Call of the Deer

Chapter 363 The Artifact Shows Its Prestige, The Blood Guard Temporarily Retires

Chapter 363 The Artifact Shows Its Prestige, The Blood Guard Temporarily Retires
(Dear book friends, I’m sorry, I suddenly felt unable to start yesterday. I didn’t know how to write, so I didn’t write it, but for the sake of full attendance, I can only post the previous two chapters. If the grade is not good, it depends on full attendance. Please include Ah, thank you for your support, sorry)

Lei Yan showed his scarlet tongue, licked (licked) his chapped lips, and stared coldly at the Northern Underworld Army on the wall of Black Jade City.

"Where is the Thunder Arrow Guard, follow me to attack the city!"

Following Lei Yan's order, an army appeared behind him. This army was dressed in red armor and equipped with unified bows and arrows. They quickly spread out their formation, drew their bows and set up arrows, and only aimed at the direction of the city wall.

"Give me a shot!"


"Puff puff"


Following Lei Yan's order, tens of thousands of archers shot the arrows in the direction of the city wall indiscriminately.

In an instant, like a meteor falling, nearly [-] arrows flew towards the Northern Dark Army on the city wall.
"No, hide, hide"

When Xue Rengui saw that the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was able to shoot the bow and arrow at the city wall from a distance of hundreds of feet, he was terrified and ordered the army to dodge.

"Giant Shield Soldiers Prepare"

"Damn, Tianji Crossbow, counterattack, shoot."

"Thunderbolt Bow, shoot them to death for me, shoot!"

"Catapult, let me go"

"Giant bed crossbow, shoot me"

"Pour the boiling oil down on me and burn them to death"

In just a moment, Li Jing became angry, because he was caught off guard by the [-] Thunder Arrow Guards wearing scarlet armor behind Lei Yan, and suffered heavy losses.

"Quick, prepare the cowhide, prop up the cowhide, quick"

As soon as Xue Rengui saw the enemy's strength, he immediately shouted angrily and ordered to resist.


"whoosh whoosh"

"Puff puff"

"bang bang bang"



"Ah, help me quickly."

"It's burning, burning."

"It burns me to death."

"Ah, General, help me, save... ah."

Like a machine gun, the Tianji Crossbow shot out more than a dozen arrows, densely packed, like raindrops, rushing towards the Azure Dragon Blood Guard overwhelmingly.
The thunderbolt cloud piercing bow shot out thick (long) large crossbow arrows one after another, like a thunderbolt, in an instant, the shields were shot into pieces, breaking the defense of the blue dragon blood guard.

And the catapult, like a large beast, exposed its ferocious mouth, spit out meteorites one after another, pierced the sky, and fell fiercely into the formation of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.
The giant bed crossbow, the bolt with astonishing destructive power, directly interprets what is called thunder, every time it is fired, a series of bloody lights suddenly appear.
There was also that sizzling hot oil pouring down from under the city wall, pouring the Azure Dragon Blood Guards thoroughly, and then screaming miserably, as if it was a hell on earth.
One by one, the living people fell from the city wall, and the cloud ladders were wrapped in raging fire, crackling, just like a fire ladder.
This round, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard suffered heavy losses, throwing away their helmets and armor, and in the end even the ladders they relied on to attack the city were burned down by the fire.
After Li Jing took out a weapon with a wide range of damage, he was afraid to move forward before killing the Qinglong Blood Guard.

"Brother Qi Qi, what is that? Did you see it?"

Ouyang Long was bewildered by this sudden change, and said in disbelief.

"Second brother, if my prediction is correct, then the one who threw the stone should be the legendary catapult. You are careless, you are really careless."

Lei Yan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and sighed in shock.

"Oh, yes, I didn't expect the Northern Underworld Army to have such a magical weapon. It really shouldn't be so tight. Let the soldiers withdraw first, and discuss this matter in the long run."

Ouyang Long also cried and laughed when he heard the words, he seemed a little helpless and depressed, Ming Jin withdrew his troops unwillingly.

"Hahaha, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards of this group of dogs (days) have finally retreated. This battle was really fun."

