Call of the Deer

Chapter 401 Seeing Hu Qi again, Wushuang attacks

Chapter 401 Seeing Hu Qi again, Wushuang attacks

[Everyone, book friends, it’s the beginning of the month, if you have monthly tickets or recommended tickets, please give them to me. . . 】

In the first battle, the Hulu were completely wiped out, and [-] iron cavalry fought against [-] Hu cavalry head-on, and they won the battle.

Fifty thousand Hu Qi were slaughtered, and our own losses were only half of Hu Qi!
This kind of record is not without glory!
"We're alive, we're not dead, that's great, woo woo woo."

Countless Beiming soldiers looked at their comrades beside them, and they wept with joy at the joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

"Zilong, we won. We finally killed these damned thieves, but many brothers died."

Li Cunxiao watched the blood flow into rivers and the miserable situation on the battlefield covered with broken corpses, he sighed incomparably, then his face was very serious, and he fell silent.

Zhao Yun looked at the remaining [-] riders, feeling remorseful and extremely heavy.

Long Qi looked at the bloody battlefield, the corners of his eyes twitched, his face was very ugly, and he was not at all happy.

As the commanders-in-chief of the four major dragon guards, all the cavalry under their command have been wiped out, wouldn't they have become bare commanders?

"Clean the battlefield, rest in place, and collect the corpses of the brothers."

The dead are gone, even if they sigh, they are irreparable!

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, shouted loudly, and ordered the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, waiting for Bei Minghao's reinforcements to arrive.
A quarter of an hour later, Bei Minghao arrived late with [-] riders, looking tired.

Looking at the tragic situation on the battlefield at close range, Bei Minghao frowned.

It can be said that there are corpses all over the field, bloody and extremely pungent.

"The last general, Zhao Yun (Li Cunxiao, Long Qi), pay homage to the lord!"

"Meet the king!"

"Three generals, you have worked hard, please hurry up!"

Bei Minghao jumped off the horse himself, and helped Zhao Yun and the three of them up.

"The last general is guilty and ruined the elite of our army, please punish me, my lord!"

Zhao Yun opened his mouth and took all the blame for his crimes on himself, knelt down and begged for punishment!

"Zilong's words are serious. This time the bandits are coming in a fierce manner. They brought a hundred thousand cavalry to the south, using the plank road to build a plank road, and secretly plotting the old warehouse."

"The three of you, with only [-] cavalry, slaughtered [-] cavalry from the Hu thieves. It can be said that you have made great achievements. How can the lonely king punish you? Wouldn't that chill the hearts of the meritorious ministers?"

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Bei Minghao held Zhao Yun and said sincerely.


"Hehe, Zilong, get up, don't act like a child."

Zhao Yun was very moved when he heard the words, his words choked up, Bei Minghao said with a smile.

If a minister is like this, what can the husband ask for?If there is a master like this, what else can I ask for?

"My lord, what did you mean when you said that hundreds of thousands of barbarian cavalry went south?"

Suddenly Zhao Yun seemed to remember something, and asked.

"It's Uncle Dongfang who sent a letter from Flying Pigeon, saying that [-] barbarian cavalry were ambushed and commanded by General Mu Huali under the command of Temujin, the hero of the north."

"Uncle Dongfang and Brother Yuchen each brought [-] Azure Dragon Guards and attacked from front to back. After hearing the news, Ma Chao and Wei Qing came and together they slaughtered [-] Hu Qi. It's a pity that Mu Huali, an old fox, ran away."

Speaking of this, Bei Minghao frowned slightly, with some regret and dissatisfaction in his words.

"In this way, the Hu bandits' [-] cavalry headed south. If they hadn't divided their troops halfway, it would be very difficult to wipe out this highly mobile Hu cavalry."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun felt extremely calm in his heart, and at the same time felt a little fortunate.

If Hu Qi came crushed by [-] iron cavalry, they would destroy walls and slaughter cities wherever they went. It could be said to be full of destructive power. Who can stop it?

"Tap Tap"

At this moment, from the northwest direction, there was an earth-shattering sound, and a black frenzy came from far and near.

