Call of the Deer

Chapter 421 The Righteousness of the Martial Saint, Silver Dragon Cavalry

Chapter 421 The Righteousness of the Martial Saint, Silver Dragon Cavalry

(Today's Chapter 1 is going to be recommended recently. To a book friend, give me some help, give me a push, edit to see the effect, if the effect is not good, don't recommend it to me, now I will update it, In a few days, try to change three times a day. I hope that all friends can give me a helping hand. I thank you in advance. Of course, I will work hard to live up to everyone's expectations of me.)

North of Dongzhou, Hezhou, Jiuli Mountain City.

"Second brother, Lu Bu, a servant of the third surname, is in the camp of the coalition army. Tonight, you and my brother sneak in secretly, kill Lu Bu, and avenge the eldest brother."

In the military camp of Jiuli Mountain City, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were sitting in the tent, Zhang Fei was holding the wine jar in his arms, his drunken eyes were hazy, and he said in a stern voice, his face was extremely hideous.

"Third brother, brother's revenge, we must avenge it when we are brothers, but Lu Bu is a master of martial arts, and the coalition barracks is even more dangerous. If you are not careful, I am afraid that you and I will be buried in it."

Guan Yu caressed his long beard lightly, while Dan Feng looked out of the city with a serious and ugly expression on his face.

"Second brother, don't we want to avenge elder brother's revenge? Have you forgotten Taoyuan's sworn brotherhood? Huh?"

When Zhang Fei heard this, he was furious. After a moment of rubbing, he stood up, grabbed Guan Yu's arm, and shouted loudly.

"Third brother, please sit down for me and calm down a little bit. Big Brother's revenge is of course to be avenged, but you acted so recklessly, let alone kill Lu Bu that bastard. You and I will die in front of Lu Bu without even seeing Lu Bu's face." In the coalition camp."

"Also, didn't my lord agree that as long as Lu Bu is captured, I will hand it over to you and my brother? Why are you so anxious?"

Guan Yu's stomach was already on fire, and Zhang Fei was still so ignorant, Guan Yu also became angry immediately, and angrily reprimanded loudly.

"Oh, you can't do this, and you can't do that. What about the elder brother's hatred? Do you have to procrastinate like this, what if you can't kill the slaves of the three surnames? I can't wait for this. I would rather die in battle and follow Big brother left and right."

Zhang Fei was reprimanded angrily. He waited for a pair of big eyes, looked at Guan Yu, got angry with Guan Yu, and finally complained rather depressedly.

"Third brother, calm down. Now that the Hu people in the north are aggressively invading the south, this Lv Bu is good at riding and fighting. Let him make a contribution to the Han people first. After killing the Hu thief, then find a way to kill the thief. For the elder brother Revenge and revenge!"

Although Guan Yu is proud, he knows how to advance and retreat, distinguish between serious and serious, understand the general situation, and understand the overall situation; he knows that Lu Bu has a lot of help in this fight against the Hu thieves, so he can temporarily put down his hatred and unite with the outside world. The place.

"Hmph, I listened to the second brother, and placed the head of the slave of the three surnames on his neck. After killing the Hu thief, I will personally behead the head of the slave of the three surnames to sue the elder brother in heaven! "

Although Zhang Fei usually acted recklessly, he knew how to make a choice in the face of big right and wrong. After hearing Guan Yu's words, he stopped clamoring to kill Lu Bu.

On the other side, Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Long Qi, and Di Qing secretly trained the Overlord's 6-odd Four Dragon Guards.

"Zilong, with the example of nearly [-] elite dragon guards remaining in the bloody battle with the Hu people, the training progress of the soldiers is pretty good. I believe it will not be long before we can fight Hu Qi head-on without losing the wind."

Li Cunxiao was originally a general who rode the God of War with a unique vision, and the leadership abilities of the others were also top-notch. The four of them worked together to train, and the effect was naturally very good.

"Well, what Jingsi said is right. The remaining [-] cavalry are the elite of the army, like the soul of the army. With this cavalry, they can definitely quickly form combat power."

Zhao Yun also quite agrees with the four dragon guards trained in the arena. Among the four dragon guards, Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun are the leaders, followed by Long Qie, and Di Qing is the youngest.

"That's right, what General Zilong said is right, when the Four Great Dragon Guards are trained, the thieves who can definitely kill will be terrified and retreat thousands of miles!"

