Call of the Deer

Chapter 351 The First Emperor Aids the North, Overlord Advances East

Chapter 351 The First Emperor Aids the North, Overlord Advances East

Central Continent, Central Imperial City.

At this moment, Zhonghuang City, the ancient capital, has once again revived after the catastrophe ten years ago.

After the great Qin King Yingzheng captured the Zhonghuang City by his general Han Xin, he also settled in the Lezhong City, and added an imperial robe, calling himself the Zhonghuang.

Inside the Zhonghuang Palace, a group of officials stood silently, motionless.

"Report to Your Majesty, this is information from the Black Ice Terrace, please take a look at it!"

The left and right prime ministers Li Si and Lu Buwei stood in the center of the hall tremblingly. Li Si took out a secret report from his arms and presented it to a man in his early thirties sitting on the top of the hall.

This man in his early thirties is Zhonghuang Yingzheng.

Yingzheng's eyes were slightly closed, and the crown with eight beads hanging down, scattered golden light under the sun, wearing a black dragon yellow robe, graceful yet luxurious, domineering yet majestic.

"Huh? Nie Zheng's assassination failed."

Suddenly, Shi Huang's deep eyes shot out a slanting light, showing a little surprise.

"Your Majesty, do you want to send Ge Nie of the Sword Saint Hall and Jing Ke of the Assassin's Mausoleum Hall?"

When Lu Buwei saw Shihuang's face changed, he was startled, trembling slightly, knelt on the ground, and begged for orders.

"No, since Nie Zheng has missed, he has already scared the snake. It seems that Beiming's life should not be lost. I am afraid that he has taken precautions against this person's behavior. Even if the Ten Great Hall Masters make a move, Beiming's boy will not be able to."

"Hmph, besides, I am the emperor through the ages, how can I be afraid of Beiming's son, and pass down the order to let Nie Zheng return."

Ying Zheng fell into deep thought, shook his head slightly, and said indifferently, as if he didn't pay attention to this matter at all.

"What's the big deal?"

Suddenly, Ying Zheng noticed Li Sina's hesitant expression, closed his eyes slightly, leaned on the Nine Dragon Supreme Seat, and said indifferently.

"Avoiding Your Majesty, the latest news came from Mengzhou. The Hu tribe in the north of Mengzhou, under the alliance of the four major tribes of Borjijin Kublai Khan, Aixinjueluo Xuanye, Yelu Abaoji, and Wanyan Aguda, With many tribes in the grassland, 80 grassland cavalry invaded southward, and the road was like a broken bamboo. Now only the Northern Yan King and the southern princes are fighting hard to resist. The whole territory of Mengzhou is in danger."

"Huh? Northern barbarians? How dare they invade our Han territory in the south? It seems that our Han people have been silent for too long. These barbarians have long forgotten our Han people's iron and blood methods."

When Ying Zheng heard this, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and he fell into silence. After a long time, he opened his mouth quietly.

Everyone was anxious, everyone knew that Shihuang was angry, very angry, just from Shihuang's cold words, it could be seen.

"Meng Tian, ​​Pei Xingjian, where is Gao Xingzhou?"

"The end is here!"

"I appointed Meng Tian as the General of the Polu, commanding 20 Qin Iron Armored Army, [-] Iron Eagles, Pei Xingjian, and Gao Xingtuer as Meng Tian's deputy generals, set off immediately to rescue Mengzhou!"

Ying Zheng suddenly gave an order, and everyone was stunned, and then there was an uproar, and they all looked sideways.

"Your Majesty, please think twice. General Meng Tian led his army into Hanzhou not long ago, and he will be able to take Hanzhou soon. Withdrawing the army at this time, and working hard before, wouldn't it be a waste of success?"

Suddenly Lu Buwei knelt on the ground and began to kowtow, while admonishing loudly.

"Hmph, short-sightedness, Hanzhou can be lost, but Mengzhou cannot be lost."

Ying Zheng glanced at Lu Buwei coldly, his eyes were cold, which made Lu Buwei feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body shivered.

"Your Majesty, can you postpone the expedition, this Hanzhou will soon be captured by General Meng Tian, ​​by then"

Seeing Lu Buwei deflated, Li Si's eyes were slightly beaming with joy, so he took a step forward and said.

"Li Si, are you disobedient?"

Ying Zheng closed his eyes, and cold words came out of his mouth.

Everyone intuited that there was a bit of murderous intent emanating from Ying Zheng's body, like a giant beast lurking in his body.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, I dare not!"

