Call of the Deer

Chapter 303 Plot upgrade, plead for support

Chapter 303 Plot upgrade, plead for support

Dear readers, since I participated in the basketball game today, I am too tired to update, so I just updated a chapter, I hope you will bear with me.
I won't talk nonsense below, I will directly introduce the background, influence, and scope of Kyushu in earnest.

Kyushu is divided into nine continents, which are Zhongzhou, Dongzhou, Xizhou, Beizhou, Nanzhou, Huangzhou, Yanzhou, Mengzhou, and Qiongzhou. Except Zhongzhou, which has the largest area, there are 36 small states. There are only eighteen small states;
In addition to Jiuzhou, there is also a bitterly cold land in the north, where Hu people live, and a barbaric land in the far south, where barbarians live.

And there are nine counties in each small state, and there are several counties in each county, so I won't introduce them one by one.

As for the population of each state, the population of each state is about 150 million to 300 million, and of course there are many.

The plot setting of the characters, in order not to confuse the book friends, of course I am afraid of confusion, basically except for the powerful and famous generals, other states will more or less get the allegiance of the generals
In addition to the above points, it is also important to emphasize that memory retention is random, and it cannot be retained by strong strength, and there are only twenty memory retainers in Kyushu. I hope everyone will not be entangled in this issue.

Secondly, the setting of the plot has been sped up, and at the same time, for the needs of the next novel, the form of the novel will be slowly changed. This is different from Struggle for Hegemony and History, and the two are combined.

Third, the magnificent scene is about to begin, and I hope everyone will support it.Fifth, I will increase the appearance of famous officials and generals.Sixth: Let me emphasize again, the division of ranks and attributes of generals and counselors:
Generals: (1) Military strength, or if the commander is above 100, he is the peerless God of War, that is, the holy general;
More than 95 is a peerless warrior, that is, a god general;
90-94 are legendary players, 80-89 are famous players;
75-79, first-rate military generals, 70-74, second-rate generals, 65-69, third-rate generals, 60-64, low-rate generals.


(1) If the intelligence or internal affairs are above 100, it is a god-level strategist; 95-99, a legendary strategist; 90-94, a top strategist,
80-89, first-rate strategist, 70-79, second-rate strategist, 60-69, third-rate strategist, 50-60, not-rate strategist.

Five evaluations of force, commander, military strategy, intelligence, and internal affairs have also been added, replacing skills and characteristics;
These five settings are divided into fifteen levels: S+, SS-, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-.

Among them, more than 100 are S+, 95-99, S; 90-94, S-, 80-82.A-, 83-86, A, 87-89, A+,

After that, every third or fourth will be a level.

Seventh, I will start to abuse the master, I hope everyone understands, and at the same time I will come up with some things like siege, medicine, etc., as well as poetry, literature, Taoism and other religions, of course there are some things like fantasy, like elixir, etc. .

Dear book friends, Fengshang needs everyone's help to write everything down, so I hope you can give me some suggestions.mainly include:
1. Famous counselors, life stories, and ability positioning. 2. Famous generals, the battles experienced by the generals, the comparison of force and long-cherished wishes.

3. The peerless commander, the military record under his leadership, and the comparison with other historical commanders.

4. Famous monarchs, their dynasties, and their achievements!
5. Peerless beauty, life story of beauty, love-hate entanglement.

6. Add some famous place names.

7. Names of some weapons and horses.

8. Famous arms and battles.

9. Other miscellaneous studies, including industry, agriculture, business, scholar and medicine!
Hanfeng thanked you all here, and please friends to lend a helping hand to help me out of the predicament!please!

Next, I will add some general information, I hope you will not be confused in the future.

Zhao Yun【Ever Victory General】

Strength Level: Peerless God General

Force: 101 Commander: 92 Intelligence: 90 Politics: 70
Force: S+, commander: S-, military strategy: S, intelligence: S-, internal affairs: B-
Qualification: SSS
Skill:? ? ?

