Call of the Deer

Chapter 358 Smashing Thunder, Killing People with Blood

Chapter 358 Smashing Thunder and Killing Hundreds of People with Blood

"Ah, Thunder Annihilation Arrow, the moment is eternal!"

With Thunder Annihilation's roar, the Thunder Annihilation Bow was drawn to the shape of a full moon, and a specially made Spike arrow was released, shooting towards the golden armored general.
"Hmph, you dare to make a fool of yourself, old man, are you at the end of your skills? Break it to me!"

The golden-armored young general showed disdain in his eyes, he slashed at the phoenix-winged gold-plated iron obliquely in his hand, and at the same time drew out the golden sword hanging from his waist with his left hand like lightning, and slashed fiercely!





I saw a purple lightning strike, followed by a golden crescent moon hanging high!

In the lightning, a blood-colored cold light suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a golden light slashed horizontally, like a golden dragon emerging from water, roaring wildly in the sea.

"Old man, I used this trick to kill my father, and I want to repeat the same trick, it's just a dream!"

"You, Golden Dragon Sword? You are Yu Wenjian's little bastard?"

"Hmph, old man Lei Yan, you used tricks to harm my father back then, but today I, Yu Wentuo, will kill you to avenge my father's revenge and take my life."

The Golden Armored General turned out to be Yu Wentuo, the descendant of the Golden Dragon Sword Yu Wenjian.

"Hmph, little Huangkou, you dare to speak out in front of me, Lei Yan, and today I will teach you a lesson for that dead Yuwen old thief."

When Lei Yan heard Yu Wentuo's angry scolding, his face turned ashen with anger, and a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he did not hide his murderous intent."

"Teach me for my father? Hahaha, you are worthy? Suffer!"

Yu Wentuo laughed angrily when he heard the words, drove his horse and raised his head, and went to kill Lei Yan.
"Hmph, since you want to die with all your heart, is there any reason why I, Lei Yan, can't do it?"

When Lei Yan saw his elder brother's son who was killed by him in the past, his face became very ugly, and he already had a plan in his heart to eradicate the grass.

But in an instant, Yu Wentuo passed through the green dragon blood guard like a human wall with his gun, and killed Lei Yan.

"Die, Golden Phoenix Broken Moon!"

"Hmph, Red Dragon Whip, Red Dragon Broken Mountain!"


"Old man, you have some skills, but today you will definitely die!"

When Yu Wentuo saw Lei Yan using a red whip, he was quite surprised. From his understanding, Lei Yan's fame was all in a Thunder Annihilation Bow. When did he learn how to whip?

"Hmph, a yellow-mouthed kid with no hair on his back dares to show his fangs in front of me, Lei Yan, he just doesn't know what to do!"

Lei Yan looked at Yu Wentuo who was standing holding the whip, and was secretly startled, because his arm was trembling unconsciously, as if he had been electrocuted, and he couldn't hold the whip firmly.

And Yu Wentuo was also very surprised, because in his opinion, in the land of Dongzhou, no one can fight against him without any damage.

"Old man, die!"

"You think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Naturally, Yu Wentuo wouldn't be in a mess because of Lei Yan's catch, and he would press forward again.

But looking at Lei Yan, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has to send it, and he can only bite the bullet and take it.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
Yu Wentuo's eyes were cold, full of killing intent, like a god of war, constantly attacking Lei Yan.

The phoenix-winged gold-plated iron is one move after another, like a mountain pressing down on the top, with a momentum like a thousand junctures, and a move like a thunderbolt, and each move is more fierce than the last.

On the other hand, Lei Yan's face was ashen-coloured, ashamed and defeated, struggling to fight back, but unable to fight back.

The war horse under the crotch was constantly retreated by Yu Wentuo's huge force. If it weren't for that war horse being one in a million peerless horses, it would have been killed by Yu Wentuo.

"Hmph, are you poor in skills? If that's the case, let's die. Today, I, Yu Wentuo, will definitely avenge my father, ah"

"Golden Phoenix Yaotian, smash the five mountains, die for me!"

"The Red Dragon Whip, the Red Dragon is bathed in blood, stop it"






With an angry blow, Yu Wentuo directly smashed the Chilong Whip in Lei Yan's hand.

Then it followed the trend and smashed hard on Lei Yan's left shoulder, sending Lei Yan flying and landed hard on the plain.

