Call of the Deer

Chapter 322 Desperate Ice Narrow, Flooded 3 Army

Chapter 322

(It’s been a long time since I’ve asked for a monthly ticket. I’ve recommended a ticket. My grades are not good recently. Please give me some support. It gives me a sense of presence and motivation.)

Linzhou, with Hengshan Mountain.

"Report to Your Majesty, the armies of Lu Bu and Liu Yu have reached the banks of the Bingzai River, and will surely cross the river soon."

A scout came to report with endless exhaustion.

"Father, Lu Bu and Liu Yu have arrived at Bingzahe, are you sure you can defeat them in this battle?"

When Liu Bei heard this, his face showed worry, and he asked a middle-aged man in blue battle armor anxiously.

"Hmph, Lu Bu, Piff'er, Liu Yu, it's just a cunning little fox, this icy narrow river must be their burial place"

The middle-aged man showed a look of disdain, holding a pair of sun-moon sky-opening axes, standing in front of him fiercely, his whole body was bulging, and he looked strong and powerful.

Leaning forward, he didn't seem to care much about Lu Bu and Liu Yu in his words.

"But, what if"

Liu Bei was not confident about Liu Sheng's strategy and said hesitantly.

"There is no chance, the next battle will be won, don't mention this matter again, you just watch how your father beats them to pieces."

Liu Sheng glared at Liu Bei fiercely, and spoke confidently.

"It's a pity that I have too few people who can use me now, otherwise I can share the pressure with my father."

Liu Bei didn't hesitate any more, now that the arrow is on the string, he has to make a move, and there is no room for maneuver.

If you win, you will take back Liuzhou and a large area of ​​Suzhou; if you lose, you will die without a whole body, and the ancestral temples will be destroyed by Liu Lu.

"Hmph, don't mention those useless trash to me, that Zhang Ni, although he is loyal, he does things a bit stupidly."

"As for Wei Yan, he is even more unusable. He is a white sheep wolf like Lu Bu. This is the general you rely on."

When Liu Sheng heard this, he was so angry that he looked at Liu Bei with hatred, and growled.

For Liu Bei, the only seedling, he loves him very much, which also prevented Liu Bei from becoming a qualified king.

Lu Bu and Wei Yanju are both worthy of great use, but it's a pity that Liu Bei's methods are too low-level to control them.

Two days later, Liu Lu's army finished repairing, and began to command the soldiers to walk up the frozen Ice Narrow River and walk to the opposite bank.

Zhang Fei, Lu Xiangsheng and three thousand soldiers each walked across the cold and slippery ice.

There was no danger along the way, and they soon reached the other side. There was no ambush from Liu Bei's army, which made Liu Yu, who was cautious, heaved a sigh of relief.

"Liu Jinu, the general said that you are timid, and the big-eared thief has become so courageous that he dared not set up an ambush on the other side."

"Hmph, you and I have an army of [-], how can they be compared to the big-eared bandit's mere stragglers? If he dares to come, it will leave them with no bones left and no place to die?"

Lv Bu stood proudly on his red war horse, with his halberd drawn horizontally, looking at Liu Yu with great contempt.

Lu Bu naturally looked down on Liu Yu, who was cautious and suspicious.

"It seems that I have thought about it a little too much, and I will make Brother Lu laugh at that time, hahaha"

When Liu Yu saw that there was no ambush on the opposite side, he looked quite embarrassed, and hid himself to cover up the embarrassment on his face.


Lu Bu snorted coldly, showing that he was too timid towards him.

When Liu Yu heard this, his face froze slightly, and a gloomy glint flashed in his eyes, as if he hated the arrogant and arrogant Lu Bu.

"Soldiers, follow this general to cross the river."

Lu Bu didn't care whether Liu Yu hated him or not, he stopped drinking, then took the lead and rode his horse to the opposite bank.

Liu Yu saw that Lu Bu had stepped on the ice before him, and tens of thousands of soldiers followed him neatly behind him.

Immediately, he threw away the worries in his heart and set foot on the ice with tens of thousands of soldiers.

The Bingzai River is more than 100 feet wide and the river bed is very high. It is one of the three main streams flowing from Zhongzhou through Dongzhou and into the East China Sea.

An army of one hundred thousand, like locusts, crawled forward on the ice. Seen from the sky, it was very spectacular.

At the same time, a hundred miles south of the Bingzao River, more than 3000 five cavalrymen were rushing to the banks of the Bingzao River.

