Chapter 274

"Wooooow..." "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh"

Outside Xihui City, the pennant covered the sky, and there was a sea of ​​people, like a forest sea. The sound of waves, wave after wave, swept in, one after another, impacting the minds of the defenders in Xihui City...

Drums burst into bursts, roaring like thunder, and horns whimpered, screaming like ghosts;
An army of one hundred thousand, with Chen Bing at the side, a thousand people form a square formation, a whole hundred square formations, a piece of red, like a maple forest in autumn, red like blood;

The front, middle, and back are three parts. The commanding platform is ranked among the rear army, and behind it is a series of military tents. Li Shimin, Xu Shiji, etc. and all the advisers are watching the enemy's situation here...

Li Yuanba wore a golden ape war spirit helmet, purple gold basalt armor, a Thunder Drum Weng golden hammer, and a black unicorn, standing in front of the army like a god of war, staring coldly at Xihui City...

Behind the Eastern Qin army, the order is in good order and the military appearance is solemn. Although they were defeated in Qianzhou before and fled back in despair, their morale is still like a rainbow, and they are full of killing breath...

"The whole army listened to the order and began to attack the city..."

"Wooooow..." "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Following Li Shimin's order, a loud and vigorous horn sounded in the camp of the Eastern Qin Army, slowly turning red like maple forests all over the field, full of momentum, and the flags fluttered and fluttered in the wind.

Tens of thousands of Eastern Qin soldiers, armed with weapons, yelled like runaway wild horses, followed Li Yuanba's footsteps, and rushed towards the city wall of Xihui City like a red torrent...

"Archers get ready, aim for the enemy's brain and shoot for me!"

The sound of flying arrows "咻咻咻!" sounded like the sound of piercing through the forest and beating leaves. Carrying the cold air, it roared towards the Eastern Qin Army, stabbing countless Eastern Qin Army into a hornet's nest in an instant...

"Giant shield, speed up, advance with me, kill! kill! kill!"

Su Lie held back his breath, his tiger eyes flashed fiercely, his voice was loud and cold, he coldly stared at Yue Fei on the city wall who was pointing out Jiangshan, his murderous intent spread, his long knife in his hand was already trembling...

At the same time, commanding the troops under his command, they marched towards the city wall calmly, and the shrill horn sounded like a soul-stimulating bell, urging the soldiers to continue to kill towards the city wall...

Facing the overwhelming rain of arrows like locusts crossing the border, the Eastern Qin army marched forward bravely, holding up wooden shields, like moths rushing forward, one step at a time, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Li Yuanba took the lead, but in a short while, he rushed under the city wall, rolled his eyes, and rode his horse towards the city gate, intending to use his usual trick to break it with strength.

"Zhang Bing, you lead 50 people and block the city gate with sandbags and boulders. You must prevent Li Yuanba from breaking through the city gate and coming in..."

Yue Fei looked at Li Yuanba who suddenly rushed towards the city gate, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately remembered Li Yuanba's other title: "Destroyer of the city gate";
Immediately reacted, and quickly sent someone to stop it.

"Soldiers, the lord has an order. The first person to climb the city wall will be rewarded with a thousand taels and be named a general."

It is said that under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Hearing Su Lie's words, the Eastern Qin army's eyes lit up one by one, and they rushed towards the city wall, the shouts of killing became louder and their footsteps became more brisk.

Although the two armies did not start a hand-to-hand battle, the battle had already started tragically. Although the flying arrows overwhelming the sky and the sky caused heavy losses to the East Qin army, the East Qin army did not show weakness and returned the favor.

The "little giant beasts" were launched one by one. Yue Fei looked at it, his eyes shrank, and he took a deep breath.

"Hey, catapults? How could the Eastern Qin Army have catapults?"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

One after another, the "boulders", like falling comets, pierced the sky and slammed into the city wall. Yue Fei's eyes dropped even more. This, your sister, the range is too short, isn't it?

Those huge boulders smashed hard into the middle of the city wall. Many Eastern Qin soldiers who had already climbed up suffered a catastrophe. Their brains were cracked by their own boulders and they fell from the city wall...

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, what the hell is this, I'm really laughing to death, a bunch of idiots, you think catapults are so easy to make, get lost, a bunch of rubbish..."

Seeing this, all the defenders were in a daze, their chins were on the ground, and they couldn't pick it up. Then they let out a series of roaring laughter, and there were extremely disdainful curses from Xihui City, mocking The Eastern Qin Army under the city...

"Children of the Li family, don't do this imitation trick. Since you also want to copy the catapult, the siege weapon of my Northern Dark Army, you are simply overconfident. Get lost, a bunch of trash, don't show such trash in front of us, it's simply It's embarrassing..."

Yue Fei stood in front of the city in person, scolding Li Shimin loudly for his shamelessness, laughing constantly...

"Pengju, this catapult is destined to spread throughout Kyushu. You can't hide it. You don't need to be angry, but this thing made by Li Shimin is a piece of nonsense. Painting a tiger is not an anti-dog. It is extremely useless. Allow yourself to suffer loss, alas, sad..."

Zhuge Liang looked at those light catapults, shook his head, his eyes showed contempt, such inferior items, Li Shimin dared to line up on the battlefield, it was like a child's play, and finally made such a big joke, like a clown, It's heartbreaking...

My big killer, in the end, caused my army to suffer unnecessary losses for nothing. It is simply a cocoon, and there is nowhere to cry...

At this moment, Li Shimin's face was flushed red, his eyes were full of murderous light, and his murderous intent was undisguised. He touched his nose, and his tone was as indifferent as water and extremely cold.

"Mao Gong, who made this catapult, 'please' him to come and meet me..."

Listening to Li Shimin's calm words, Xu Shiji began to mourn in silence for the person who had vowed to make the catapult for Li Shimin before, and at the same time he was glad that he did not propose this matter before...

Soon the man was "invited" over, at this time the man was trembling all over, his face pale.

"Big...big king, are you looking for...the little one? The little one is willing to do the best for the king..."

The man was trembling, like walking on thin ice, like facing an abyss, kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise his head at all.

"The work of a dog and a horse? No need, the lonely king invited you here to ask Gu a favor..."

"Your Majesty, what do you need me to do for you? The little one will be smashed to pieces, and I will do it for you..."

"Break your body and bones to pieces? You don't need to be so troublesome, you just need to follow in the footsteps of those soldiers who were sent to the underworld by the catapult, and you don't need to be smashed to pieces..."

"Follow... No, the king and the little one are wrong, please give the little one a chance, the big..."


"Hmph, give you a chance? Then who will give those soldiers who died tragically a way out?"

As soon as Li Shimin's voice fell, the man's head moved, and he fell into a pool of blood. The blood flowed profusely, staining Li Shimin's clothes red, but Li Shimin didn't notice it. He looked at Xihui City coldly, with a long sword in his hand, Sisi donated blood, dripping slowly, staining the white snow under her feet red...

"Hmph, Yue Fei, I will kill you here today to vent my hatred..."


(ps: There is one thing that needs to be mentioned. I agreed with the coins, but I haven’t mentioned them all the time. Now let’s make it clear: 100 qian is a consistent, [-] guan is a tael of silver, and [-] taels of silver is a tael of gold!)
(End of this chapter)

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