Call of the Deer

Chapter 305 Wolf ambition, abandon Xie An

Chapter 305 Wolf ambition, abandon Xie An

But at this time, the Cangzhou army was restrained by Zhang Ji and had no one to command. It was in a mess, with corpses everywhere, and suffered heavy losses. The number was less than a thousand.

"Athletes of the Cangzhou Army, now that the rear is blocked, there is only a bloody battle. Who is willing to fight with me in blood and shake my Cangzhou Tigers?"

The old Zhang Ji yelled angrily, exuding a fearless aura all over his body, and his tiger eyes shone fiercely, like a ferocious beast that chooses a person to devour.

"I would like to follow the general and kill the enemy captives, so that I can strengthen my strength in Cangzhou Tigers."

Thousands of people in Cangzhou, who were dying at first, suddenly exploded into the sky when they heard Zhang Ji's roar.

"Hey, Zhang Ji is indeed a fierce general who has come out of blood and fire. It's really amazing."

When Guo Ziyi on the cloud city heard the words, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he was quite admiring.

"Commander, it's true. Although it's already dusk, the general wind is still there. It's really not to be underestimated."

It was rare for Huarong to say a pertinent word, but he was actually overwhelmed by Zhang Ji's aura.

"That's right. Although Zhang Ji is in a desperate situation, he is not afraid. He can face life and death calmly, and his bones are strong. However, it is worthwhile for us young students to go in and learn his spirit."

Although it was different from Zhang Ji's camp, Guo Ziyi was even pushed into a desperate situation not long ago, but it did not prevent Guo Ziyi from praising Zhang Ji.

In battle on the battlefield, there is no right or wrong, only differences in ideas and camps.

Warriors value righteousness and are straightforward.

And just when the two were secretly admiring, they joined hands in blood, and the battle situation reappeared.

The Cangzhou army of nearly a thousand has been twisted into one rope, and they are bloody hand in hand, multiplying their lethality.

"Huangkou kid, come, come, practice with the old man, and the old man will teach you a nirvana at the end"

Zhang Ji didn't care about the Yongzhou Army with high fighting spirit and exposed ferocity.

Although their morale was like a rainbow, and everywhere they went, they were covered with corpses, but they would eventually be annihilated by the tens of thousands of Eastern Qin troops.

In the last battle, they only need to fight alone, without the need for a commander.

"Hmph, although your martial arts are better than mine, you are still old after all. I, Hou Junji, are not as good as you in martial arts, but I am not a coward without balls. So what if I fight against you?"

The vast majority of warriors have their own dignity, and for the sake of dignity, there is no regret even if they die.

"Okay, not bad, your ambition is very good, for your courage, this old man makes an exception and spares your life."

Zhang Ji looked at the imposing and fighting Hou Junji calmly, but there was no killing intent in his eyes, only a strong fighting intent.

This is his last battle on the battlefield. He will fight for glory with his broken body, even though he will die without regret.

"Hmph, it's not certain who will spare someone's dog's life."

Hou Junji snorted softly, his tiger eyes shone coldly, he gritted his teeth, and holding a long knife, he rode his horse towards Zhang Ji.

At this time when the old and the new are changing, he can't back down in the slightest, and he has to fight for his own glory and the glory of the Eastern Qin Army
Seeing Hou Junji, who was full of fighting spirit and completely unafraid, Zhang Ji looked up to the younger generation even more.

He doesn't care about his wanton insults. If this was 20 years ago, he would really risk his life to fight Hou Junji to the death.

"Stop talking nonsense, you and I see the real chapter, take a shot at me."

"The mad shark howls the gun, the blood shark overturns the river."

"Hmph, relying on the old to sell the old, I am really not afraid of you, and I will kill you."

"Eight Desolation Swords, smash Nine Mountains fiercely!"

Hou Junji was infected by Zhang Ji's aura, and his boundless fighting spirit broke out.

The battle in his hands trembled unconsciously, as if responding to his master.


Zhang Ji didn't rely on his own experience to bully Hou Junji, a melon.

Just like what he expected, he directly shook it with force without flinching.

The sound of the handover of weapons was like rushing thunder and howling, piercing and dizzying.

Sparks splashed in all directions, like meteors billowing, scattered in all directions, and the air was filled with intense fire.

