Chapter 388

On the wall of Heiyu City, the black Xuanlong flag fluttered in the wind, making a sound of hunting, standing proudly on the top of the city.

One hundred thousand soldiers of the Northern Dark Army were standing on the top of the city in full force, drawing their bows and arrows, aiming at the fierce Azure Dragon Blood Guard outside the city.

Bei Minghao was wearing the Nine Nether Emperor Underworld Armor, a red cloak fluttering in the wind, and the Nine Dragon Splitting Halberd in front of him, just motionless like a mountain, looking at the neatly lined up enemy troops outside the city.

Standing behind them were Xu Chu and Dian Wei, like a sculpture, holding a fierce blade, standing there motionless.

Behind them are Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia and Jia Xu. Guo Jia is wearing a brocade gown, with a delicate complexion and a pair of eyes like stars.

Zhuge Liang was wearing a robe of stars, a Suzaku fan, gently shaking, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he was also a handsome man.

Jia Xu's face was indifferent, without any illness, like an old man who was dying, but there was a faint aura flowing in him.

Behind the three of Jia Xu are Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Li Jing, Xue Rengui, Yang Yansi, Yuwen Chengdu and Yu Chigong.

"Brother, our army is ready, it's time to attack the city"

At this time Lei Yan was eager to try, extremely excited, and said in Ouyang Long's ear.

He knew that Ouyang Long used almost all his strength to be safe in this battle, and even used the secret weapon that had been sealed away for a long time.

"Zhang Dingbian listens to the order, ordering you to command fifty thousand Azure Dragon Blood Guards, and attack Black Jade City regardless of the cost."

"Zhao Gang, Xiao Feng, Zha Sheng, and Wang Jing listen to the order and order the four of you to assist Zhang Dingbian to break through the Black Jade City."

"Lei Yan listens to the order and orders you to command the Thunder Arrow Guards and suppress the Northern Underworld Army on Black Jade City."

"Ouyang Feng listens to the order and orders you to command the Blood Lin Dragon Army and assist Zhang Dingbian to attack Black Jade City together."

Following the issuance of a series of orders, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards moved upon hearing the wind, armed with cold soldiers, and rushed towards the Black Jade City

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
With the sound of a deep horn sounding on the battlefield, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard's momentum greatly increased, with a murderous aura.

One by one, like wolves and tigers, they charged forward without hesitation.
five hundred feet.
Three hundred feet.
Two hundred feet.
150 feet
Looking at the Qinglong Blood Guard who was getting closer and closer, Li Jing's palms also ooze a trace of sweat. He is the commander in chief of this battle, and he was personally appointed by Bei Minghao.

"The whole army obeys the order, let me shoot arrows!"


Following Li Jing's order, nearly [-] flying arrows, like shooting stars, pierced the cold sky and rushed towards the Azure Dragon Blood Guard in dense numbers.

"Ding Ding Ding"

But in an instant, countless flying arrows hit the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, making a "ding ding ding" sound, which was extremely crisp.

But what was surprising was that the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was unscathed, but they stopped in their tracks.

"How is that possible? What's going on here?"

Seeing this scene, Bei Minghao and others were all very surprised. Could it be that this army is wearing divine armor?

Otherwise, how could it not break the defense?This is impossible.

"Thunderbolt Cloud Piercer is ready, shoot them to death!"

It was also the first time for Li Jing to see this scene. Although he was surprised, he didn't believe in evil. He immediately ordered the army to use the powerful cloud piercing crossbow to try.


"Puff puff"

"The whole army raises their shields and defends me!"

Zhang Dingbian saw that the Beiming army used such a magic weapon again, so he calmly ordered the Azure Dragon Blood Guards to raise their shields to defend.


As the Azure Dragon Blood Guard raised its shield to defend, those arm-thick flying arrows slammed into the giant shield fiercely.

