Call of the Deer

Chapter 320 The momentum is like a broken bamboo, Liu Lu joins forces

Chapter 320 The momentum is like a broken bamboo, Liu Lu joins forces

(It’s been a long time since I’ve asked for a monthly ticket. I’ve recommended a ticket. My grades are not good recently. Please give me some support. It gives me a sense of presence and motivation.)

On the next day, when the first ray of morning light rose from the east, the gate of Ancheng City opened with a bang.

Then Wei Yan took the lead, riding a horse, came out of the city, and stopped in front of the city.

"Report, Wei Yan opened the city gate and stayed at the gate."

In Liu Yujun's tent, a personal guard came to report.

"Oh, Wei Yan has come out? It seems that he has surrendered, hahaha, well, it is better to use troops to surrender without fighting."

When Liu Yu heard this, he was overjoyed. He had just deliberately scared Wei Yan before.

"Old man Ge, the bird man who loves Wei Yan is also afraid of death."

What Zhang Fei looked down on the most was Wei Yan, who was greedy for life and afraid of death. When he heard that Wei Yan had succumbed, he immediately reprimanded him with some contempt.

"Yide, don't talk nonsense, this Wei Yan was afraid that the lonely king would do something to the people in the city, so he had no choice but to surrender in order to protect the people."

Compared with Zhang Fei's straightforward nature, Liu Yu admired Wei Yan very much, so he told Zhang Fei to shut up.

"Hmph, is it for the sake of protecting the people? Only God knows."

Guan Yu, who was sitting next to Zhang Fei, snorted coldly, and there was a trace of cold killing intent in his eyes, as if he meant something.

"Yun Chang, what do you mean?"

Liu Yu frowned, really displeased with Guan Yu's recent performance.

"Hmph, who is Wei Yan, I think the eldest brother should know, he is definitely not a person who is willing to bear the name of infidelity and injustice for the sake of the people."

Guan Yu didn't look at Liu Yu, whose face was not very good-looking, and said to himself, stroking his long beard as he spoke.

Danfeng squinted at Ancheng outside the tent, his eyes were full of gloom.

"Okay, no matter what the purpose of Wei Yan is, as long as Ancheng can be taken down without bloodshed, it is something worth celebrating."

Liu Yu also no longer cared about Guan Yu, who was acting a little arrogantly, and said lightly.

"Yide, you come with me to see if Wei Yan really surrendered, Yun Chang, you go and prepare, we will enter the city soon."

What Liu Yu is more anxious about is whether he can successfully enter Ancheng and open the prelude to attacking Linzhou.

"Thousands of miles in a hurry, Lu Bu on the southwest line took the lead in shooting and killing Zhang Yi, conquered Hancheng, and came to urge the battle"

Just when Liu Yu got up, a scout's report suddenly came from outside the tent.

Immediately, Guan Yudan raised her phoenix eyes awe-inspiringly, a trace of sadness and helplessness flashed in her eyes, her fists were clenched unconsciously, and her nails sank into the flesh and blood.

On the other hand, Zhang Fei stood up suddenly when he heard Lu Bu's name, his eyes were full of raging fire, and he looked eager to try.

"Hey, this Lu Bu took down Hancheng one step ahead of us, and even beheaded Zhang Yi, he has some skills."

A trace of surprise flashed across Liu Yuyin's eyes, he touched his chin, lost in thought, as if he was planning something again.

After that, Liu Yu personally asked about the specific situation of the battle, and the scout told the whole story.

After finishing speaking, everyone's expressions were a little strange, and Liu Yu fell into deep thought.

Guan Yu showed such an expression as expected, and Dan Feng's eyes were squinting, and his face became a little heavy.

"Hey, second brother, I seem to have heard of the word 'three surnamed servants' before, but I can't remember it for a while."

"Third brother, do you remember something? Think about it quickly"

When Guan Yu heard Zhang Fei's words, he suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Fei, grabbed Zhang Fei's shoulder, and asked nervously.

"Uh, second brother, I didn't think of anything, what's the matter, I just feel that 'Slave with three surnames' is more familiar."

Seeing Guan Yu's loss of composure, Zhang Fei was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed his head and thought for a while, but he really didn't think of anything, and asked with a strange expression.

Are you not familiar with it? You used to scold Lu Bu the most, and you never left your mouth as a "family slave of the three surnames".

"Oh, nothing, nothing."

