Call of the Deer

Chapter 313 Heart Devouring Moon, Self-recommendation

Chapter 313 Heart Devouring Moon, Self-recommendation
Linyuan City, City Lord's Mansion.

Bei Minghao's face was pale, lying on the bed, his breathing became weaker and weaker.

"Feng Xiao, what should we do? Damn it, Linyuan City, how could there be assassins sneaking in?"

Zhuge Liang's face was livid, he clenched his fists, and his eyes spewed fire several times.

But Dian Wei, Xu Chu and the two were pale, standing in front of Bei Minghao's bed, like two stone lions, scanning the four directions with tiger eyes, for fear that another assassin would come in.

"Oh, we were too careless. I didn't expect assassins to sneak in. It seems that the wind has been going smoothly recently, and we lack vigilance."

Looking at the pale Bei Minghao, Guo Jia was heartbroken, and at the same time, his eyes were full of hatred and anger, and he let out a long sigh.

"Yeah, these are our faults. It's been too comfortable recently, which makes these damned assassins have an opportunity."

Zhuge Liang held the folding fan tightly, his starry eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

"The only solution now is to visit famous doctors to detoxify the Lord, otherwise the Lord may not be able to survive."

Guo Jia sat dejectedly on the edge of the bed, and said extremely worriedly.

"I have ordered Ma Chao, Yang Dayan and the others to do this, I believe there will be news soon."

Zhuge Liang said softly, his face was quite pale.

"Kong Ming, who do you think sent this assassin?"

"Huh? Assassin? To be able to shoot and injure the lord under the eyes of Xu Chu and Dian Wei, this assassin is not low."

"As for who sent it, it's hard to say. After all, the mastermind has not been caught. There are only some miscellaneous fish, and we can't get much useful news."

"Huh? Don't you have any guesses?"

Zhuge Liang was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head and smiled bitterly. He couldn't guess the identity of the assassin for a while.
"Looking at their well-equipped and well-trained crossbows, you can tell that these are not ordinary assassins. In the land of Dongzhou, I really haven't heard of anyone secretly training assassins."

Guo Jia frowned tightly, her face was extremely gloomy and quite dignified.

"You mean outside of Dongzhou? Outside of Dongzhou, there are not many people who can have this strength and plan ahead?"

Zhuge Liang was extremely surprised when he heard this, he really hadn't thought about Dongzhou before, and his back felt chills thinking about it.

"The Kyushu is so big, but there is really no one else who can dispatch assassins in advance, except for the Great Qin King Yingzheng of the Central Continent, the Great Yin King of the Northern Continent, and the Nanming King of the Southern Continent."

Guo Jia let out a long sigh, looking quite helpless and worried.

"Then who do you think sent it?"

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly to express his agreement, and at the same time asked with some doubts.

"In my opinion, I'm afraid the King of Qin will win Zheng. After all, once Yingzheng sweeps the Nine Kings of the East, he will border on Dongzhou, and there will be bumps and bumps."

Guo Jia said in a very affirmative tone, his eyes were shining with stars, extremely deep.

"Hiss, it is said that the King of Qin has a great wrist, great talent and military strategy. He has conquered the Central Continent, looked at all directions, is ambitious, and has the momentum to dominate the Nine Continents. It seems that he is undoubtedly the one."

As soon as he talked about the Great Qin King Yingzheng, Zhuge Liang's face also became serious, his tone was dull, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

"Master Military Advisor, the doctor has found it, found it."

"Have you found a doctor? Please come in quickly, don't neglect."

Afterwards, the guards came in with three or four middle-aged men and a rather young man.

"Everyone, my lord was accidentally poisoned, I hope everyone will do their best, as long as my lord's poison is removed, there will be rewards, and it will not be a problem if you want to get an official position."

At this time, Guo Jia had pinned his hopes on these doctors.

"My lord, please rest assured, we will definitely do our best to detoxify King Yanhuang, and it is our duty to practice medicine and cure the disease."

After speaking, a group of three or four people lined up in order, and stepped forward to diagnose Bei Minghao's condition.

"Oh, how is it possible? It turned out to be Heart Devouring Moon. Hasn't this poison been lost long ago?"

One of the doctors pierced it with a silver needle, pulled it out and saw that the silver needle was blood red, and then slowly eroded, and now he shouted in horror.

"What? You said it was the Heart Devouring Moon? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

For one day, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang could no longer keep calm, their complexions changed dramatically, becoming extremely ugly, and they trembled unconsciously.

"My lord, I read an ancient book in my early years, and what it said was exactly the same symptoms as King Yanhuang. I never thought that King Yanhuang could hold on."

The man looked solemn, looked at Bei Minghao who was in a coma with great admiration, and exclaimed.

"Feng Xiao, what should we do? How could it be Heart Devouring Moon? This kind of poison that was lost in ancient times, this damned Ying Zheng, is really too ruthless."

"Brother, please be merciful and save my lord. As long as you save my lord, I, Dian Wei, will do your best for you. Please."

"Please, I, Xu Chu, are also willing."

At this moment, Dian Wei knelt on the ground, grabbed the doctor's leg, kowtowed and begged the doctor to come to Bei Minghao.

Xu Chu also knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Hey, two generals, it's not that I'm old, it's that I'm powerless. This poison has penetrated into the blood vessels, and the gods can't save it."

The doctor smiled wryly and said helplessly, then looked at Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang.

"Is there really no other way? Please enjoy yourself, the reward will never be less"

Guo Jia's complexion changed, he became calm, staring at the doctor, and said every single word.

"My lord, I have a solution that is not a solution. I don't know if it is feasible or not."

At this moment, a voice came from behind, and everyone turned their heads to see that it was the young man who spoke.

"Oh, what method? But it doesn't matter, as long as it can save my lord, gold, silver, treasure, glory and wealth, I will definitely enjoy it endlessly."

When Guo Jia saw that there was a way to heal Bei Minghao, it was like a ray of light appeared in the darkness, which made him extremely excited.

The others also looked at the young man in surprise.

"My lords, I haven't tried this method. I don't know if it will work. I have seen the introduction of the Heart Eater Moon. It is said that once it is poisoned, the blood in the whole body will be eroded and eventually broken. I think that as long as the blood in the whole body is forced out, the poison in King Yanhuang's body can be taken out of the body, so maybe King Yanhuang can be killed."

"Is this true?"

"How sure are you?"

"This, please forgive me for my crimes, I don't have half a degree of confidence, it's up to the adults to try it or not"

"However, I am quite sure about the blood exchange. As long as I find someone who is similar to King Yanhuang's blood, I can exchange blood."

"Blood is similar? How can I find it? What if I can't find it?"

There was a flash of light in Zhuge Liang's eyes, and he suddenly asked.

"My lord, I have studied this before. Human blood can be basically divided into four types. As long as the population base is large, you can definitely get blood that is similar to the blood of King Yanhuang."

"Oh, since I'm sure, then I'm relieved, it's not too late, then you can start right away, I will order someone to help, and absolutely no one will bother you."

"Then thank you, sir. I need my lord to send over a hundred strong men to start blood tests and match the bloodline of King Yanhuang."

The young man said calmly, and after he finished speaking, he opened the medical box, took out a box from inside, opened it, and found tens of thousands of golden needles
(End of this chapter)

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