Call of the Deer

Chapter 366 Come prepared, reinforcements finally arrive

Chapter 366 Come prepared, reinforcements finally arrive

The next day, outside the Black Jade City, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards worked day and night, and finally produced brand new tools such as ladders and city-charging vehicles.

"Hmph, it's time to launch a general attack. This time I'll see how you resist."

Looking at the fortress-like Black Jade City, Ouyang Long's gloomy eyes showed a sneer. This time, he is sure to win the siege.

"Seventh Brother, I will leave the East City Wall to you, don't let me down."

"Wu Zhong listened to the order and ordered you to lead fifty thousand Azure Dragon Blood Guards to attack the North City Gate."

"Brother, don't worry, leave it to me, I promise to break through the east city gate before dark, and kill all these turtles, hehe"

When Lei Yan heard this, he slapped his chest and confidently made a promise.

"My lord, please rest assured that the North City Gate will be opened in the end."

"Okay, be careful, I'm going to attack the west city gate myself, I want to see if this black jade city is as strong as a turtle shell, hmph."

Afterwards, Lei Yan and Wu Zhong led their armies to the east gate and north gate respectively.

This siege tactic is a siege with three missing one, the purpose is to force the Northern Underworld Army out of the south gate, and then wait for an opportunity to ambush.

Ouyang Long is not a good person, but he didn't intend to let the tiger go back to the mountain, because he was shocked by the stubbornness of the Northern Underworld Army.

From a soldier's point of view, he still saw the extraordinaryness of the Black Jade City's commander, who could be said to have the appearance of a god of war.

Letting the tiger go back to the mountain will cause endless troubles. It is better to kill these threats in the cradle.

"King Yanhuang? You are a fledgling brat. You are cooperating with me, Ouyang Longdou. It is nothing short of a dream. This time, you will never return, heh heh."

Ouyang Long looked down on Bei Minghao who had never met before, and smiled coldly, showing extreme disdain.
"Zhang Dingbian, Ouyang Xue listen to the order, and order you two to command three thousand Qinglong blood pawns, to clear the way first, break through the Black Jade City today, and kill him to make a river of blood."

"The last will obey!"

Zhang Dingbian and Ouyang Xue heard the words, they looked at each other, and they both saw in each other's eyes that they were serious and determined to break through the west gate

"dong dong dong"


"Hang Kang Kang"

"Tap Tap"

With the sound of the horn on the battlefield, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards made a comeback after yesterday's silence. Tens of thousands of Azure Dragon Blood Guards marched mightily towards Black Jade City.

The long city-rushing vehicle, like a fortress, with huge shields in front, marched forcefully towards the walls of Heiyu City.
"Kill! Kill! Kill"

The killing sound shook the sky, and the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, who was holding a fierce blade, walked towards the wall of Heiyu City with firm eyes without fear.
Then they dragged out huge umbrella-like "tents" made of cowhide and put them on the top of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard's head, protecting them from all kinds of damage from the sky.
And each of them carried a giant water bag full of water.
Seeing death as home, not afraid of death, is the true description of this Azure Dragon Blood Guard, everyone has an indomitable momentum.
Looking at the Qinglong Blood Guard with all kinds of tricks, Li Jing, Xue Rengui and others on the city wall looked solemn and solemn.

"Huh, a soft shield made of cowhide? This can solve the urgent need, but it can't completely solve the threat of our catapult and other weapons. It seems that Ouyang Long is at the end of his skills."

"Hehe, I want to see how you can perform under the impact of the catapult and the cloud piercing thunderbolt bow."

When Jia Xu saw the countermeasure of the other party, he smiled slightly, and he didn't look worried, but the expression between his brows was slightly condensed.
"Military division, do you have a plan to retreat from the enemy?"

Seeing that Jia Xu seemed to be still calm, Li Jing hurriedly asked Jia Xu for advice.

"Is there a way to retreat from the enemy? It really does exist. The soft shield made of cowhide can be hit with rockets. I want to see how they defend, hmph"

Jia Xu looked at the direction of Qinglong Xuewei with cold eyes, very cold.

"Can this be done?"

When Yu Chigong heard this, he fell into deep thought, and then asked with some doubts.