Di Qing's Azure Dragon Guard is faint, and the training effect is the best, because his Azure Dragon Guard is the best preserved, and there are not many casualties.

Among the reorganized four major dragon guards, Qinglong guards accounted for [-]%, while the remnants of the other three dragon guards accounted for [-]%, and [-]% were drawn from other cavalry.

"That's right, with the four of us working together to train, when the Dragon Guard is trained, it will definitely be famous in Kyushu, and the enemy soldiers who have been killed cry for their fathers and mothers, as if seeing ghosts and gods, hahaha"

Long Qie is quite proud of himself, and now that the four dragon guards are being trained by the four of them, he is naturally very confident.

"Report to General Zhao, General Dongfang begging to see you!"

While the four of them were chatting, a personal guard suddenly came to report.

"Huh? General Dongfang? Could it be that the younger brother is here?"

As soon as Zhao Yun heard it, he thought for a while, and thought that he was the son of his master Dongfang Lingyu. Has his junior brother Dongfang Yuchen come?

"Take him to the military tent, I'll be right there."

After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he followed closely behind and headed for the tent.

Walking into the tent, there are two people in the tent, one of them is indeed his junior brother Dongfang Yuchen, sitting in the tent, sipping tea;
The other is Li Dingguo, his junior's lieutenant general, who is also Dongfang Yuchen's junior and best friend. He is regarded as Dongfang Lingyu's half-disciple. trust.


"Senior brother!"

"Brother, why are you here? If you don't train your [-] Azure Dragon Guards well, what's the point of coming to me?"

Zhao Yun looked at Dongfang Yuchen, who had a handsome face and looked a little tall, and was quite happy for Dongfang Yuchen to come.

"Hey, I'm following the old man's order to bring you something, brother, this is the old man's magical weapon, the Azure Dragon Moonspear, he asked me to give it to you, and this letter and this book are also his Let me leave it to you."


Zhao Yun's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he held the letter and the book firmly in his hands, feeling quite excited.

"Senior brother, my father has already returned to the field. He asked me to bring you a sentence. He said: When a man is born in the world, he should hold a three-foot green spear in his hand, step on three rivers and five mountains on his horse, shock the enemies in all directions with his guns, and establish a meritorious service for all eternity!"

At this time, Dongfang Yuchen's face suddenly became very solemn, and he told Zhao Yun what Dongzhou God of War had left for Zhao Yun.

"Master, please rest assured, Yun has remembered, and must firmly remember Master's teachings!"

Zhao Yun's expression became extremely solemn when he heard this, and he promised very seriously.

"Brother, there is one more thing. The old man left you the silver dragon cavalry he secretly formed, and is waiting outside the camp now."

"Silver dragon cavalry? Why did master hand over the silver dragon cavalry to me? Wouldn't it be better to give it to you, junior brother?"

When Zhao Yun heard this, he was quite surprised and puzzled. Although Dongfang Lingyu treated him like his own son, at this moment, shouldn't the final cavalry be left to his own flesh and blood?
"Hehe, because you are more suitable for commanding silver dragon cavalry than I am, and besides, I have already commanded one hundred thousand Qinglong warrior guards, so I have no skills at all."

"But you are so relaxed. If you are not already leading the Silver Dragon Guard, I really want to ask my lord to let you come and lead the Azure Dragon Guard with me."

With a loose temper, Dongfang Yuchen smiled lightly at Zhao Yun.

"You kid knows nonsense, but you have to be cautious when you act in the future, don't be reckless, follow your own temper, this is not only about yourself, but also about the [-] Azure Dragon Guards under your command."

Zhao Yun glared at Dongfang Yuchen angrily, and then urged him in a rather solemn tone.

"Brother, I know, I'm not a child anymore."

"Dingguo, you have to help Yuchen well, Yuchen has been easygoing since he was a child, you have to supervise Yuchen a lot"

Then Zhao Yun turned around and asked Li Dingguo who was behind Dongfang Yuchen.

"General Zhenbei, don't worry, the last general will definitely assist the young general!"

Li Dingguo is still the kind of person who speaks little and pays great attention to etiquette.

"Report to the general, the king urgently invites you, General Long, General Li, and General Di to discuss matters."

At this moment, another messenger suddenly came to send a message.

"Junior brother, I will excuse you first!"

When Zhao Yun heard this, his expression changed, he straightened his armor, and hurried away
On the other side, Bei Minghao's face was extremely livid, as if he had encountered something very angry
(End of this chapter)

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