As soon as Guan Yu heard this, his sharp eyes immediately dimmed, he let out a long sigh, and fell into deep thought.

Zhang Fei saw that Guan Yu's mood seemed to be a little bit wrong, so he patted Guan Yu's shoulder lightly to express his comfort.

Because Liu Yu was lost in thought, he didn't notice this scene.

Soon after, Liu Yu brought Zhang Fei to Ancheng.

"Wei Yan, the sinner, pays homage to the king of Suzhou, and only prays that the king of Suzhou can spare the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Ancheng."

Wei Yan knelt on one knee, bowed his head and begged.

"General Wei understands righteousness deeply, and is very comforted by loneliness. As for these hundreds of thousands of people, they will be lonely princes and people in the future. How can lonely people kill them? General Wei, please be at ease."

When Liu Yu saw that Wei Yan really gave in, he touched his chest and laughed, and helped Wei Yan himself.

"Then Wei will thank the king of Suzhou for the hundreds of thousands of people."

Wei Yan made a gesture to kneel down again, Liu Yu grabbed Wei Yan's arm, his eyes flashed an inexplicable meaning, and stared closely at Wei Yan.

"Huh? Still call me Suzhou King?"

"Oh, last general Wei Yan, meet the lord"

Wei Yan was a smart person, so he immediately understood and knelt down on one knee to show his loyalty.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, with the help of General Wei, this trip to the north will definitely be like a broken bamboo, eradicate the big-eared thief in one fell swoop, and occupy Linzhou."

As soon as Liu Yu saw that he had shown his domineering aura and surrendered Liu Bei's general Wei Yan in one fell swoop, he immediately became energetic and scolded Fang Qiu.

And not far away, Guan Yu Danfeng stared coldly at Wei Yan and Liu Yu, who were full of ambition.

"Wei Wenchang, Guan will kill you sooner or later, hmph"

Later, Liu Yu's army entered Ancheng, leaving Guan Yu to guard Ancheng, and at the same time blocked Ancheng to prevent Wei Yan from surrendering to the enemy. News of Ancheng's collapse spread to the north.

At the same time, Liu Yu took Zhang Fei and Wei Yan to the north, with Wei Yan as the vanguard.

In just seven days, three cities in the north of Ancheng have been swindled, including Nanlin City, an important town.

When Nanlin City was swindled, the guard of Nanlin City, Liu Bei's uncle Liu Cheng, was one step ahead of Wei Yan and got the news that Wei Yan had defected to the enemy.

This time, due to intentional calculations or unintentional calculations, Wei Yan almost died under a thousand arrows. This battle can be described as a heavy loss. The striker lost more than half of the [-] soldiers.

Fortunately, Zhang Fei arrived at this time, and at the critical moment, he saved the life of Wei Yan, the cub who betrayed his master.

With the addition of this new force, even though Nanlin City is high and deep, it will be difficult to guard against Liu Yu's army, which is bound to flourish.

In particular, when Zhang Fei showed his might and killed the city wall in one fell swoop, Liu Bei's army collapsed across the board.

The main general, Liu Cheng, was hacked into pieces by Wei Yan, who was extremely angry, and died in a hurry.

Afterwards, Wei Yan and Zhang Fei went straight to the Bingzai River in the north of Nanlin City without stopping.

Because Bingzahe is the place where Lu Bu agreed to meet.

After crossing the Bingzai River, you will reach the capital of Linzhou: Pingshan City.

Contrary to Wei Yan's surprise, every time Lu Bu attacked a city, he used thunderous means to attack it by force.

There are dozens of cities, large and small, with Lu Bu taking the lead and showing his might, Liu Bei's army is our enemy.

The ferocious Lu Bu, like a god of hell, killed Liu Bei's army almost to the point of fear.

In the later period, when there was no hope of reinforcements, wherever Lu Bu went, Liu Bei's army all looked forward to the flag and surrendered.

In order to survive, the guard went out ten miles to welcome the arrival of Lu Bu's army.

"My lord, thirty miles ahead is the bank of the Bingzai River. The scouts have sent news that Liu Yu's pioneers, Wei Yan and Zhang Fei, have arrived at the bank of the Bingzai River ahead of our army."

"Oh, rebellious boy Wei Yan? Huh, I didn't expect to reach the Bingzai River before me, but I have some skills."

Lu Bu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled contemptuously. He looked down on Wei Yan, very much.

Compared with Zhang Yi, he despises Wei Yan, who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

(End of this chapter)

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