Call of the Deer

Chapter 353 Please enter the urn, and the dragon guards rush to help

Chapter 353 Please enter the urn, and the dragon guards rush to help

In the first year of Yong'an, not long after the new year, Bei Minghao's [-] troops had already arrived outside Dashi Pass.

Gao Shun commanded [-] trapped warriors, stationed at Dashi Pass, and went out to welcome the arrival of Bei Minghao's vanguard army.

"General Wei, General Long has worked hard all the way, Gao has already prepared the banquet, hurry up and enter the customs with me"

At this moment, Gao Shun was in high spirits, and he had already received the news that he was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Zhanzhen County.

"General Dingdong is polite!"

Long Qi and Wei Qing have lower official positions than Gao Shun, so they speak more politely.

"By the way, two generals, where is the Lord's army?"

Just when the three of them entered the customs with the army, Gao Shun suddenly changed his voice and asked when Bei Minghao's army would arrive.

"Reporting to General Dingdong, the lord's army is estimated to arrive at Dashiguan in three hours."

Afterwards, a group of people entered Dashi Pass in an orderly manner.

Three hours later, Bei Minghao's main force arrived outside Dashi Pass.

Gao Shun took the elite out ten miles to welcome Bei Minghao's arrival.

"The last general Gao Shun, see the lord!"

"Zijun has worked hard, hurry up and get up!"

Bei Minghao was very satisfied to see Gao Shun braved the cold wind and came ten miles to meet him.

The next day, Bei Minghao ordered Long Qie and Wei Qing to go north to Heiyu City without stopping, and then the main force also left Dashiguan at noon.

This time going north, Bei Minghao brought Gao Shun and the [-] fallen warriors under his command.

At the same time, Yang Yanzhao, Wu Songji, and [-] troops were left behind to garrison Dashiguan.

Yang Yanzhao was prudent and Wu Song was decisive, so Bei Minghao made Yang Yanzhao the main general and Wu Song the deputy, and the two cooperated to complement each other.

Entering Yuzhou, the weather in Yuzhou is getting colder and colder, with howling winds and biting cold.

There is no human habitation for thousands of miles, and the nearby villages are even more empty. The people who stay are old, weak, sick and disabled, unable to move around.

"Alas, natural disasters continue, and the people are in chaos."

Looking at Yuzhou's lifeless appearance, Bei Minghao's heart became very heavy.

"Oh, what my lord said is true. There have been natural disasters for years. Two years ago, there was a severe drought in Dongzhou. Zhang Jiao, the Taiping thief, took advantage of the situation and made trouble. The cold current hit the south last time, making things worse, and the population of Dongzhou will probably lose a lot."

Zhuge Liang also looked pitiful, and his tone was extremely dull.

"For the people of Liming who are suffering in this world, my lord, you must unify Dongzhou as soon as possible and march into other continents."

Guo Jia listened to the discussion between Bei Minghao and Zhuge Liang, his expression remained normal, and he spoke immediately.

"Well, what Feng Xiao said is true. After the Qinglong Blood Guard is eliminated this time, the lonely king will immediately go north to help the king of Beiyan, drive the barbarians out of the land of Mengzhou, and start the unification of Dongzhou."

Bei Minghao also knew that in troubled times, military disasters were the heaviest, princes annexed each other, and in the end it was the people of Liming who suffered.

So as long as he unifies Dongzhou, he can have a stable rear, and then implement reforms, which can bring benefits to the people.

"Report to the lord, Jia Xu's military division has sent thousands of miles to expedite it. At this hour, Ouyang Long, the leader of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, has already begun to attack Heiyu City."

At this moment, there was a commotion ahead, and then a scout rushed forward to present a piece of information.

"It's hard work, go down and rest!"

After repelling the scouts, Bei Minghao's face became serious.

With an army of 20, Qiqi attacked Heiyu City, even if it was defended, the Beiming Army would suffer heavy losses.
"Kong Ming, Feng Xiao, what do you think?"

