Call of the Deer

Chapter 355 Ouyang goes south, two dragons fight

Chapter 355 Ouyang goes south, the two dragons fight

At Quxiakou, [-] troops are stationed here.

Bei Minghao's face changed drastically when he learned that Wei Qing and the two were good at making claims and rushed north to help. He brought the main force and rushed to the north for help without stopping.

"Feng Xiao, how far is it to Black Jade City? How long will it take for our army to arrive?"

Bei Minghao looked worried, and asked Guo Jia beside him.

"My lord, at the current speed, it will take three hours to reach Black Jade City."

"Three hours? No, it may be two hours before Wei Qing and Longqie go north. If this delay continues, the entire army of Longqie and Weiqing will be wiped out."

"The whole army listened to the order and crossed the river to the north in half a quarter of an hour"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Bei Minghao's main force quickly crossed the river and accelerated towards the north.

Outside Black Jade City.

"Report, Bei Minghao's vanguard generals Wei Qing and Long Qi, leading [-] cavalry, have reached the Guangpo Plain fifty miles away."

Just at the moment when Ouyang Long sent troops to attack Heiyu City, a scout who had been sent out suddenly came to report.

"Huh? Arrived so soon? The speed is quite fast, but there are only [-] cavalry, and you want to rescue Black Jade City. It's too disrespectful for me, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard."

"Hmph, Beiming boy, since you underestimate my Azure Dragon Blood Guard so much, don't blame me for sending troops to bury your entire army in the Guangpo Plain, heh heh heh!"

When Ouyang Long heard this, his eyes were dumbfounded, and then a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Generals, scouts are here to report that Bei Minghao's vanguard generals Wei Qing and Long Qi command an army of [-], and they are now fifty thousand away in the Guangpo Plain. Who wants to go out and wipe out this army?"

Ouyang Long pondered for a while, then turned to look at the top ten generals behind him.

"The end will be willing to go!"

"Father, the child is willing to go!"

As soon as Ouyang Long's words fell, the two young generals suddenly stood up and shouted forcefully.

"Okay, since Xue'er is willing to go, then father will give you [-] cavalry, I hope you will not let my father down again!"

"Chen Lin obeys the order, you also go with Xue'er, remember, this army must be wiped out!"

When Ouyang Long saw Ouyang Xue coming out of the battle, he was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time looked at another young general standing beside Ouyang Xue.

"The last general takes orders (baby takes orders)!"

When the two generals heard this, they were all very excited, and they all shouted in unison.

"Seventh brother, please come here, if something happens, I'm afraid these two boys won't be able to handle it."

Then Ouyang Long didn't seem to be very popular with Ouyang Xue, looked at Lei Yan beside him, and gave Lei Yan instructions.

"Second brother, please don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Xue'er, a brat, and make sure there will be no big trouble."

When Lei Yan heard this, he frowned slightly, and then happily accepted Ouyang Xue's order.

Afterwards, Lei Yan took two generals, Ouyang Xue and Chen Lin, to command the [-] cavalry, and galloped mightily towards the Guangpo Plain.
Apart from these [-] cavalry, Ouyang Long only had [-] elite cavalry left.


At this moment, the cold wind in Qifengling is biting, whistling, and it is shrouded in cold fog, and it is impossible to see anything clearly.
But in Lingnei, it was a different scene. Fifty thousand cavalry in black armor camped here.

There is a battle flag erected inside the camp, on which a Xuanwu mythical beast is decorated, and on the north side there are two large characters obliquely: Beiming!
Inside the Qifengling Barracks.

There were nine people sitting in the barracks at this time, four of them looked older, about forty years old, but their bodies were majestic, like tyrannosaurs.

The other four are younger, with prominent heads and unruly eyes, all in their early twenties.

The youngest one, with a strong back and a strong waist, was quite majestic, wearing black armor, and his eyes were shining with radiance. He looked between seventeen and nineteen.

"Major General, Black Jade City, [-] miles away, is being attacked by the Azure Dragon Blood Guard. Should our army go to the rescue?"

A general in brown armor suddenly stood up and said to the youngest general on the main seat.

"Uncle Wang, don't act rashly at this time. The Azure Dragon Blood Guard Dongzhou is not an ordinary army. This time my father sent me to support the elder brother. I must be careful and make sure nothing goes wrong."

Hearing that, the young general waved his hands, his eyes revealed a hint of hesitation, and then said decisively.

