Call of the Deer

Chapter 430 Yuanba opens up, Fang is extinct

Chapter 430 Yuanba enlightened, ten directions extinct
(Brothers and sisters, I made a recommendation this week. I hope everyone will support me. I need everyone to give me a wave of support. This is related to whether I will recommend it in the future. I hope everyone can give me some encouragement. I have worked hard , please brothers.)

In Lingnan City of Dengzhou, banners and flags are ringing, drums are thundering, and blood is burning on the iron wall!

Under the Lingnan City, there are many cold corpses, gathered into hills, only a little lower than Lingnan City;
One after another, laying in a mess, bleeding and drifting, the red blood in the moat surged, and the smell of blood spread across the entire battlefield.

Under the sound of the whimpering horn, the soldiers of the coalition army swarmed densely like locusts, fearless of death, and went straight to Lingnan City.
More than 50 troops formed more than 500 phalanxes, which surrounded the city so tightly that not even a mosquito could fly in.

The pawns stood in front, all of them imposing like a rainbow, staring at Lingnan City like wolves and tigers, ready to fight.

Then there were dozens of catapults looking around the city, "eyeing" on the Lingnan city wall.

Behind the infantry, tens of thousands of cavalry held sharp knives, waiting aside, ready to attack at any time.

Li Shiming and other princes sit in the center and command unified command, and the supreme commander Su Lie issues unified orders;

The battle was coordinated by the eight generals Hou Junji, Su Lie, Lu Bu, Chen Qingzhi, Cao Jingzong, Zhang Xiu, Man Chong, and Sun Jian, and they attacked Lingnan City from four sides.

Hou Junji and Li Yuanba led an army of [-] to attack the south gate. The south gate was in danger, and all the Hu people were trembling;

If it weren't for the presence of Aixinjueluo Dorgon, the God of War in the Qing Dynasty, I'm afraid he would have abandoned the city and fled long ago.

At this time Li Yuanba was more fierce than before, with a pair of tiger eyes flashing a rebellious and tyrannical look, and his face full of flesh showed that this guy was no longer what he used to be.

Under the pair of drum beater golden hammers, golden rays of light are shining, gold and blood are intertwined, and the golden battle armor with pixiu tattooed on it is not inferior to Yuwen Chengdu's big day golden light armor in the sunlight.

"General, I hope that the general can withstand the pressure and break open the city gate first, and I will do my best to cover for the general later.

Hou Junji walked to Li Yuanba's side, with a look of conviction and enthusiasm in his eyes, and said very respectfully.

"The gate of the city will definitely be smashed, but the turtle in the city will take care of it himself. Don't let anyone interfere. Otherwise, don't blame me, Li Yuanba, for turning my face and denying anyone!"

At this time, Li Yuanba was full of domineering aura, and his fierce eyes were shining brightly. He seemed to have some thoughts, and he was no longer the reckless man who only knew how to go on a rampage before;
However, he has also become more and more ruthless, he is ignored by everyone except Li Shimin; but his strength has become more and more unfathomable, if he fights against Li Cunxiao at this time, I'm afraid it will surprise Li Cunxiao!
"Li Cunxiao, I will meet you soon, hehe, I look forward to your expression when I see my strength improve."

Li Yuanba smiled coldly, but in his heart he was already planning to fight Li Cunxiao again.

It turned out that during the last battle, Li Yuanba seemed to be sick afterwards, and he couldn't afford to be seriously ill. Then the people from Yin Yang Valley took Li Yuanba away, saying that he was going to treat him, but there was no news from his followers;
And just a few days ago, Li Yuanba single-handedly went to the outside of Lingnan City to look for Li Shimin.

To everyone's surprise, this Li Yuanba has become enlightened, he is no longer as foolish as before, and his martial power has even improved, it seems that he has broken through the bottleneck and is unfathomable;
Lu Bu, the wolf riding war god, fought with Li Yuanba. After only [-] rounds, he was smashed into the air by Li Yuanba and became famous in the first battle.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that Li Yuanba is so addicted to war, his style of moves remains the same, he still opens and closes, breaking them with force. The only difference is that he learned a hammer technique in Yin Yang Valley this time, even though he just started , but should not be underestimated.

"General, I'm going to attack again soon, are you ready?"

"Hmph, mere bandits, they are just a bunch of mobs. Why do you need to prepare for this general? I will kill this general right away. You just bring someone to follow up."

Li Yuanba frowned slightly, and glanced disdainfully at the barbarians on the city wall who were drawing bows and aiming at the coalition forces. He picked up the 720-jin golden hammer, and rode his horse towards them.

"Soldiers, the general is about to attack the city gate, charge with me, charge!"

After Hou Junji gave an order, Wang Yanzhang, Lu Wenlong and others followed closely behind, rode their horses and rushed up, heading straight for the south gate.

"They are coming, shoot me arrows, shoot!"