"Hehe, it seems that Ouyang Long probably already knew the news of my army going north, so he impatiently started to attack Heiyu City."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Feng Xiao's mouth, he knew Ouyang Long's actions as soon as he thought about it.

"What Feng Xiao said is true. Since Ouyang Long knows the news of our army going north, it is absolutely impossible for our army to approach Heiyu City so easily. At this time, Heiyu City is probably surrounded by groups."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang looked thoughtful, and then began to express his views.

"Oh, you mean that the scout who came to report is the secret work of Ouyang Long?"

Hearing this, Bei Minghao frowned, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"In my opinion, this scout is most likely the spy sent by Ouyang Long. Otherwise, 20 Azure Dragon Blood Guards will besiege Heiyu City, and even a mosquito will not be able to escape from Heiyu City."

Zhuge Liang judged the matter carefully and thoughtfully, proceeding from the overall situation, his judgment was very accurate, and he quickly judged the key point.

"As Brother Zhuge said, this Ouyang Long sent fake scouts here, probably because he has no confidence in capturing the Black Jade City in a short time, so he planned to implement the trick of inviting the king into the urn."

Feng Xiao was originally a genius, good at ingenious strategies, this Ouyang Long actually showed off his ingenuity in front of him, it's like playing tricks.

"No, my lord, since this scout came from the north, then Long Qi and Wei Qing must have got the news, we have to pass the news to Wei Qing, so as to prevent them from acting without authorization and falling into Ouyang Long's tricks. "

Suddenly Zhuge Liang's expression changed, as if he had thought of something bad, he spoke eagerly.

"Hey, brother Zhuge, these two generals Wei and Long are brave and resolute, and they act vigorously and swiftly. When they see that Black Jade City is in trouble, they probably don't care to wait for the lord, so they should have already gone north."

Guo Jia is known as a genius, who can break the hearts of others, and knows the personalities of the generals under Bei Minghao's command like the palm of his hand.

At this moment, hearing Zhuge Liang's words, there was a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, I hope they are safe, my lord, for the current plan, our army must speed up to go north, maybe there is still time, otherwise the two generals Long and Wei may lose their lives, and even Black Jade City may be breached. "

Zhuge Liang sighed when he heard Guo Jia's words, his face sank into cold water.

"Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Ma Chao, Yang Yansi listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

The four tiger generals came out together and stood up.

"Order the four of you to command Qinglongwei, Chilongwei, Jiuyouwei, and Yanhu Lieqi respectively, and go north immediately to help Qinglongwei and the two of you!"

Afterwards, [-] cavalrymen, like a gust of wind, left in a mighty manner, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

But when the scout went south to send Bei Minghao an urgent trip thousands of miles away, Wei Qing and Long Qie had already received the news.

"Brother Long, how do you think this matter should be decided?"

Hearing the news that Ouyang Long was aggressively attacking Heiyu City, Wei Qing's face was extremely ugly, and murderous intent burst into his eyes.

"This place is still three hundred miles away from the lord, the princess. If you ask the lord for instructions, the day lily might be cold."

"Therefore, instead of accepting the chaos, it is better to go north to help Black Jade City, and at the same time write a letter to the lord, asking the lord to send reinforcements."

As the number one general under the Overlord's command, Long Qie is brave and courageous, and can stand on his own, so Jianyan rushes to help first.

But Wei Qing's combat style is bold, decisive, and swift.

At this time, there is no intention to hesitate, because the two of them have the same ideas.

"Brother Long's words are quite in line with my wishes, but the Azure Dragon Blood Guards are powerful and powerful, our army should not confront each other head-on, you and I are not as good as wicked people."

"Brother Wei's words are very kind, so that Long will take a step ahead, and Brother Wei will play by ear."

"Heilongwei listens to the order, follow me to the north!"

Hearing Wei Qing's strategy, Long Qi laughed loudly, then let out a heroic roar, holding the Zilong Nirvana Gun, and flew away first
(End of this chapter)

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