Call of the Deer

Chapter 336 Kong Ming's ingenious plan, the general trend is approaching

Chapter 336 Kong Ming's ingenious plan, the general trend is approaching

"My dear friends, you have all seen the current situation, and you should also know the difficulties of the lonely king, right? Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?"

After thinking for a long time, Bei Minghao didn't think of any way to solve his worries and send troops to help Mengzhou.

"My lord, according to my opinion, this time the Hu people are going south, they must not withdraw easily. If the king of Beiyan is not destroyed, he will never stop occupying Mengzhou."

"At that time, Mengzhou will definitely be a thousand miles away, so no matter what, our army must send troops to help, and we must do our best to help."

At this time, Guo Jia's face was very dignified, very solemn, very solemn.

"Feng Xiao, this is not right. If the main force of our army goes northward and Li Shimin takes advantage of the fire to rob, I am afraid that he will suffer heavy losses. The gain is not worth the loss. He will make wedding dresses for others in vain."

Upon hearing this, Xie An immediately stood up and denied Guo Jia's statement.

"Anshi, in the face of national righteousness, we must all work together, and we cannot ignore thousands of Liming people. I also agree with Fengxiao's views."

Yang Hu immediately stood up and expressed his support for Guo Jia's views.

"Brother Yang, Feng Xiao's words are reasonable, but from our standpoint, we cannot send troops blindly before the situation in Dongzhou is settled."

Cui Hao also spoke up, thinking that it is not appropriate to send troops, and the situation in Dongzhou must be stabilized first.

"Boyuan, I think it is more appropriate to send troops. The barbarians are rampant. How can the Han people bully us and sit idly by? Wouldn't it chill the hearts of the people all over the world?"

"The ancients said: the people are the foundation, the society is second, and the king is the lightest; as long as the master wins the hearts of the people, his reputation will naturally rise steadily, and it will be smoother."

At this time, Baili Xi, who was the first to work for Bei Minghao, who was usually quiet and reticent, suddenly spoke.

"Brother Baili's words are wrong. If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world? Why do you want to rule Kyushu if you don't sweep a house? First establish Dongzhou, and then destroy the barbarians. This is the right way. Please think twice, my lord."

Cui Hao asked Baili Xi to speak too, and in a hurry, he spoke directly.

At this time, Bei Minghao was also deep in thought. Both sides insisted on their opinions, but they all made sense, and it was difficult to weigh the pros and cons.

The princes of Dongzhou are like a bone spur, which makes it difficult for Bei Minghao to let go to help the northern border.

At this time, Bei Minghao noticed that Zhuge Liang didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and seemed to be in deep thought.
"Kong Ming, look at your pensive look? What do you think? You might as well just say it."

Zhuge Liang was slightly startled when he heard it, then smiled wryly, looked around at everyone present, and then slowly stood up.

"My lord, according to my minister, what you are hesitating is not whether you should send troops, but that after you send troops, you are afraid that the princes of Dongzhou will take advantage of the fire, right?"

"Well, that's right. The so-called being poor means being good for oneself alone, and being rich means helping the world. As a prince of Dongzhou alone, how can I sit and watch the barbarians slaughter me and call me my people?"

"It's just that Gu has a passion for blood, but the world is getting worse and people's hearts are not old. Once the princes of Dongzhou know that the army of Gu Wang is going north, they will take the opportunity to attack. This is Gu's concern."

Bei Minghao showed a look of helplessness, the Hu people went south, no matter whether it was emotional or reasonable, they sent troops to rescue instead, but unfortunately, he had too many worries and couldn't feel at ease.

"My lord, Gao Yi, I can't wait to catch up"

When everyone heard the words, the drama fell into silence, and the atmosphere was a little dignified. No one dared to say that they would send troops or not.

"My lord, I have an immature idea, which may solve the urgent need."

At this time, Zhuge Liang suddenly said again.

"Oh, what is Kong Ming's good plan, tell me quickly."

When Bei Minghao heard it, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly urged, and the others stretched their necks, waiting for Zhuge Liang to speak.

"My lord, it's not a good strategy. I think that as long as the princes of Dongzhou go north with the lord, the lord can sit back and relax and let go of those worries."

Zhuge Liang talked eloquently, with a gleam of wisdom flashing in his eyes, and he spoke.

"Huh? The princes of Dongzhou went north with the lonely king? Isn't this a bit whimsical? How could they send reinforcements at such a critical moment?"

When Bei Minghao heard this, he was suspicious, completely unsure of the feasibility and feasibility of Zhuge Liang's plan.

"My lord, Kong Ming's words are very good. As long as the princes go north together with the lord, all worries will disappear."

When Guo Jia heard it, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to think of something, so he stood up and clapped his hands.

"What should the lonely king do so that the princes are willing to send troops to the north to aid Mengzhou?"

Bei Minghao also knew that this was a good solution.

But the difficulty is, why do you let others lose their strength to rescue Mengzhou?
They already can't take care of themselves, but they still care about other people's lives?How is this any different from forcing someone to commit suicide?
"Hehe, Kong Ming, tell me, this is what you proposed."

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang glanced at each other, nodded slightly, as if they had thought of some plan, Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Since filial piety shows love, Kong Ming will not refuse."

When Zhuge Liang saw that Guo Jia had given him this opportunity, he was slightly taken aback, and then said without any affectation.

"My lord, I think that to promote public opinion, it is enough to suppress it with great force."

"Huh? Suppress it with a big force? Kong Ming, can you tell me in detail, what kind of big force to use? How to suppress it?"

When Bei Minghao heard it, he felt vague and incomprehensible, not knowing exactly what Zhuge Liang meant.

"To put it simply, it is to let the people of Dongzhou know that the Hu people are rampant and wantonly slaughtered our Han people. Then the people will be excited."

"At this time, as long as Jushou and his colleagues stand up and raise their arms, there will definitely be countless righteous men who will respond to King Beiyan."

"How can I ask, in such a situation, as long as the lord is the first to stand up, can old foxes like Li Shimin and Liu Yu still sit idly by and sit firmly on Mount Tai?"

Speaking of this, a different kind of smile appeared on the corner of Zhuge Liang's mouth, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. Kongming's strategy directly hits the vital points of the princes. In such a situation, the princes will never dare to take care of themselves alone and become enemies of the people of the world."

Hearing this, Bei Minghao's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands in praise, and the gloom in his eyes disappeared.

"Brother Zhuge, your plan is mysterious, but from Cui's point of view, those little princes probably won't take it into consideration."

"This time the Hu people are going south, it is definitely a large-scale invasion, so the number of reinforcements must be sufficient, so the princes of Dongzhou must not take care of themselves, and even we need to ask Dongzhou for help."

At this time, Cui Hao also stood up and expressed his doubts.

"Boyuan, as long as Li Shimin, Liu Yu and other big princes are willing to send troops to help, how dare the other small princes not send troops? Who dare not send troops, and everyone will attack them together. Let's see if they can hold on? Humph."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang snorted coldly. Regarding the little princes, he was not worried at all that they would not send troops.

In the face of the general trend, if these small princes did not send troops, they could only be crushed to pieces, and there was no other possibility.

"Haha, thank you Brother Zhuge for clarifying the confusion, Cui has been taught."

Speaking of this, Cui Hao's doubts disappeared, and he smiled embarrassingly.

(End of this chapter)

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