When Dorgon saw the enemy coalition attacking the city again, he immediately commanded the barbarians to block with archers!
"Raise your arm shields and scatter!"

When Hou Junji saw the barbarians shooting arrows, he immediately shouted angrily, and ordered the soldiers to distance themselves, and dodge the densely packed flying arrows!
Li Yuanba was even more indomitable, he smashed all the obstacles in front of him with a pair of golden hammers, and the barbarians blocked him, but they couldn't restrain him in the slightest.

"Damn it, who is this bastard who charged in my flying arrows, he is simply a madman who wants to die."

When Dorgon saw Li Yuanba who was not afraid of flying arrows, he cursed secretly, and looked at Zhebie and Mu Huali who were standing on his left and right.

"This person wields a copper hammer, and he is also a general under the command of Eastern Qin King Li Shimin. I am afraid that Li Yuanba is the head of the top ten powerful generals in the Eastern Continent. Apart from this person, there are not many people who are not afraid of flying arrows.

Mu Huali was well-informed and well-informed, and knew the generals and officials of Dongzhou quite well, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"Furthermore, this man is unparalleled in courage, capable of carrying a tripod, and can smash the city wall with one hand. It is said that there are no fewer than dozens of city gates smashed by this man."

At this time, Mu Huali's face was serious, and he secretly said in his heart that if he let this person get close, he might lose the city gate.
"There is a way to deal with it, and the city gate must not be destroyed by this dog thief."

When Dorgon heard this, his eyes froze, and there was already a trace of uneasiness in his heart, so he asked quickly.

"Hey, I'm afraid there's no solution to meeting this person. The only way is to find a way to hold him back. It's a pity that our army is defending the city now, so it's difficult to use crowd tactics to deal with this person."

"Send someone to hold the city gate for me, and try everything possible, but I can't let this person destroy the city gate and enter the city!"

"Murong Ke, go to the city and bring me food for those wolf soldiers to guard the city, and see if these damned Han people dare to throw stones at us."

"Brother Jebie, you are the Arrow God of the Grassland, try to see if you can shoot this man to death!"

At this time, Dorgon was almost at the end of his plan, and facing the catapult, they had no choice but to use the Han people to threaten them.

"Dorgon, I'm not sure about this either. I only have the magic skill of Nine Stars Lianzhu now. I'm afraid that Nine Stars Lianzhu won't be able to do anything to this Li Yuanba."

Zhebie gave a wry smile, he knew his own abilities, the Battle of Hanjintan, he was hit hard, and he was defeated by the enemy's [-] cavalry with [-] gold, which is simply a great shame;
But he had to admit that the cavalry under his command was indeed inferior to that mysterious cavalry.

"Then let's see what Brother Jebie is capable of. You are the god of arrows in the grassland. For the sake of the face of the warrior in the grassland, you shouldn't let this person continue to act fiercely, right?"

What Dorgon said was extremely unkind, and he was deliberately reminding Zhebie that you are the arrow god of the grassland, if you can't kill this person, the name of the arrow god will probably make the grassland people laugh at you.

If it was normal, Zhebie might become angry with embarrassment, but now, he has no such leisurely mind. At this time, his eyebrows are burning, and if Li Yuanba is not stopped, Lingnan City will be breached.

"Hoo Nine Stars Lianzhu!"

"The ten directions are extinct!"

Zhebie took a deep breath, then took out his longbow and aimed at Li Yuanba who was charging towards him!

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Under the nine arrows, Jebe immediately collapsed to the ground like a deflated ball, and under the ten-direction extinction, Jebe tried his best.

Just when Zhebie shot the Nine Stars Lianzhu, Li Yuanba, who was rushing towards the Lingnan city gate, suddenly felt it, and his fierce eyes looked towards the direction of the city wall like lightning.


"War Bear Ground Breaker!"

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!".
"Ah, get out!"


With a crisp sound, Li Yuanba blocked the Nine Stars Lianzhu without any risk, but the charge was also stopped, and at the same time he let out a muffled sound, only to see his arms trembling slightly.

But at this moment, Li Yuanba's terrified mood suddenly changed, and his hair stood on end, like falling into an ice cellar!
It's a pity that Li Yuanba could have prevented Li Yuanba from being unprepared for Zhebie's "Extermination in Ten Directions" with all his strength!
The special spiked arrow pierced through Li Yuanba's left chest, knocking Li Yuanba back more than ten steps.


Li Yuanba snorted, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth!


When Li Shimin saw that Li Yuanba, who was like a god of war, was injured at this time, his face turned pale with fright.

After a long time, Li Yuanba raised the drum beating Weng Jinhammer, stared fiercely at the direction of the city wall with murderous eyes, and swept towards Lingnan City like a storm.
"Today, I will slaughter the barbarians in this city"

A chilly voice flashed through Li Yuanba's mouth, like a demon god coming from the secluded world, which made people feel chills
(End of this chapter)

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