The war horse couldn't bear the huge force, so it took three steps back before stopping
But at this time, the nearly thousand Cangzhou army finally failed to continue to show off their power, and all died under the chaos of swords, and died extremely miserable.
Tens of thousands of East Qin troops surrounded Hou Junji and Zhang Ji in the middle.

"The coach is mighty, kill this damn Cangzhou old dog"

When the deputy general was in Qicheng, he was surrounded by the Cangzhou army, yelling and cursing all day long, which was very annoying. Naturally, he didn't like him at all, and wished he could kill Zhang Ji with his own hands.

"The coach is mighty, the coach is mighty!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers behind him shouted in unison, rallying support for Hou Jun.

On the other side, although Cao Jingzong's troops were not annihilated, they also suffered heavy losses.

There are less than [-] people who still have combat power, and [-] of them are elite soldiers.

As for Cao Jingzong and Wang Shunchen, because they were seriously injured before, it was difficult to show their prestige, and they were besieged and killed by a group of Eastern Qin troops, quite aggrieved.

"Commander, what should our army do? The Eastern Qin army is powerful, and it's all due to this despicable and shameless Guo Ziyi, who reneged on what he said, and deserves to be killed, really deserves to be killed."

Wang Shunchen was quite depressed and angry, and roared angrily, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Hey, I can't blame Guo Ziyi. The two sides have their own masters and different camps. After all, Guo Ziyi is the one who is better at chess. I don't feel wronged."

At this time, Cao Jingzong seemed rather dull, and said in a muffled voice.

"Xie An, tell me, is there a way to help our army escape from the predicament?"

At this time, Wang Shunchen suddenly looked at Xie An who was on the side, and roared fiercely.

"Reporting to General Wang, now that Hou Junji and Guo Ziyi are teaming up and attacking back and forth, our army is deeply encircled, and it is really not easy to escape."

Xie An is human after all, and there are times when he is at his wit's end. Facing the ambush from all sides, he is also helpless. After all, he is not good at strategy.

"Hmph, it's all your fault, your master, who is despicable and shameless, and used our army as a spearman. If you can't think of a way, I will kill you with a single knife?"

Wang Shunchen roared fiercely at Xie An, his face extremely hideous.

"Shunchen, that's enough, don't be rude to Mr. Xie."

Cao Jingzong still had a sliver of reason, and he knew that Xie An had a close relationship with Wang Meng and could not be easily offended.

Immediately shouted angrily, stopping the roaring Wang Shunchen.

"Mr. Xie, please forgive Shun Chen for being rude for a while. He is also in a hurry. Please don't take it to heart, Mr. Wang."

Cao Jingzong's face was pale, and he apologized to Xie An with his hands folded.

"It's okay, General Wang was also dazzled by anger, and became indistinguishable from the enemy. I can understand it."

Xie An lightly shrugged his shoulders, saying it was okay, and at the same time satirized Wang Shunchen for being irritable and ignorant of etiquette.


"Enough, shut up"

When Wang Shunchen heard this, his eyes burst into flames, and he was about to scold Xie An angrily when he was scolded by Cao Jingzong.

"Sir, is there really no way to get out of trouble? You have to know that now you and us are also grasshoppers on the same rope, and no one can escape."

Cao Jingzong did not give up, and threatened again, emphasizing that Xie An should not think about being alone.

"Naturally, Xie knows this, but the Eastern Qin army is encircled on both sides. If a strong man cuts off his wrist like Zhang Ji, there is a chance of survival. Now ten deaths and no life, unless there is an unexpected change."

When Xie An heard this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that Guo Ziyi would not embarrass him, and at most would detain him and threaten Bei Minghao, but he did not expect Cao Jingzong to be so decisive.

"Okay, since that's the case, please take care, sir, I'm afraid Cao won't be able to take care of him later.
When Cao Jingzong heard the words, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, he was no longer as pleasant as before.

When Xie An heard this, his complexion changed instantly, turning livid.

"Don't worry about the general, Xie will live and die in the sky, and he won't bother the general."

"Hmph, you just wait to die, damned scholar"

Wang Shunchen showed Senhan's white teeth and said sarcastically.

Xie An ignored him, and looked up in the direction of Cloud Cloud City.
(End of this chapter)

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