the last general..."

Wu Qi asked eagerly with a mournful face.

"Uh, it depends on your luck and achievements. If you make a lot of military exploits, the lonely king will naturally arrange a marriage for you..."

Seeing that Bei Minghao agreed, other people also began to ask Bei Minghao to give them marriages, but Bei Minghao was not worried. With the system in hand, all the beauties in the world are in his pocket, as many as he wants, As long as the emperor's luck point is enough.

However, he will not summon it blindly, the emperor's luck point is not so easy to earn...


 Dear book friends, since Fengshang was put on the shelves, it has been updated by [-] every day. Now there is no recommendation. I hope you will support more, subscribe more, reward more, and give a monthly pass.If anyone else has any opinions, they can put them forward boldly, and I will accept them humbly. . .

  At the same time, I would like to thank Xiao Wukong 12, who loves to be in a daze, drowning giant salamander, what a day, this year I will work hard to earn money to buy a house., JJ is in love with the star's cat, Lianhua Sanren, Xiyang Wuxie and other book friends' rewards, I will continue to work hard The updated er, I won’t let you down, I hope you will support me too, please
(End of this chapter)

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