I only heard the deafening and crackling roar, but I didn't see the shield piercing and beheading the enemy.

"Thunder Arrow Guard, let them see how powerful I am, and let me shoot arrows!"

When Lei Yan saw it for the first time, his eyes showed disdain, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he immediately ordered the arrow guards to return the favor to the Northern Underworld Army.


"Puff puff"


"Not good, quickly hide, hide"

Li Jing never expected that the Thunder Arrow Guard IDE could shoot so far. It directly hit the city wall from a distance of more than 300 feet outside the city, and the damage was so powerful.

A wave of flying arrows struck, and Li Jing immediately commanded the giant shield soldiers to defend and cover the archers.

"Hmph, Ouyang Long came prepared for this large-scale invasion, but isn't the lonely king unprepared? It's ridiculous."

"Pharmacist, let the soldiers use the armor-piercing blood crossbow. The lonely king doesn't believe it. The giant shield wants to defend against the impact of the armor-piercing blood crossbow."

Seeing that the Azure Dragon Blood Guard had countermeasures against the Northern Dark Army's attack, Bei Minghao even took the opportunity to kill many Northern Dark Army, and his expression turned ugly.

"Soldiers, let them see how powerful the armor-piercing blood crossbow is, and let me shoot the arrow."


"Hmph, how naive, big brother even used the Black Tortoise Shield now, and wants to break through our army's defense, it's just an idiot."

"Crack!" "Click!" "Crack!".
"Puff puff"


"How is it possible? How could the Xuanwu Shield be shot through, this..."

"Prepare the sky shield, use the sky shield to defend."

When Zhang Dingbian saw that the Xuanwu shield was shot through by the armor-piercing arrow, he was slightly surprised, so he had to take out the soft shield used in the last battle.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Although the armor-piercing blood crossbow is powerful, it is helpless in the face of a targeted soft shield like the "Sky Shield".
"Damn it, it seems that you can only use this turtle shell."

"The catapult is ready, release it for me!"

"Bed crossbow, release it for me."

Following Li Jing's series of orders, the Beiming Army instantly increased its firepower.

It's a pity that the Azure Dragon Blood Guard had already made preparations before, so he was helpless for a while.

Soon, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards were under the city wall, and the ladders of every family were erected on the city wall, and the Azure Dragon Blood Guards climbed up along the ladders.

"Hmph, the Tianji crossbow is ready, shoot them to death for me, let it go."

"Pour the boiling oil down for me, I want to see if they can prevent it?"

"Ding Ding Ding"

But after the Heavenly Secret Crossbow was launched, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was unscathed, blocked all the arrows with his body, and still climbed up extremely fast
"Damn, how is that possible?"

Li Jing was extremely surprised, even Bei Minghao and the others were inexplicably surprised, what the hell kind of defense is this?At close range, the crossbow arrows could not penetrate their bodies.

This is simply a miracle, an impossible thing, there is such a defense in this world.

Rattan Army?Armored Army?
"Wenhe? What do you think?"

"My lord, I'm afraid I don't know this, this armor is invulnerable to fire and water."

Jia Xu smiled wryly, her face was very serious, and she looked at the Azure Dragon Blood Guard below without blinking.
"Give me the log and smash them to death."

"Throw me the stone."

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


Following the rolling logs and boulders being thrown down, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard immediately fell down like a dumpling, fell from the ladder, fell hard to the ground, and never got up again
"Fortunately, there is no way to deal with them"

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, as long as they don't have to be an undead army.

And when the Beiming army saw these guys who could not be shot with bows and arrows, after being smashed down, they couldn't get up again, and their morale suddenly rose.

He started throwing stones and rolling logs with all his strength, intending to fight back the Azure Dragon Blood Guard in one go.
It's a pity that there are so many Azure Dragon Blood Guards, under the impact of fearless death, it will be a matter of time for the Azure Dragon Blood Guards to climb the city wall.
(End of this chapter)

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