Call of the Deer

Chapter 417 Allied Conspiracy, General Hu Swears in Blood

Chapter 417 Allied Conspiracy, General Hu Swears in Blood

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Back at the City Lord's Mansion, there were already three people sitting in the living room.

One of them had a face with Chinese characters, a beard on his chin, his eyes gleamed with light, and a pair of arms with twisted flesh, which was powerful.

The other person, with delicate features and handsome features, has a fair face, is wearing a white robe, and has a rebellious look in his eyes.

The last person, wearing a light gray scholar's robe, combed a scholar's bun, star eyebrows, mustache, eagle eyes, smiling, quietly looking at Bei Minghao.

"Grassman Yang Shihou, Huo Qubing, Zhufu Yan, pay homage to King Yanhuang!"

"Two strong men, sir, hurry up!"

Bei Minghao took a step forward and helped the three of them up.

"Thank you Yanhuang King!"

"Hehe, the three of you are being polite. The three of you are not far away, and you come here to meet each other, which shows the sincerity of the three of you. How can the lonely king let the three of you kneel down again?"

Bei Minghao looked at the three of them with a light smile, especially Huo Qubing, who was known as "Double Khan", his eyes were full of joy.

That night, Bei Minghao hosted a banquet in honor of Zhang Dingbian, Deng Qiang, Huo Qubing, Yang Shihou and others, to clean up the dust for them.

At the same time, a heated discussion took place in the tents of the allied forces, and the topic of discussion was whether to expel Bei Minghao from the alliance.

"Leader, Bei Minghao's power is getting stronger and stronger, and we must limit it. From Liu's point of view, it is better to directly bring Bei Minghao to the alliance. In this way, the morale of the Beiming army can be greatly reduced."

At this time, Liu Yu was also impatient. Seeing more and more famous ministers fall into Bei Minghao's arms, he felt uncomfortable at all.

"Leader, don't hesitate any longer. Don't stop, just accept the chaos. Today, the remnants of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard have surrendered to Bei Minghao's command. If you don't organize it, disaster will come."

Sun Quan felt envious of Bei Minghao who could make people like each other with just a sip of saliva without a single soldier.

"I am in favor of bringing Bei Minghao up to the alliance. When I saw this thief, I felt uneasy and angry. It would be a peace of mind to drive him away."

Lu Bu was originally unhappy with Bei Minghao, and he agreed with both hands and feet that he could get rid of Bei Minghao.

"Bei Minghao is indeed a great threat to us. Eliminating this person will limit the growing power of this person. However, we must be famous, otherwise we will make the world laugh at us. I can be jealous."

A wise light flashed in Chen Baxian's eyes, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. He will never forget that he was used as a spearman by Bei Minghao before, but he did not kill Chang Yuchun afterwards.

Except for Xiao Yan, the lord of Yongzhou and Dong Cheng, the lord of Cangzhou, the other four people have the same idea in this matter, that is, to get rid of Bei Minghao.

"Everyone's thoughts coincide with Li's, but we have to come up with a reason to get rid of Bei Minghao, otherwise I'm afraid we will make the people of the world laugh at us!"

Li Shimin is worthy of being an old Jianghu, who knows how to mediate among people, and raised an extremely serious question.

"This is difficult. After all, we haven't fought the barbarians yet. It's hard to find Bei Minghao. It's really troublesome to move Bei Minghao now!"

When he explained the reason, Liu Yu's face became a little ugly and unwilling, and he gritted his teeth.

"My lords, here is another plan, which can not only drive Bei Minghao out of the alliance, but also seal the mouths of all the people in the world, just!"

At this moment, Yafu Fan Zeng suddenly stood up from behind Sun Quan and said loudly.

"Mr. Fan has any good strategy, just say it without hesitation"

When everyone heard that Fan Zeng had a solution, they all focused their attention on Fan Zeng, waiting for Fan Zeng to speak out.