This army is really the unparalleled cavalry brought out by Ji Yaogu. After traveling day and night, it took seven days to catch up from Suzhou.

"Brother, I hope I can catch up. I'm afraid Liu Sheng is going to play tricks on the Bingzai River."

The cold-faced man rode his horse beside the middle-aged man, with a worried expression on his face.

"Whether we can catch up or not, we have to catch up with them quickly. We are afraid that something will change. This villain is too hasty in doing things, alas"

The middle-aged man's complexion was a little ugly, and a stern look and killing intent flashed in his deep eyes, and he roared wildly in his heart.

"Liu Sheng, I hope you don't act too decisively, otherwise I, Ji Wushuang, will definitely tear you to pieces."

They only received the news last night that Lu Bu was going to cross the river today, fearing that something might happen, so they traveled day and night without stopping.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, Lu Bu rode his red steed, standing upright on the ice, looking towards the direction of Pingshan City, with a flash of fire in his eyes.

He could already foresee how he would cut off Liu Bei's head with his own hands, hang it on the top of the city, and accept the worship of all people.

"Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack."

Suddenly, a series of "click" sounds came from all directions.

"Huh? What's the sound? Could it be Liu Bei?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Bu noticed that the ice under his feet began to crack countless cracks, spreading in all directions like a shattered mirror.
"No, hurry up. Hurry up and rush to the other side, hurry up"

Looking at the countless cracks on the ice, Lu Bu's face instantly turned pale, and his lips twitched.

At this time, Liu Yu was more than ten feet away from Lu Bu, and was in the middle of the Bingzai River. When he saw the ice surface cracked, he was stunned.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

Before he could react, he heard a series of "plop" sounds, and countless soldiers fell into the narrow river of ice one after another, and disappeared in an instant.

And because Lu Bu had crossed the middle position, the speed of the cracking of the ice surface was slower than that of Liu Yu's interruption position, so he rode his horse and rushed towards the opposite bank.

There are also those who react quickly, seeing that the opportunity is not right, they immediately rushed to the opposite bank like crazy.

When it is an army of [-], the armor, weapons, and cavalry horses of the soldiers add up to the weight, which far exceeds the limit that the ice can carry.

"Ah, help"

"Ah, woo woo woo"

"Pfft, Gululu"

Countless Liu Lu troops fell into the rushing cold current before they had time to react.

In the rushing cold, the soldiers struggled in panic, like rootless duckweed, crumbling
It's a pity that the armor all over his body is too heavy, coupled with the rush of the rushing river.

With just a few plops, the soldiers were drowned by the rushing cold water under the ice surface and carried away
At this time, even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't do it. There were cracks everywhere on the ice surface, and if they exerted a little force, they would immediately crack and fall.
At that moment, countless soldiers were in a mess, like ants on a hot pot, jumping here and there, without thinking.

They tried to escape, but the ice surface was slippery, and the splashed water splashed on the ice surface, and they fell down immediately after soaking.

Soon, nearly half of the coalition soldiers were swept away by the swift and merciless cold water, disappearing without a trace.

"Get down, lie on the ice for me, hurry up, don't run"

At this moment, someone suddenly thought of a way to survive temporarily, that is to lie on the ice and save one's life. ,
It's a pity that the soldiers at this moment are extremely flustered, and few people follow their advice.

Not long after, nearly ten thousand coalition troops were submerged in the cold water and rolled under the ice in the distance.
At this time, Liu Yu, Wei Yan and others all escaped from desperation and were extremely lucky to climb to the other side.

But the whole body was drenched and cold, trembling in the bitter cold wind
As for Lu Bu's tens of thousands of soldiers, more than half of them were killed or injured, but the wolf cavalry, because of their horses, nearly [-]% of the cavalry crossed the river to the other side without any danger.

However, the ending was still miserable. Countless cavalrymen were covered in ice. If they didn't warm up immediately and were not swept away by the cold water, they would freeze to death.

At this time, the Bingzai River had calmed down, and except for many soldiers who were "paddling" in the water, the others who could escape the catastrophe basically reached the other side.

Having just recovered from the shock, he looked at the rushing cold current not far away with a look of horror, feeling extremely terrified.

Especially Liu Yu, at this moment, like a dog, lying on the river bank, kicking roughly.

His back was chilling, and he looked at the ice surface like a huge rift that had opened in horror, his heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

As for Lu Bu, he couldn't care less about his anger at this time, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in horror, watching the sudden disaster
At this time, less than [-] of the coalition forces were still alive, only [-].

(End of this chapter)

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