Call of the Deer

Chapter 424 Meet Beiyan King, Hulu Information

Chapter 424 Meet Beiyan King, Hulu Information

(Today's Chapter 2 is going to be recommended recently. To a book friend, give me some help, give me a push, edit to see the effect, if the effect is not good, don't recommend it to me, now I will update it, In a few days, try to change three times a day. I hope that all friends can give me a helping hand. I thank you in advance. Of course, I will work hard to live up to everyone's expectations of me.)

Mengzhou, Tiancang City, the city of Mingzhou.

Tiancang City is Mengzhouzhou City. At this moment, Northern Yan King Murong Xuehu retreated to Mingzhou, struggling to resist the invasion of the Hu people, and pinned his hopes on the princes of other continents.

But at this moment, under the escort of Wei Qing, Jing Xiang bypassed many checkpoints all the way, avoided the Hu people who were chasing him, and finally arrived at Tiancang City, the royal city of Mingzhou, safe and sound.

Apart from Jing Xiang, only Wei Qing and fifty elite cavalry drawn from Jiuyouwei accompanied him on this trip.

A group of 52 people arrived at the gate of Tiancang City, and saw the defenders in the city checking one by one.
And Bi Nan's people poured into Tian Cang City one by one.

"It's not a barbarian, you can go in, next one."

Soon it was the turn of Jing Xiang and his party. Standing at the front, Jing Xiang took out a silver ingot from his bosom, quietly stuffed it into the hand of the inspecting officer, and whispered in the officer's ear.

"The people from Hengzhou in Xianai were destroyed by the barbarians, so they left their hometown and fled here. The fifty people behind are my generals. This official will do it for your convenience."

"Oh, it turned out to be a troubled nobleman, go in, and don't gather crowds to make trouble when you enter the city, or you will be sent to prison."

That officer was obviously not a responsible person, and seeing Qian's eyes open, he didn't intend to investigate Jingxiang and his party carefully.

"Stop, come, surround me with this group of people!"

Just when Jing Xiang was about to lead a group of people into the city, there was a cold shout in front of him. Jing Xiang raised his head and saw a man in red armor.

This person has delicate features, but his eyes are full of evil spirits. He is obviously a general who has been baptized in the battlefield.

"Who are you, why did you bribe the prosecutor, and recruit them truthfully, or don't blame me, Zongze, for being merciless!"

With a cold face, Zong Ze stared at Jing Xiang coldly, and locked Jing Xiang firmly. As long as Jing Xiang behaved inappropriately, he would be killed by thunder immediately.

"Presumptuous, you dare to talk to my military adviser like this, do you want to die?"

As the general protecting Jing Xiang, Wei Qing's complexion changed when he saw Zong Ze locking Jing Xiang, and he snarled, firmly protecting Jing Xiang behind him.

"Wei Qing, step back!"

At this juncture, I'm afraid it's hard to evade it, so I can only tell the truth, maybe I can still see King Beiyan, otherwise I'm afraid I won't even be able to see King Beiyan.

"The general is a general under the command of King Beiyan?"

"Hmph, this general is naturally a general under King Beiyan, but what does this have to do with you, and who are you? Ask Tiancang City what is it doing? Are you a spy of the barbarians?"

Hearing this, Zong Ze stared at Jing Xiang with a slightly vigilant look, and said coldly.

"Hehe, you don't need to be on guard, General. I am a counselor under King Yanhuang of Dongzhou. This time I come to Tiancang City to represent my king. I have to discuss something with King Beiyan. Please pass it on to me, General. "

Jing Xiang had no fear on his face, his bones were strong, a pair of star eyes glanced at Zong Ze with a cold face, and said with a light smile.

"Hmph, you said you were an envoy of King Yanhuang, are you? What if you were sent by the barbarians to assassinate my king?"

How could Zong Ze trust a stranger casually, his face became colder and his appearance became more guarded.

This is not the first time this kind of thing happened, how could he believe Jing Xiang's one-sided words.

"Hehe, this general, I am a scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, and the king of Beiyan is the successor of the Sun Moon God of War, with strong martial arts, even if I want to kill him, I can't kill him, right? You are doubting your eyes , are you still questioning the force of King Beiyan?"

Hearing this, Jingxiang rolled his eyes, feeling a little helpless, waved his hands, and began to reason with Zongze.

"You, I naturally believe in my king's ability, but what if you frame my king with some tricks, so you should obediently follow me to the prison, and after I torture you, I will make you tell truth"

How can Zongze believe it? Hu people regard Beiyan King as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. I don’t know how many times they have assassinated Beiyan King. The methods are different each time. Xuehu is very skilled in martial arts, he has already found the way of the barbarians, and his death is extremely ugly
"Well, I'm alone. You can go to see King Beiyan. You can search my whole body. I don't bring any weapons. I only bring things to prove my identity and what my lord wants me to bring to Beiyan. What do you think of King Yan's letter?"

Jingxiang had no choice but to let go of the bottom line and go to see King Beiyan alone.

"That's all right, but I have to tell my king first, the king has promised to see you, and I will take you to see him again"

Zong Ze saw that Jing Xiang behaved quite decently, with delicate features, not like a northerner, so Zong Ze had to hesitate, and finally agreed to Jing Xiang's request.

"Hey, it's been almost a month, and the barbarians surrounded me in Mingzhou, trying to trap my soldiers to death in Mingzhou, Jushou, do you think the Yanhuang King of Dongzhou will send troops to rescue him? "

Murong Xuehu was restless in the palace, paced and walked alone, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, with the sageness of King Yanhuang, he will not understand the truth that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold, and he promised his ministers earlier that he would form an alliance and go north to help."