Yuchi Gong looked at the Qinglong Blood Guard who retreated dejectedly, felt happy, and laughed straight away.

"Jingde, I'm happy at this time, it's too early. These are our army's last cards. I used them this time, and I want to use them next time. The enemy must have taken precautions, and it will be difficult to work."

Compared to Yu Chigong, Li Jing was not so optimistic, his face was solemn, and he didn't feel complacent about defeating the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.

Apart from Yu Chigong, the other generals were also gloomy.

"Hehe, Pharmacist, you don't need to be too pessimistic. I found that the enemy army lost a cavalry before, and they reappeared later, but the number is relatively reduced."

"In my opinion, it's time to go south to stop the lord. From this point of view, the lord's army is not far away, and it will take time to prepare the siege equipment. We can just take this opportunity to rest for a while."

At this time, Jia Xu, who was watching the battle on the city wall, smiled lightly, looking quite optimistic.

"Military division, how can you tell, what if this cavalry defeated the lord's army?"

Not far away, Yu Chigong asked with some doubts.

"Jingde, do you think tens of thousands of cavalry can defeat the lord's army? Don't forget that this time the lord has an army of [-] marching northward, and fierce generals from all walks of life are gathered."

Jia Xu rolled her eyes when she heard this, and gave Yu Chigong a speechless look.

"Uh, huh, what the military adviser said is that it's the end of the line."

Yuchi Gong hesitated when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, smiling embarrassingly.

"Wait, the horn of the general attack is about to sound, hum."

Jia Xu raised his head and looked towards the north, whispering lightly.

The Hezhou Army barracks thirty miles to the north.

"Report, Ouyang Xue launched a massive attack, and suddenly some powerful weapons appeared in Black Jade City, killing the Azure Dragon Blood Guards, and the Azure Dragon Blood Guards temporarily died down."

"Hehe, I said that King Yanhuang has a hidden trump card. If you don't believe me, how about it? Hahaha."

Dongfang Lingyu laughed when he heard the words, he didn't seem to be surprised or surprised, and said quite complacently.

"Hmph, you're right, but you're just going to sit still like this? What if Ouyang Long makes a big attack and takes down Black Jade City? It will be bad for us then."

Ji Wushuang glanced at Dongfang Lingyu rather unconvinced, and said angrily.

"No, no, based on what I know about Ouyang Long, this person is very suspicious. If our army doesn't move, he will never dare to attack aggressively. So when King Yanhuang's main force arrives, it won't be too late to send out the army."

Dongfang Lingyu is worthy of being the living god of war, he has a well-thought-out plan and knows the situation of the battle like the palm of his hand.

"Hmph, even if you're right, but don't forget that Mengzhou is in danger. If the Qinglong Bloodguard crisis is not resolved, the Yanhuang King will throw a mouse and don't send out reinforcements for a day. If Mengzhou falls, then Dongzhou will be in danger."

Ji Wushuang snorted coldly, still feeling that Dongfang Lingyu's refusal to send troops would be detrimental to the battle situation.

"Hehe, Murong Xuehu, the King of Northern Yan, is not a person who has earned his fame. In today's world, with the talent of a god of war, he will be famous in Kyushu in the future. He is just a barbarian. Do you think this person can still resist it?"

Dongfang Lingyu smiled lightly. He couldn't understand his old enemy Ji Wushuang very well, so he liked to argue with himself and fight against him.

"Hmph, although Murong Xuehu, King of Northern Yan, is very good, but don't forget, among the Hu people who attacked the south this time, there are Temujin, Maodun, Aixinjueluo Xuanye who are the pride of the grassland."

"Tiemuzhen is able to fight an old force like the King of Yin regardless of the outcome. Do you think he is an ordinary person? And that man, Maodun, who runs the army with extreme rigor, is a special case among the barbarians."

"There is also Aixinjueluo Xuanye, this man is a great talent in martial arts, and should not be underestimated. This time the barbarian is known as a million cavalry, it is not just for fun."

Ji Wushuang looked solemn and serious.

"Report, report to the general, this is an urgent message from the direction of Zhongzhou."

"Huh? In the direction of Central Continent?"

(End of this chapter)

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