Call of the Deer

Chapter 391 Yansi encounters obstacles, Zhao Yun kills the enemy

Chapter 391 Yansi encounters obstacles, Zhao Yun kills the enemy


The man with the scar looked at Li Cunxiao who was holding the God of Yu King and Bi Yanluo, his face was full of jealousy and resentment rolled over.

Without an arm, his combat power is no longer half of what it was in its heyday, and if he stays here, he will only court death.

"Hmph, the green hills don't change, and the green waters flow forever. In the future, I will definitely kill you with a single knife and avenge this broken arm."

The scarred man's eyes are cloudy and uncertain, and his heart is a gentleman's revenge. It is not too late in ten years, and he will definitely kill Li Cunxiao in the future.

Then with the knife in his right hand, he slashed the enemy army and the Azure Dragon Blood Guard who were standing in front of him, and planned to go down the ladder.

"Hmph, no need, you'd better go die!"

"call out!"


"Uh bang!"

Just as the man with the scar turned around, Xue Rengui arrived, with a fierce look on his face, he bent his bow and set an arrow, the sky-shattering bow was drawn to the shape of a full moon, and a mace flying arrow shot out with a "swoosh".

The man with the scar was chopped off by Li Cunxiao. At this moment, he only thought about how to escape, but he could still react there.

It was directly pierced by the Spike Flying Arrow, bringing up a pool of red blood.

Along with that, the man was taken into the air by the spiked arrows, and flew out of the city wall about seven feet high.

In this way, the ending of the man with the scar can be imagined. Naturally, his body was smashed to pieces, and he died without a place to bury him.

"Ah, die, die, die for me"

Just when Li Cunxiao and the man with the scar met face to face, a fierce general also appeared on the other side of the city wall. This man pointed a pair of copper hammers, like a war machine, rampaging on the city wall.

This person looked like a madman, like a madman, his eyes were red from killing, his killing was extremely cruel and bloodthirsty, a pair of copper hammers turned into blood hammers, countless corpses, brains burst, and red and white flew around.

"The thief is going crazy, Yang Yansi is here to kill you, kill"

At this time, Yang Yansi noticed the hammer general who was full of killing, and he rushed over to kill him, exuding a fighting spirit all over his body.
"Hmph, let me give you a hammer first, and then you can talk about it, Ben Lei Hammer!"


"Deng deng deng"

The golden gun and the copper hammer smashed together fiercely, the tip of the golden gun was even more bent, and a huge groove appeared on the copper hammer, both of them retreated involuntarily.
"Huh, there are two tricks, who are you? Report your name, and I, Yang Yansi, will never die the nameless ghost!"

Feeling the trembling arm, Yang Yansi showed surprise in his eyes, wondering how capable this person is.

This guy looks like a reckless man, but he is quite strong, and even he suffered a little loss when he asked for money unprepared.

"Hmph, I, Zhao Gang, the next hammer will surely kill you, come again!"

When Zhao Gang saw that Yang Yansi was unscathed under his copper hammer, he was extremely surprised. The strength he was so proud of forced Yang Yansi without a hammer.

But it doesn't matter, it's just his carelessness, the next blow will definitely kill Yang Yansi.

"Ben Lei Hammer, Jin Lei Hammer, die for me, hahaha."

"Hmph, you're too happy, eat me with a single shot, fight against all odds, fight in all directions, be invincible with a golden gun, kill with gold!"

Yang Yansi's starry eyes were unruly, without any concealment, a wild and fierce power shone in his eyes.

A golden light flashed across the long spear in his hand, piercing through the wind, and resigned straight to Zhao Gang's throat.

Naturally, Zhao Gang wasn't afraid of this "unknown man", and he struck Yang Yansi's head fiercely with the hammer and hammer.

Before the hammer arrived, he was already excited, because he believed that under his copper hammer, Yang Yansi would definitely die.



There was only a muffled thunder-like sound, and everyone around felt that their eardrums were ruptured, the pain was unbearable, and their heads were dizzy.

The handover of gold and iron sounds, like ringing a bell, goes through the sky
With another blow, Yang Yansi and Zhao Gang are still evenly divided, and it is difficult to decide who is male.

"How is it possible? You actually blocked my copper hammer. If you do it again, I don't believe that the hammer can't kill you, ah"

Seeing this, Zhao Gang was terrified, unable to accept the situation, and swung the copper hammer again to kill him.

Today, he, Zhao Gang, is determined to beat this thief general to death, otherwise his fame will be ruined here.

"Come again."


"Hmph, come again, I don't believe it."


Just like that, Zhao Gang and Yang Yansi came and went, and the golden gun and the copper hammer were handed over.
The Azure Dragon Blood Guard was like a killing machine, with blood red eyes, expressionless face, only knowing about killing, a blood gun, and started a hand-to-hand combat with the enemy without fear of death.

Facing such an iron army, how could the Northern Underworld Army be an opponent? If they didn't kill a single Azure Dragon Blood Guard, the Northern Underworld Army would die two or three people.