"Presumably at this time, he also sent troops. The southern Dengzhou, Dianzhou, and Sangzhou are all controlled by the barbarians. If you want to kill Mingzhou as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will take some time. After all, the guard of Dengzhou is one of the Seven Heroes of the Grassland. Aixinjueluo Dorgon."

Jushou can also understand Murong Xuehu's worries. After all, once Mengzhou is lost, he will become a sinner through the ages, and he will be cast aside by future generations. His master explained?

"I hope it's as you wish. The barbarians are called Millions of Huqi this time, but in fact there are more than a million Huqi. If they gather together, who in the world can stop them?"

Murong Xuehu was not so optimistic. After all, there was no news, so if he believed in reinforcements rashly, wouldn't he be deceiving himself?
"The last general, Zong Ze, visited the King and caught a group of spies, saying that they were envoys sent by King Yanhuang of Dongzhou. He hoped to see the King!"

At this moment, Murong Xuehu's general Zong Ze walked in and reported what happened to Murong Xuehu.
"Oh, the envoy of King Yanhuang? Please hurry up."

Upon hearing this, King Beiyan exchanged a glance with Jushou, and seeing Jushou nodded slightly, he was pleasantly surprised and asked Zongze to invite him over.

In a moment, Jing Xiang was "invited" in by Zong Ze, who was tied up by five flowers. Now King Beiyan looked at Jing Xiang who was tied up by five flowers, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his face was quite embarrassed.

"The envoy Jing Xiang sent by King Yanhuang has met King Beiyan!"

Jing Xiang stood and greeted the King of Northern Yan, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and he looked at Murong Xuehu, the king of Northern Yan, calmly.

"Zongze? What are you doing? Why did you tie your husband in and still not untie me? Don't you know how to treat guests?"

"Haha, Your Majesty, don't worry about it. This is General Zongze's consideration for His Majesty's safety, but he is indeed a little brain-dead. Presumably His Majesty is also quite a headache."

Jing Xiang was not angry at all, Zong Ze was responsible, he said he suffered a little grievance, but he was not missing arms or legs, let alone being tortured, so naturally he didn't need to be too concerned, this is the way of a scholar who is open-minded.

"Sir, you have a good temper. Are you really an envoy sent by King Yanhuang?"

King Beiyan admired Jingxiang's demeanor very much, nodded slightly, and at the same time turned his face, and asked quite solemnly.

"I am dissatisfied with King Beiyan. I am indeed an envoy sent by my Lord Yanhuang. Here is a letter from my Lord to His Majesty. Please read it!"

After Jingxiang was untied, he took out a letter from his bosom, and handed it to King Beiyan very solemnly.

"The king of Qin is short-sighted. In order to attack King Yanhuang, he did such a despicable act. This king is really disappointed. However, King Yanhuang's plan is very clever. This king will send troops to cooperate with King Yanhuang."

After Murong Xuehu read the letter, his face became quite strange, and he sighed leisurely.

"However, I hope that King Yanhuang will not underestimate the enemy. The Hu army in Dianzhou, Sangzhou, and Dengzhou is about 40, especially Hancheng and Huancheng. There are more than 5 Huren in each city, and Huren It is not so easy to deal with people who fortify the walls and clear the country, destroy the city and break the walls."

After Murong Xuehu carefully confirmed Jingxiang's identity, he no longer had any doubts, and then narrated the news about the Hu people in detail. After all, he knew much more about the Hu people than Bei Minghao.

"The Hu people have seven royal cities, including Tanlang, Pojun, Seven Kills, Golden Eagle, Sirius, Barbaric Bear, and Fierce Tiger. Among them, Sirius City is the most powerful, and it is firmly in control of Mengzhou. North"

"Genghis Khan has a cavalry force of more than 5. All of them are grassland cavalry who have been selected from thousands of people. They wear golden armor and are called the Golden Qi Xue Army. They are very powerful."

"There is also the Eight Banners Army of Aixinjueluo Dorgon, with an army of [-]. Although it is not as good as the Golden Qixue Army, it is also very elite; in addition, the blood drop army led by Aixinjueluo Xuanye They are even more powerful, although they are rare in number, they are all strong men who have come out of the sea of ​​blood."

"Kublai Khan's city-slaying warriors, Maodun's Tiancang cavalry, etc., are all extremely powerful armies. After encountering them, we must be careful and not be greedy for meritorious deeds."

Murong Xuehu told Jing Xiang the information he knew in detail, and Jing Xiang's face became quite serious.

In Hanjintan before, the [-] warriors who were trapped in the battle had met the [-] gold warriors. He knew how terrible the gold warriors were, but he never thought that the number of gold warriors would be as many as [-].

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for telling me the news without reservation. I have thanked you, Your Majesty, on behalf of my lord."

After Jingxiang heard it, he was quite shocked, and at the same time, he was very grateful to Murong Xuehu, who could tell him the news about the barbarians without reservation.

"Hehe, sir, it's serious. King Yanhuang traveled thousands of miles to come to help from Dongzhou. How can the lonely king ignore such kindness?"

"By the way, my lord, not only the princes of Dongzhou who came to help this time, but also King Qin of Zhongzhou sent 30 troops. Now they are attacking Jinyang City. The Great Yin King of Beizhou and the King Wu of Han also sent troops.”

"Hahaha, okay, there are so many reinforcements, why worry about Mengzhou being uncertain, and the bandits not retreating?"

Upon hearing the good news from Jing Xiang, Murong Xuehu was overjoyed, and could finally laugh happily
(End of this chapter)

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