Everyone looked at the frenzy as if they were facing an enemy.

Bei Minghao did not change his color, because he knew that this was the [-] basalt cavalry of the commander of Bei Mingzhan.

"Everyone don't need to be on guard, this is the cavalry of the commander-in-chief Bei Mingzhan, brother of the lonely king!"

Sure enough, when everyone looked intently, they saw the word "Bei Ming" written on the military flag, and they were relieved.

I saw [-] cavalry driving tens of thousands of Azure Dragon Blood Guards towards the direction of Black Jade City!
"My lord, this."

Everyone was astonished, they couldn't imagine how the Xuanwu iron cavalry would drive the Azure Dragon Blood Guard back.

"Hehe, this is the strategy of Wenhe, Fengxiao, and Kongming. Let the lonely king send an army of Qinglong blood guards to ambush in Banjiangdu, waiting for work and waiting for the rabbit. Unexpectedly, it really received a miraculous effect, hahaha."

Although Bei Minghao pretended to be calm, he was extremely happy in his heart.

According to my own visual inspection, there are at least 5 or [-] captured Qinglong Blood Guards.

In this way, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard lost all their elites, and it took no effort to win Quzhou.

"Brother, more than 2 enemy soldiers were killed in this battle, and more than [-] were captured. It's a pity that Ouyang Xue and more than [-] Azure Dragon Blood Guards escaped."

Bei Mingzhan jumped off his horse, knelt down on one knee, and reported the battle situation to Bei Minghao.

"Brother, get up, just Ouyang Xue, just a lost dog, just run away, anyway, he can't afford to make big waves"

Seeing Bei Mingzhan kneeling on the ground, Bei Minghao frowned, then waved his hand indifferently, making Bei Mingzhan start.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is an urgent message from Hanjintan, five thousand horsemen suddenly went south, and encountered General Gao Shun's camp. The enemy cavalry is extremely tyrannical, and it is difficult for General Gao Shun to resist."

At this moment, several cavalry galloped over from Black Jade City in the southeast on horseback.

"What? Five thousand horsemen? You can make Gao Shun helpless and ask for reinforcements? How is this possible? Even being trapped in the camp can't stop it?"

Bei Minghao turned pale when he heard that, and asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, General Gao Shun said in a letter that this cavalry is wearing golden battle armor, skilled in bow and horse, and has outstanding combat power."

"Golden battle armor? Could it be that the Golden Army is not successful? Didn't the Golden Army in its heyday have only one thousand? How could there be five thousand?"

Thinking of this, Bei Minghao couldn't calm down even more.

Gao Shun's army's combat strength, he naturally knew it clearly, allowing Gao Shun to ask for help, which shows the tyranny of this cavalry.

"Uncle Ji, it seems that I have to trouble you this time. I will let Li Cunxiao and Long Qie command [-] cavalry and go with you."

At such an urgent moment, Bei Minghao didn't dare to hesitate, and turned to look at Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang's unparalleled cavalry, known as the strongest cavalry in Dongzhou, should show off its power at this time.

"Hehe, nephew, don't worry, the old man hasn't loosened his muscles and bones for a long time, just five thousand cavalry, the five thousand Wushuang iron cavalry under my command is enough to handle it."

Ji Wushuang is extremely confident and heroic, not less than before.

"Then there will be Uncle Lao Ji. I will order Qin Shubao and Xue Rengui to lead the army to meet him."

When Ji Wushuang said so, Bei Minghao didn't say any more, but just to be on the safe side, Bei Minghao still planned to send orders to Qin Shubao and Xue Rengui who were stationed in Heiyu City.

"Saving people is like putting out a fire, so the old man set off"

"Boys of the Peerless Iron Cavalry, it's time for us to show our power, the whole army obeys the order, aim at Hanjintan, gallop!"

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Following Ji Wushuang's order, the five thousand unparalleled cavalry galloped towards Hanjintan with high morale.

Looking at the momentum of the five thousand unparalleled cavalry, it is not much better than the fifty thousand cavalry of the Northern Underworld Army, or even surpassed.

(End of this chapter)

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