Call of the Deer

Chapter 396 The Change of Dingbian, the Sound of Triumph

Chapter 396 The Change of Dingbian, the Sound of Triumph

Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Zhuge Liang on the west city wall witnessed the moment when Bei Minghao overlord beheaded Ouyang Long in anger, and they were extremely astonished, astonished as heaven and man.

"Hiss, I didn't expect the lord to be so brave. This halberd is so domineering."

Zhuge Liang looked at Bei Minghao, who was imposing like a rainbow and standing proudly like a god of war, and took a deep breath.

He has never seen such a heroic side of Bei Minghao, who is proficient in everything.

"Hehe, Kong Ming, the lord is not only outstanding in literary talent, but also extremely powerful in martial arts. In the army, I am afraid that only General Li Cunxiao can overwhelm the lord."

Jia Xu looked at the domineering Bei Minghao, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm afraid it won't be long before General Li Cunxiao can no longer defeat the lord, hahaha."

After Bei Minghao beheaded Ouyang Long, he knew that they had won this battle, and he relaxed all over, and said with a smile.

"Extremely so."

"Master, isn't this King Yanhuang too powerful? He actually killed that villain."

Fan Lihua looked at that domineering figure, and she felt bewildered, and muttered to herself.

"Brother Yan, the old man Ouyang and the thief Lei Yan are finally dead, and you can finally rest in peace."

Feng Qiling noticed Fan Lihua at this moment, she saw tears in Feng Qiling's eyes, she was in a trance, muttering to herself
"Brother Jian, you can go with peace of mind. Tuo'er personally beheaded Lei Yan and avenged your blood. Tuo'er has finally grown up, so you can rest assured."

Shen Tufeng looked at Yuwen Chengdu, who was wearing a big day golden light armor, like a god of war in golden armor, with tears on his face, and murmured to himself with a smile on his face
"Hey, senior brother is so heroic."

Qin Liangyu looked at Yuwen Chengdu's figure, and felt his heart tremble.

"Oh, my lord, I didn't expect that you would leave before me, please wait for me, the last general will come soon."

Looking at Ouyang Long's dead body, Zhang Ding was extremely sad. After speaking, he was about to draw his sword and kill himself, and followed Ouyang Long.


"General Zhang, what are you doing?"

At the moment Zhang Dingbian drew his sword and killed himself, Deng Qiang rushed out, chopped off Zhang Dingbian's long sword, and roared angrily.

"The monarch humiliates his ministers to death, and the monarch dies and his ministers die. This is the foundation of loyalty. My lord dies first, so I will follow him. With complete loyalty, why do you stop me?"

Zhang Dingbian roared angrily at Deng Qiang.

"General Zhang, you are so confused. How can a cunning thief like Ouyang Long deserve our allegiance?"

When Deng Qiang heard this, he rolled his eyes, was furious, and yelled again and again.

"Deng Qiang, stop talking nonsense, my lord is newly mourned, = how can you speak so rudely?"

Hearing this, Zhang Dingbian was furious, with cold brows, staring at Deng Qiang with hatred, he might violently kill someone at any moment.

"General Zhang, don't get angry. After listening to me, you will know the origin of the matter."

"Yanhuang King and others attacked the camp last night. I was inspecting the military camp. I accidentally found some thieves eavesdropping outside the camp. I was a little curious and listened to it. Unexpectedly, my brain exploded and I couldn't recover for a long time."

"But before I could react, King Yanhuang and his party were discovered, and I took advantage of the chaos to hide."

Deng Qiang said with a gloomy face, and at the same time felt a little rejoiced.

"How is it possible? Deng Qiang, don't be so eloquent. My lord is obviously a Han Chinese. When did he have anything to do with the Hu thieves?"

Zhang Dingbian heard the words, his mind was in a mess, he couldn't accept the fact, he stopped drinking sharply, and stared fiercely at Deng Qiang.

"Hey, General Zhang, accept the facts, otherwise why would Ouyang Long lure the tiger thieves south to seek skin from the tiger?"

"Do you dare to swear?"

When Zhang Dingbian heard it, he almost believed it in his heart, his heart was in a mess, and he couldn't take it for a while, his face became ashen and disheartened.