"Report, report to the commander, an unknown army has appeared outside Qifeng Ridge, it is menacing, the number is between [-]!"

When all the people in the tent were discussing the war, a scout suddenly came to report.

"Huh? You don't know why the army appeared outside Qifeng Mountain? How is it possible? Could it be that the Azure Dragon Blood Guards discovered our army's movements and came to kill them?"

Hearing that, the young general frowned and asked in surprise.

"Report to the commander, that army does not seem to be the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, because they are all wearing green armor."

The scout knelt on the ground and reported to the young general.

"Uncle Wang, in your opinion, this isn't the Azure Dragon Blood Guard? Whose army could it be?"

The young general was stunned when he heard that it was not the Azure Dragon Blood Guard. He couldn't figure it out for a while, so he hurriedly asked the middle-aged general first.

"There are a lot of armies in green armor, and I can't predict the future, how can I guess? It's better to go out of the valley to find out. Anyway, with the combat power of Xuanwu iron cavalry, I don't believe it, and I can't drink a mere [-] unknown troops. .”

The general called Uncle Wang rolled his eyes when he heard that, and then offered advice.

"Okay, let's do this, and please follow me to see who is coming!"

The young general thought it made sense, so he stood up, glanced at everyone in the tent, and said loudly.

Outside Qifengling, [-] troops confronted each other.

"Who are you waiting for? What do you want to do when you come to Qifengling?"

The young general in black armor rode his horse in front, holding a cold gun, pointing diagonally at the opposite side, and roared.

"Hmph, who are you? How dare you sneakily hide in Qifengling. Could it be that you are planning to do the dirty thing of the snipe and the clam fighting for the fisherman's profit? If you are sensible, get out of here, otherwise don't blame the young master for being cruel and merciless. Leave you all here!"

Wearing silver armor, Dongfang Yuchen held a halberd with silver dragon tattoos in his hand, rode his horse forward, and looked at the appearance of the young general in black armor, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

At the same time, he was not willing to lag behind and ridiculed, without showing any timidity because of the [-] cavalry on the opposite side.

"You thief is so courageous, you dare to utter wild words, and you will die to me!"

Hearing this, the young general in black armor flew into a rage and killed him with a gun.

As the commander of the Xuanwu cavalry, he is proud, and this fledgling boy dares to speak out loudly, jokingly saying that the Xuanwu cavalry is left behind.
"Hmph, good time, I, Dongfang Yuchen, want to see what you are capable of, a black servant, and yell here, eat me, drink!"

When Dongfang Yuchen saw the young general in black armor approaching, unwilling to be left behind, he rode his horse to meet him with a halberd.

"Dongfang Yuchen? Hmph, unknown person, I've never heard of it, die for me!"

The young general in black armor froze slightly when he heard this, and then killed him without fear.

I saw the young general in black armor thrust his spear, like a swift dragon, piercing through the wind and going straight to Dongfang Yuchen's throat.

This shot, with a cold light flickering, stabbed away with a trace of cold light, coming quickly and accurately, ruthlessly and sharply.

In an instant, it seemed as if it had traveled through the Milky Way, blooming with eternal brilliance.

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to say anything, and you dare to kill me lightly? Get lost!"

Facing the desperate shot of the black-armored young general, Dongfang Yuchen's face remained unchanged, and he swept away with his halberd.

This halberd, like a flurry of wild wind, whipped up a nine-day hurricane, and directly attacked the young general in black armor.

The battle halberd in Dongfang Yuchen's hand was shining with silver light, like a silver thread coming out of water, the dragon chant continuously.

But in the blink of an eye, the silver halberd and the black spear collided fiercely, and thunder roared, resounding through the sky.

In an instant, like a spark blooming, the purple lightning continued to scatter around, and the sonorous sound, like a thunderbolt, went straight to the bottom of my heart.

That ray of light pierced everyone's eyes, and everyone only felt the pain in their eardrums.

"Hmph, you are very kind to pick me up with Dongfang Yuchen's halberd. Tell me your name. You are qualified to let me know your name!"

Dongfang Lingyu took back the silver halberd, stood up on his horse, and stared at the young general in black armor opposite him.

"Hmph, don't be ashamed to say it, I am Bei Mingzhan, you don't deserve to let me know your name, take your life!"

The man in black armor is Beimingzhan, the second son of the God of War, Beimingleng.At this time, when he heard Dongfang Yuchen's sweet words, his face turned ashen, he rode his horse and raised his gun, and rushed towards Dongfang Yuchen again.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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