Call of the Deer

Chapter 373 Bloody Battlefield, Each Shows Their Abilities

Chapter 373 Bloody Battlefield, Each Shows Their Abilities

Holding the Silver Dragon Splitting Sky Spear, Zhao Yun rode a horse wearing a silver battle armor, and charged towards Ouyang Xue with lightning speed.
"Ouyang Xue, take your life!"

"Hmph, do you want to bully the few with the more? It's a dream, your opponent is me, die!"

Just when Zhao Yun rushed towards Ouyang Xue with murderous aura, suddenly a general came out. This person was wearing a silver battle armor with a purple cloak on his back, dancing with the wind, as if he had the air of a king.
"Huh? Get out of the way!"

When Zhao Yun saw this person blocking the way, his eyes were slightly cold, and he snorted coldly, pointing his silver gun obliquely at the ground, his murderous intent suddenly appeared.

"Hmph, what do you want my young master to do, pass my test first!"

There was an indifferent smile on the corner of the man's mouth, the cloud was calm and the wind was breezy, secretly looking at Zhao Yun with a cold face.

"Hmph, get out of the way if you don't want to die!"

Zhao Yun followed Bei Minghao's order to kill the chief evil Ouyang Xue, so naturally he didn't want any accidents to happen, so he scolded coldly.

"Don't be ashamed of your big words, let me see what you have, and dare to say such nonsense in front of my king, hum!"

Hearing that man's words, his eyes shivered slightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a faint killing intent gushed out of his body.

At the same time, he pulled out a long sword from his waist, and the cold light shone on the blade.
"Remember, you died on the Baishuang sword in my king's hand!"


Looking at the large long sword in the king's hand, Zhao Yun's eyes became quite dignified. He felt that the martial arts of the man opposite him who claimed to be the king was by no means inferior to his.

The two just looked at each other across the air, and at the next moment, the two of them heard the news almost at the same time, and killed each other.

Quiet as a virgin, like a three-foot green pine, motionless like a mountain; moving like a rabbit, like autumn wind sweeping leaves, thunderous.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
The king's sword, like a gust of phantom, is gorgeous and dazzling, as fast as the wind, flashing sword shadows in the void, making people dazzled.
As for Zhao Yun's spear, the silver light shone, and the cold wind swept it, which was not weaker than the king's swiftly descending wind.

The silver spear attack is like a silver dragon dancing wildly, piercing through the air, as if in the clouds, as if in the nine abyss, as fast as a shooting star, as powerful as a thunderbolt
"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so talented. You have persisted for so long under my Gale Sword. Even if you die in battle, you are proud enough!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun was able to fight him for so many rounds, the king was a little surprised, and at the same time his eyes flickered, as if he was making some decision.

"Hmph, you are not ashamed to say anything, you are nothing more than that, the next move will kill you!"

Being underestimated by this king, Zhao Yun was a little annoyed even though he had a good temper, his eyes flickered with murderous intent.

"Hmph, are you brazen? You'll know right away."

"Hmph, go to hell, Fenglei Phantom Sword, Fenglei strikes furiously!"

"Silver Dragon Splitting the Sky Spear, Kanglong Doesn't Regret, Ling Yue is in Yuan, die for me!"

Facing the king's one-killing sword, Zhao Yun naturally did not dare to neglect in the slightest, the spear in his hand, like an angry dragon piercing through, struck out with lightning, and pierced straight to the king's heart!
"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"



"Tick da!"

One inch long, one inch strong, one inch short, one inch dangerous!

In the final blow, the two perfectly interpreted what speed is.

At the last moment, the two forgot about life and death, and only had their eyes on opponents and fighting.

The long spear dances wildly, like a silver dragon soaring in the sky, piercing through the clouds and breathing out fog, and when it moves, it will be thunderous, and thousands of troops will be defeated.

The long sword flew horizontally, like dancing in the breeze, and flashing like thunder, the sound of wind and thunder was endless.
At the same time, Ouyang Xue had already fought with Xue Rengui for more than a hundred rounds, and the two fought inextricably.

Ouyang Xue's blood gun was shining with a chilling evil spirit, and the blood light was shining like a blood-colored poisonous python, constantly swallowing and spitting out the vicious snake core.
Since the last time she suffered paleness, Ouyang Xue suffered a heavy blow, and at the same time learned a lesson, her actions became more and more ruthless.