"Hey, General Zhang, I, Deng Qiang, really don't want you to be such a scum and lose your life, no matter what, I, Deng Qiang, swear that everything I said today is true, otherwise there will be five thunderbolts from the sky, and I will die a bad death."

Deng Qiang also understood Zhang Dingbian's mood, literati valued profit, and warriors valued fame.

I have always been loyal to the lord, but suddenly I became a thief overnight. No one can accept this kind of infamy.

Even when he heard the news, he felt that the sky was falling. This was simply a joke made by God.

"Hey, brother Deng, I believe in you. I never thought that I, Zhang Dingbian, lived a bright and upright life. Today, I have ended up in such a field, and I have done such a thing that will notoriety for thousands of years. I am ashamed of the ancestors of my Zhang family."

Zhang Dingbian was originally a man of temperament, when he heard Deng Qiang's words, he felt remorse in his heart, crying and laughing again and again.

"Brother Zhang, you don't have to be so self-pitying. You brought the two of us to the north to kill the bandits, and to forgive the wrong things you did, so as to get the forgiveness of the people and peace of mind."

Looking at the extremely distressed Zhang Dingbian, Deng Qiang could only comfort him.

"Brother Deng is right. This Ouyang Long is so despicable and shameless. In the future, I will make the thief pay the price and wash away my shame."

Zhang Dingbian's eyes suddenly became cold, and a powerful aura gushed out from his body, which was extremely frightening.

"Brother Zhang, what is this?"

Outside the west city gate, following the successive fall of Lei Yan and Ouyang Long, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard's aura instantly dropped to a trough, showing no fighting intentions.

All of them flinched, there was no such thing as the fierceness before.

"Ouyang Long and Lei Yan have already bowed their heads, if they don't surrender now, when will they wait?"

Bei Minghao stopped drinking, and the sound shook the sky, like a thunderbolt, it exploded beside the Qinglong Blood Guard's ears
"Those who surrender will not be killed, those who resist will die"

"Surrender. Surrender"

The shouts of countless Beiming armies, like a wave, spread from all sides of the battlefield, directly attacking and rolling around.
"Ah, King Yanhuang forgive me, I will surrender."

"Run away, the king is dead, run away!"

At this time, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard was terrified, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he fled to the rear one after another, the birds scattered and the fish collapsed.

"Boys, follow me to kill."

When Li Cunxiao saw the enemy's defeat, how could he spare the wounded and blood-stained butchers, and led ten thousand cavalry to kill the collapsed Azure Dragon Blood Guards.
"The whole army obeys the order and follows me in pursuit"

Not to be outdone, the dragon led the Black Dragon Guard, followed closely behind, and killed the Azure Dragon Blood Guard outside the west city.
"My lord, do you want to chase after me?"

Looking at the defeated Azure Dragon Blood Guard, Zhao Yun rode forward and began to ask questions.
"Hehe, Zilong, you can follow with ten thousand cavalry, remember to be careful, lest you miss the ambush, the lonely king will arrive soon."

At this time, the enemy army was defeated, and there was no time left. It was the time to catch them all. Where would Bei Minghao let him go?Directly send Zhao Yun to follow Li Cunxiao and Long Qi to pursue them together.

At the same time, with Yang Yansi and Yuwen Chengdu, they blocked the west city, stopped the remnants of Qinglong Blood Guards who had entered the city, and planned to wipe out this unparalleled enemy army in one fell swoop.
"Ouyang Long is dead, and you still want to resist? Those who surrender will not be killed, and those who resist will die."

"I'm waiting for my wish to drop."

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards were extremely defeated, especially those Blood Dragon Army, all without hesitation, they simply knelt down and begged to surrender, which surprised Bei Minghao extremely.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, Ouyang Long is a cruel and heartless person. He used our family as a threat, and we will sacrifice our lives for him. At this time, this dog thief is dead, so we don't need to sacrifice our lives for him."

Seemingly seeing Bei Minghao's doubts, a blood dragon army stepped forward and explained to Bei Minghao.

When Bei Minghao heard it, his heart was like this, and he knew the root cause of the matter.

So far, the Northern Underworld Army has finally defeated the incomparably powerful Azure Dragon Blood Guard, creating the myth of the Northern Underworld Army's invincibility!

(End of this chapter)

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