If things go on like this, even if they win, it will be a tragic victory, or even die together. This is not the situation that Bei Minghao wants to see.
"Damn, what to do? How to break the game"

Bei Minghao looked at the Beiming army who died tragically under the enemy's gun one after another, and his heart was bleeding.

This is the elite who survived the bloody battle with him all the way, and it is really unacceptable to be wasted here like this.

"Ah, go to hell, you monsters"

Bei Minghao ran away in anger, picked up the Nine Dragon Splitting Halberd, and rushed into the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, and the Splitting Sky Halberd swept out.

With one halberd, seven or eight Azure Dragon Blood Guards were killed.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!".
Bei Minghao held the Sky Splitting Halberd, like a madman, every time the halberd was under his command, he would shout "Kill" in a thunderous voice.

The general is so powerful, how dare the soldiers die?

Under Bei Minghao's inadvertent "encouragement", the morale of the Beiming Army was greatly boosted, and everyone fought hand-to-hand with the Qinglong Blood Guard as if they were dying.

You shoot, I suffer, but I will take you to hell with me if I die!

This is the most true portrayal of the hearts of most Beimingjun.

"Qinglong Xuewei listens to the order, and kill the enemy with me, open the city gate, kill"

On the city wall not far from the west city gate, a fierce enemy general led a large number of Azure Dragon Blood Guards and killed them in the direction of the west city gate.
The silver light is like the wind, the cold light catches the shadows, the blood remains in the sunset, and corpses are everywhere!
Zhao Yun's silver spear fluttered like a silver dragon dancing wildly, the dragon chant continuously, under the silver light, the blood flowed like a gush, and mournful souls spread wildly.
The silver armor has been stained red with red blood, the star eyes emit a cold light, and an indomitable aura gushes out from its body.

At this moment, Zhao Yun is like a Shura blood general, arbitrarily breaking the city wall, under the cold spear, there are all corpses.

The blood is flowing, the red smoke is billowing, the wind is raging, and the sword shadow is cold in the sky!

The smell of blood is like a sky, shrouded here, there are broken arms and limbs everywhere, and there are countless seriously injured people, lingering
"Brother Zhao's demeanor, Wang already appreciates it, but the city is about to be broken, Wang advises Brother Zhao, it's better to surrender my lord, when the time comes, the glory and wealth will never be exhausted!"

Wang Jing had seen Zhao Yun's supernatural power before, even Sun Jie, who was beheaded by Zhao Yun, was no match for him, so naturally he would not foolishly fight Zhao Yun to death.

Moreover, the absolute defense of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard has given the Azure Dragon Blood Guard an absolute advantage.

There is no need for him to fight the enemy generals desperately like others, because this is the behavior of a reckless man.

In the battle on the battlefield, the current situation is changing rapidly, there is no need to take risks and put yourself in a dangerous position.

"Surrender? Hahaha."

When Zhao Yun heard that Wang Jing actually persuaded him to surrender, his star eyes became very cold, a killing intent gushed out from his body, and he laughed contemptuously.

Because in its view, this is an insult, this is a naked insult, and it is disrespectful to him as a five person.

"What are you laughing at? The so-called one who knows current affairs is a hero, I hope Brother Zhao will not mistake himself!"

Seeing Zhao Yun laughing, Wang Jing frowned instinctively, and his voice became a little cold.

"Hmph, Mr. Zhao's head can be broken and his blood can be shed, but he can't surrender, let alone Ouyang Long, a bastard."

"As a general, you don't have the minimum respect for me. If you don't kill you, how can I, Zhao Zilong, gain a foothold in Dongzhou, and what face do I have to continue to serve my lord?"

Zhao Yunyue said, his face became colder and colder, his starry eyes radiated a cold light, and the shining cold light directly attacked Wang Jing.

"Huh, Zhao Yun, I think you have some skills, so I can persuade you with words. Since you don't eat fine wine after toasting, don't blame Wang for being rude."

When Wang Jing heard the words, his face was red, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he shouted fiercely.

"Hmph, the nameless person, who doesn't even have the courage to fight me. You alone dare to say that you are welcome. It's really ridiculous. Let's make a move. With one move, Zhao's silver gun will kill you!"

Zhao Yun laughed angrily, and looked at Wang Jing coldly. In his opinion, Wang Jing was already a dead person in his eyes.

"Don't be ashamed of your big words, go die for me!"

As soon as Wang Jing heard Zhao Yun's "outrageous words", his seven orifices burst into smoke, he couldn't care less about other things, he held a tiger's head halberd, and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

"The mighty tiger fights the halberd, the wild tiger splits the mountain!"

"Silver Dragon Cleave Sky Spear, fight the dragon in the wild, dragon fight Qingxiao, die!"





"If you say one move to kill you, one move will kill you."

Zhao Yun said indifferently, there was no ripple in the starry eyes, as if what he killed was not a person, but a beast.
(End of this chapter)

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