Xue Rengui was furious at this time, exuding a scorching murderous aura all over his body, this was the first time he was so angry since he joined Bei Minghao.

Because in his opinion, it was because of him that Zhang Hao died in battle. If he had reminded him earlier, such a tragedy would not have happened.

Xue Rengui was riding a white horse, and the Zixiao halberd was shining with incomparably intimidating purple awns, opening and closing, bursting extremely, full of endless destructive power

Suddenly, Xue Rengui's Zixiao halberd in his hand slashed across, intersecting with Ouyang Xuexue dragon spear in mid-air, sparks splashed everywhere, and flickered with a cold light.
"Go to hell, True Phoenix swinging the world halberd, burning the universe with flames!"

Just as the two hit each other, Xue Rengui jumped up from the horse, stared at the horse's buttocks, borrowed his strength, and smashed towards Ouyang Xue's back heart.

This time, he was determined to kill Ouyang Xue to make up for his mistakes
Just when Xue Rengui jumped up and killed Ouyang Xue, Ouyang Xue felt as cold as a light on his back, and suddenly felt cold, and swiped the blood spear in his hand, trying to block the inexplicable chill.




It was only one blow, because Xue Rengui relied on his momentum to throw Ouyang Xue, who was unprepared and hastily received, flying away from his horse.

And they, due to the effect of force, were also knocked into the air, and stared at the ground back a dozen steps before stopping.

With one blow, Xue Rengui gained the upper hand, and a trace of blood appeared on the corner of Ouyang Xue's mouth, as if the internal organs had been shaken.

"Ouyang dog thief, today I, Xue Rengui, will definitely kill you and avenge General Zhang Hao!"

Xue Rengui's face was full of hatred, his eyes were filled with fire, his murderous intent was revealed, and Zi Xiaoji trembled with his anger.
"Hmph, I'm not ashamed to say anything, I want to see who will die at whose hands today!"

Ouyang Xue licked (licked) the red blood at the corner of her mouth, her eyes gleamed with bloodthirsty light, her murderous intent was revealed, her eyes showed a ferocious look
"Drink, go to hell, blood dragon soul devouring gun, blood dragon flame attack!"

"Hmph, the true phoenix swings the world halberd, the flames are extinguished!"

The two abandoned their horses, each armed with cold soldiers, and went to kill each other.

Xue Rengui waved the Zixiao halberd obliquely, and charged at Ouyang Xue with an indomitable momentum. The purple halberd was covered with scarlet flames, which showed his true energy.

Ouyang Xue, as the descendant of the Blood Dragon Warrior, naturally showed no weakness. The Blood Dragon Spear was like a blood python with a huge mouth, spreading a frightening bloody light, which was extremely frightening
"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!".
The two tried their best, but they couldn't do anything to each other. They were the same for a while, and it was difficult to decide who was male!

Just when Zhao Yun was fighting Wang Wang, Xue Rengui and Ouyang Xue were inseparable, Ma Chao, Long Qi and others also fought fiercely with the enemy generals.

The dragon is holding the Zilong Nirvana Gun, and his moves are open and closed, powerful and powerful, simple and rough, direct but full of explosive and destructive power
A cold-faced man with a wolf-toothed lance is fighting against the dragon. This man is wearing black armor, and the wolf-toothed lance in his hand is superb and powerful. He is inseparable from the dragon.
Even, it seems that this person's martial arts is slightly higher than that of Long Qie, because this person is stronger than Long Qie.

This made Long Qi very upset, even the blood in his eyes was unwilling.

He claimed to be one of the most powerful generals under Bei Minghao's command, and he was able to stand alone, but he couldn't beat him, let alone capture Ouyang Xue, the chief culprit who killed Zhang Hao.

"Oh, die to me, Zilong Nirvana Gun, Gun Nirvana Five Mountains!"

"Hmph, blood wolf fighting lance, blood wolf devouring soul!"




The two retreated as soon as they made one move, and each snorted. This move was still tied, and neither of them could take advantage of the slightest.
"Ah, you bastard, you are going to die for me."

At the same time, on the other side, Yang Dayan and Deng Qiangsha's faces were red, their eyes were burning with fire, and they wished to drink each other's blood and eat each other's flesh
(End of this chapter)

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