Lei Yan snorted, feeling as if all the bones in his body were shattered, and then spit out a mouthful of red blood.

But at this time, Yu Wentuo had no intention of stopping, so he pressed forward and left.

"Come on, block him for me, block him quickly."

At this time, De Lei Yan's liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he was terrified, and roared loudly, forcing the Azure Dragon Blood Guard to stop Yu Wentuo who was rushing towards him.

"Ah, no, the general is injured, hurry up and protect the general!"

Seeing that Lei Yan was injured, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards filed away one after another to protect Lei Yan, keeping Lei Yan's protection airtight.

"Death to me, those who stand in my way die, ah"

At this time, Yu Wentuo saw the revenge of the great hatred, and with blood red eyes, he went straight to Lei Yan. Whoever dares to stop him is his life-and-death enemy, and he will never stop!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
"Puff puff!".

The Azure Dragon Blood Guard is worthy of being the mighty army in Dongzhou, with military orders like mountains, following Lei Yan's order, they formed a human wall without hesitation to stop Yu Wentuo.

"Hey, I didn't expect him to be the son of Yu Wenjian, the general of the Golden Dragon. This man is so strong."

When Long Qi heard that this person turned out to be the descendant of Jinlongjian Yu Wenjian, he was very surprised and muttered to himself.

"No, he's too weak to kill Lei Yan alone, I'll help him"

"Boys, it's time to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. Follow me for a while."

Following Long Qi's order, the morale of the Black Dragon Iron Cavalry behind him was boosted, and they rushed towards the Azure Dragon Blood Guard like a wolf or a tiger.
One kill in ten steps, never stay a thousand miles away!
The red blood spread on the gold-plated phoenix wings, dripping down drop by drop.

At this time, there were no less than a hundred Azure Dragon Blood Guards who had died under the gold-plated phoenix wings, and corpses were strewn all over the place. Many war horses even rolled to the ground, howling on the ground.

Yu Wentuo completed the beheading of a hundred people in just a quarter of an hour. At this time, the golden armor was stained with blood. It was unknown whether it was his blood or the enemy's blood.

At this time, Yu Wentuo's eyes were red, like a bloody Shura, he galloped his horse, one step, one step, another step, and went straight to Lei Yan.

He was like a god of death, constantly approaching Lei Yan, Lei Yan's army was cold all over, and felt sorry for him.

And the Qinglong Blood Guard was shattered from being killed, overwhelmed by fear, and dared not stop him in the slightest.

When Yu Wentuo took a step forward, they rode their horses and drove back, up and down, fearful.

"Lei Yan, you have done so many bad things, it's time to go down and meet my father!"

"The thief will go crazy, look at my blood dragon gun!"

At this moment, Ouyang Xue finally abandoned her opponent and rushed over, stabbing Yu Wentuo who was about to kill Lei Yan with a blood spear.

Yu Wentuo's heart trembled, and the phoenix wings gilded and turned around, hitting Ouyang Xue directly!


"Deng deng deng"

"Deng deng deng"

The two retreated with one blow, and it was difficult to judge whether they were better or not. Yu Wentuo's eyes froze, his face was slightly condensed, and he looked at Ouyang Xue.

"Who are you? How dare you stop me?"

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to say anything. If you want to kill me, Uncle Lei, you have to pass me, Ouyang Xue, first!"

Ouyang Xue sneered, glaring at Yu Wentuo coldly, full of fighting spirit.

"Ouyang Xue? Son of Ouyang Long?"

Yu Wentuo was startled for a moment, then his face became even colder, and he asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes, it is a certain family, who are you?"

Ouyang Xue looked at Yu Wentuo very proudly, and said indifferently.

"Damn you!"

After speaking, without waiting for Ouyang Xue to open her mouth, she hit Ouyang Xue again with the shovel.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!".
The two competed for dozens of rounds, neither could do anything to the other
But at this time, under the leadership of Longqie, the black dragon iron cavalry was like a broken bamboo, and the killed green dragon blood guards kept running back.
"Withdraw, follow me"

At this time, Lei Yan's complexion was extremely pale, biting his lip, and ordered to retreat very unwillingly
Immediately after that, he rode his horse and withdrew towards the north, and then Ouyang Long forced Yu Wentuo to retreat, and fled towards the north in embarrassment with less than [-] Azure Dragon Blood Guards
(End of this chapter)

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