When Li Si heard this, his whole body trembled like chaff, his whole body was icy cold, and his liver and gallbladder were split.

"Hmph, since Meng Tian can enter Hanzhou once, he can enter Hanzhou again."

Ying Zheng said in an extremely domineering manner, and in his words, he was full of confidence in Meng Tian.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the officials knelt down on the ground, and all bowed down.

"Go back!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Zheng leaned on the Kowloon Supreme Seat and fell into a doze again.

After everyone retreated, Ying Zheng's tiger eyes snapped away, and a cold light flashed.

"Hmph, the barbarian country dares to offend me, Longwei of Kyushu, damn it, but... Murong Xuehu, who is the heir?"

After finishing speaking, his expression returned, he got up and left the Zhonghuang Hall as if nothing had happened.

Qiongzhou, Weicheng.

"Brother Xiang Yu, although the northern attack was a great victory, it still didn't hurt the barbarians in the north. What do you think the Allied forces should do next?"

Wang Ranmin of the Northern Wei Dynasty sat on the right seat, looked at Xiang Yu who was sitting opposite him on the left seat, and said.

"Huh, this Maodun is also a character. The [-] grassland cavalry under his command are of extraordinary combat power, and the serial cavalry of Murong Ke are also quite powerful."

"However, the ability to preserve the grassland elite under the iron heels of Xiang's black dragon cavalry this time is only due to Xiang's carelessness, which gave them a chance."

"The next Northern Expedition will be when the Hu people exterminate their clan"

Xiang Yu's face was slightly dark, his tone was still domineering and confident, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

In this Northern Expedition, Xiang Yu and Ran Min each led a group of troops to attack the northern part of Qiongzhou from the east and west, intending to kill and enslave all the Hu people.

Unexpectedly, Genghis Khan Temujin in the northern part of Beizhou sent his general Maodun to help out.

In Langya Mountain, a large formation was set up to surround Ran Min's army in the east. Xiang Yu was eager to rescue, but accidentally fell into a trap.

He was caught off guard by Modun's prairie cavalry and Murong Ke's serial iron cavalry.

If it weren't for the 72 distant tiger generals under his command, and the [-] black dragon cavalry that have already formed, it is really possible to be ambushed and suffer heavy losses.

In this battle, the black dragon cavalry lost [-]%, while Ran Min's army lost more than [-]%, which was about [-] troops.

Of course, the Murongke and Maodun armies in the north also lost more than [-]%, about [-] armies.

It can be regarded as ending in a tragic victory. Although the Hu people in the north were preserved, Murong Ke and many other tribes suffered heavy losses.

"Overlord, why don't our army go all out and make another Northern Expedition, killing the Hu thieves by surprise and driving them all out of the land of Qiongzhou?"

Suddenly, Gao Su spoke, his eyes shone with confidence.

"No, this king has received information that Murong Ke and many other tribes have retreated to the deep north of Qiongzhou, but Murong Ke and others have led an army and entered the land of Beizhou."

"If this king is not mistaken, it should be to merge with Genghis Khan's army, go east to attack the southern territory of Mengzhou, and bring Mengzhou into the territory of the Hu people."

Hearing Gao Su's words, Xiang Yu shook his head and told the news about Temujin and other grassland tribes.

This time, the stone was shocked and there was an uproar. Everyone was shocked by the explosive news.

"Overlord, are you serious?"

"This Temujin is too ambitious, he has already subdued the grassland tribe in Mengzhou."

"It seems that Mengzhou might not be able to hold on anymore."

"That's not necessarily the case. Even a mere barbarian country dares to covet the land of Han. It's just courting death."

"Okay, shut up!"

Xiang Yu's eyes turned cold, his whole body exuded a cold murderous intent, he shouted angrily, and stopped all the discussions.

"Okay, this king has decided to personally lead the army to Mengzhou, assist the Han people in Mengzhou, and fight against the grassland tribes. Who is willing to go eastward with this king?"

As Xiang Yu's news came out, it was as if a bomb fell into the crowd, everyone was shocked, and everyone present showed horror in their eyes.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiang Gao Yi, I, Ran Min, am willing to go eastward with Brother Xiang."

"Brother Ran is with us, this trip will definitely drive back the Hu thieves."

"I am willing to send reinforcements."

Gao Su and Yu Wenyong looked at each other, a gleam of light flashed in their eyes, and then spoke in unison.

Afterwards, many princes also catered to the Overlord.

(End of this chapter)

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