But Li Jing nodded, and did not continue to ask, he knew that this trick was feasible.

On the other hand, Jia Xu's eyes were full of worry, and he began to hesitate in his heart, should he carry out his last trick?
And at the time when everyone was discussing, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was less than fifty feet away from the wall of the Black Jade City.
"The whole army listens to the order and shoots arrows for me"

Following Li Jing's order, five thousand Beiming archers drew their bows and arrows to the shape of a full moon, and shot out the burning rockets.

"boom blah blah"

"Puff puff"



As the flying arrows counting money fell from the sky, they shot at the huge "soft shields", and then the sound of gold and iron handing over was crisp and clear.

Only a few flying arrows plunged into the soft shield fiercely, and the casualties were almost negligible.
"What? How is it possible? This"

Everyone was astonished when they saw this, and stretched their necks to look at the huge "soft shields" with expressions of disbelief.

Seeing this, Jia Xu heaved a long sigh, showing such an expression, and clenched his fists tightly.
"That one seems to have cast a layer of iron slurry on the cowhide, isn't it possible? How could they be?"

Yuchi looked at the unscathed huge "soft shield", and said aloud.

"Sigh, I didn't expect that Ouyang Long was so treacherous that he used iron paste to coagulate the cowhide together, so that while maintaining the elasticity, he would not be afraid of water and fire."

Li Jing's complexion was extremely heavy, and he said with some regret.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if it's iron or not, if the fire can't burn it, I'll smash it to see if they can persist, hum."

Seeing this, Yu Chigong was extremely aggrieved, roared angrily, and ordered the soldiers to throw huge boulders out.
"Bah ah!"

"Bang bang bang!"


As countless boulders leaped into the sky, they smashed into the soft shields like meteorites falling.

Although it is effective, compared with the many Azure Dragon Blood Guards, the effect is mediocre. It can be said that it is a drop in the bucket
"How is this possible?"

Looking at such a situation, Yu Chigong's face was particularly exciting, and he said dryly.

"Hey, Jingde, don't waste your energy in vain, prepare to fight with the Azure Dragon Blood Guard!"

Li Jing rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly.

"Hmph, a group of idiots, want to use rockets and boulders to deal with my soft iron shield? It's just a dream."

Ouyang Long under the city looked at the unyielding attack on the city wall, and sneered again and again.

Soon, under the inaudible attack, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard got under the city wall, and a ladder was built on top of the city wall.
"bang bang bang"

"The whole army obeys the order, pour the kerosene down for me, I want to kill these sons of bitches, pour it out."

Yu Chigong didn't give up, he was quite annoyed that he didn't bring much loss to the enemy, and ordered the soldiers to pour down the hot oil

As the kerosene poured down, there was no situation where the ladder caught fire, or the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was unbearably hot.

Take a closer look, Nima, it turns out that a layer of iron sheet was poured on the ladder, and the ladder did not burn.

The Azure Dragon Blood Guard poured the water from the water bag on Yunti to lower the temperature, which was not enough to threaten the steel warriors like the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.
In this way, the hot oil did not cause the imagined damage.

Or it can be said that the thunder is loud and the rain is small!
"Oh, these Azure Dragon Blood Guards are too cunning."

Seeing this, Yu Chigong was dumbfounded, staring at Niu Da's eyes, extremely depressed.

"Hehe, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards have come prepared, I'm afraid it will be troublesome this time."

Seeing this, Li Jing sighed slightly and smiled wryly, because the city was really running out of ammunition and food.
"Go down and do it."


"Tap Tap"

Suddenly, just as Jia Xu was about to carry out the last trick, the horn sounded "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow"
Seeing this, Jia Xu showed a smile in his eyes, and said in his heart: My lord, you have finally arrived, if you don't come again, I will confess my old bones here
At the same time, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards began to retreat one after another.
"Hmph, withdrawing so cheaply like this? It's a good idea, hum."

Seeing this in descending order, he looked coldly at the retreating Azure Dragon Blood Guard, and whispered coldly

As soon as Jia Xu's words fell, there was a huge thunderous roar outside the city, and then the ground shook for a while, as if the end of the world was coming.
(End of this chapter)

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