Bai Qi 【Kill God】【Human Tu】

Strength Level: Peerless God of War (Holy General)

Force: 99 Commander: 104 Intelligence: 95 Politics: 85
Force: S, Commander: S+, Military Strategy: S+, Intelligence: S, Internal Affairs: A
Qualification: SSS+
Skill:? ? ?

Wu Qi [Wu Zi]

Strength Level: Peerless God of War (Holy General)

Force: 90 Commander: 102 Intelligence: 98 Politics; 92
Armed Forces: S-, Commander; S+, Military Strategy: S+ Intelligence: S, Internal Affairs: S-

Qualification: SSS+
Skill:? ? ?

Bei Minghao【Shocking】

Strength Rank: King (Peerless General)

Emperor Level: Level 3

Upgrade Requirements: 0/40
Imperial Luck Points: 15
Force: 98 Commander: 92 Intelligence: 87 Politics: 79
Monarch Charisma: 80
Force: S, commander: S-, military strategy: S-, intelligence: A, internal affairs: B
Qualification: SSS+
Skills: dragon and phoenix singing in harmony, group killing combat skills, stimulating combat skills, the force is instantly increased by 5 points, and the divine halberd immediately sends out a dragon and a phoenix to attack the opponent within a radius of ten feet without distinction.

Overlord Carrying the Tripod, the legendary Chu Overlord's combat skills, inspired, force instantly increased by 10 points, intelligence decreased by 20 points, and lasted for five rounds.Di Ming Shi Tian, ​​the legendary underworld emperor's unparalleled command skill, the soldiers commanded, on the battlefield, are boundless in courage and bloodthirsty, as if possessed by a battle spirit from Jiuyou, the fighter is extremely powerful.

Di Ming Shi Tian, ​​the legendary underworld emperor's unparalleled command skill, the soldiers commanded, on the battlefield, are boundless in courage and bloodthirsty, as if possessed by a battle spirit from Jiuyou, the fighter is extremely powerful.

The strong dragon does not regret, the latent dragon is in the abyss, when a storm comes out of the nine abyss, when they meet on the battlefield, in an unfavorable situation, they can survive to the death, break the boat, and under the influence of the main general, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under his command will increase sharply, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased (force increase 3 -5 o'clock, half a month of weakness after the war).

Divine Weapons: Nine Dragons Splitting Heavenly Halberd, Emperor Ming Nine Nether Armor, "Sun Tzu's Art of War"

Mount: Jiuyou Dragon Horse

Cultivation techniques: Overlord's Battle of the World Jue, Xuanwu Yutian Jue
Combat Skills: Divine Phoenix Immortal Halberd, True Dragon Stepping Heaven Halberd
Power: Huangzhou

Generals under his command: …….

Adviser under his command: ...

In addition, I still have some things to explain to you book friends

The first point is that because the ones that were opened were a bit big before, the strength of the generals or commanders who came out first was a bit high. I changed it a little bit smaller, but because the pirated websites just pirated and didn’t change, many people have been stuck. I was confused, so I apologize to everyone, please support the genuine version, let's play and discuss together.

The second point is that my book is different from the Bronze Book. In order to avoid writing later, the writing collapses, and there will not be so many skills. Some only have real gun battles, and skills are replaced by combat skills.

The third point is that you won’t increase your martial strength because of anger, but there is a way to permanently improve it, that is, the awakening of generals. After awakening, military strength can be increased within the normal range (this normally means that under reasonable circumstances, randomly boosted);
The awakening of a warrior is actually a breakthrough of the bottleneck by force. Some people do not necessarily awaken their memories. The awakening of their memories is for the needs of the plot. Please don't ask why.

The fourth point is to wait patiently, the stage of the abuser has passed, don't be impatient, the fierce general will be summoned soon, I hope to look forward to it.
And the most important point is to continue to support me. If there is any channel, you can help me promote it. Please, your support is my biggest motivation. Hey, join my group ([-] )
(End of this chapter)

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