"Everyone must also know that Ouyang Long, the former leader of the Qinglong Blood Guards, was sent by the barbarians. Zhang Dingbian has voted for the Yanhuang King. The leader can invite the Yanhuang King to come over, fearing that the Qinglong Blood Guards will feign surrender, and force him to surrender. Qinglong Blood Guard, King Yanhuang will definitely not agree at that time, I will take the opportunity to drive Yanhuang King out, and tell the world that it is for the safety of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, I think it can stop the people of the world from talking."

When everyone heard it, they were all enlightened, and they woke up in a flash, and they all nodded secretly.

"Sir, this plan is very clever, but what if Bei Minghao agrees to hand over [-] Azure Dragon Blood Guards?"

Li Shimin nodded secretly, thinking about Fan Zeng's strategy, it was feasible, after all, he only needed an excuse to drive Bei Minghao away, he didn't need to consider whether the excuse was true, just fooling those ignorant people would be enough.

And success or failure depends on how they operate.

"Hehe, leader, please rest assured. According to my understanding of Yanhuang King, he will not make compromises, and it is even more impossible to hand over [-] Azure Dragon Blood Guards."

"Because once he surrenders the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, it will definitely chill the hearts of the soldiers under his command, and the loss outweighs the gain. He will not do such a wasteful thing because of this matter. He would rather be eliminated."

Fan Zeng chuckled lightly, with a confident look in his eyes, he was confident that he could drive Bei Minghao away.

It's a pity that they never expected that Bei Minghao had already intended to go, just to trick the Allies.

Li Shimin looked at Xu Shiji, his chief adviser, and Wen Zhong, the new adviser, and asked what they meant.

"Reporting to my lord, I also feel that this matter is feasible. It is not difficult to use the Qinglong blood guard as an excuse to remove the Yanhuang king. However, we must seize the opportunity and never break with the Yanhuang king here. After all, this Hezhou is Yanhuang. King's Land"

Xu Shiji understood, nodded to Li Shimin, and said calmly.

"As Lord Mao said, it is not appropriate to act rashly at this time."

Wen Zhong also nodded in agreement, and then fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking about some strategy.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's get rid of Bei Minghao after entering the Jiuli Mountain Valley, and let him become a famous general and be cast aside by the world."

Li Shimin is also a decisive person, knowing the priorities of the matter, he nodded and decided how to carry out the matter.

Dengzhou, outside Lingnan City.

Zhebie and Mu Huali finally arrived outside Lingnan City with less than [-] Huqi. At this time, the guard of Lingnan City, Aixinjueluo Dorgon, went out to meet him.

"Zhebie, Brother Mu, why did this happen? Where are the other grassland warriors? Where is Chi Laowen? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Dorgon has always had a good relationship with Chilaowen, and when he saw that Chilaowen did not come back with Mu Huali and others, he became anxious.

"Oh, Dorgon, our army was defeated this time when we marched south. The hundred thousand grassland athletes were almost wiped out."

Mu Huali's face was serious, his eyes were full of sadness, his body trembled unconsciously, and his mood was very depressed.

"How is it possible? Didn't Herashi Ouyang support him? What about the others? Did Chi Laowen die in battle? No, he said he asked me to clean up for him. How could he die? Impossible"

When Dorgon heard that the [-] Huqi were almost wiped out, his face immediately became very pale, his lips trembled, and he roared hysterically.

"Dorgon, I have an unshirkable responsibility for this big defeat, and I will apologize to the Khan."

Mu Huali looked at Dorgon, whose face was full of sadness, and who was very out of control, hesitated to speak, and finally sighed, determined to plead guilty to Temujin.

"This is the death of my [-] warriors. It is not a crime of war. Please mourn brother Mu. He will make a comeback in the future and avenge my fallen warriors in the grassland."

Zhebie looked at Mu Huali who was looking sad, patted Mu Huali on the shoulder, and said in a low voice.

After a while, Dorgon recovered from his excitement, looked at the endless sky, bit his finger, and roared angrily.

"Longevity is above, I, Dorgon, in this life, will definitely avenge Chilaowen brothers"

After finishing speaking, Dorgon kowtowed three times on the ground, wiping away the blood and tears.

Then a group of barbarians entered Lingnan City with ashen complexions.
(End of this chapter)

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