Chapter 438

The next day, when the first ray of purple sun reflected on the Weihe River, Hu people from the north crossed the river and came to kill them.

But at this moment, the Southern Allied Forces adopted Yasheng Zhang Liang's strategy and divided their troops into three groups. The three armies fought together. The first group, led by King Ranmin of the Northern Wei Dynasty, waited for the Hu people to kill them and landed on the shore. At this time, he rushed out like lightning, and was caught off guard to prevent the barbarians from riding their horses.

The second route, led by King Gaosu of Lanling and Yu Wenyong, King of Beishun, dispatched a large number of excellent water fighters to ambush in the Wei River.

The third route, headed by Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, secretly crossed the Weihe River in a long way, attacked the enemy's rear camp, and made preparations for interception at the same time.

Most of the Hu people are good at horse fighting, but because the single-plank bridges on both sides of the Weihe River were destroyed by the southern coalition forces, they had to come by boat, so they could only abandon their horses to cross the river.

But because the killing of Hu Ling offended all the Hu people in the north, both Shi Le and Tuobasi wanted to go there early, and kill him to flow into rivers, and let these Han people know that the Hu people It is not easy to offend.

As soon as they crossed the river, the coalition forces arrived, carrying their fury and morale like a rainbow.

"Soldiers, for the sake of the relatives behind you from being slaughtered and our homeland from being destroyed, follow me to kill all the dogs, kill..."

As the proposer of the Hu Killing Order, Ran Min, his hatred for the Hu people has been deeply imprinted in his bones, and the hatred has melted into his blood, reaching the point of being irreconcilable and deeply loathing.

So whenever he saw a barbarian, no matter if it was a child, a woman, or an old man, he would swing down his butcher knife without hesitation and kill them all.

"My sons and daughters, it is unforgivable that these damned Han people dare to speak out loudly and issue orders to kill Hu Hu. Let me kill them all, go and grab their women and food, kill them..."

The purpose of the Hu people going south is women and food, and the way to fully stimulate the Hu people's fighting power is to arouse their anger, and the order to kill the Hu people can do this.

As Shi Le began to boost morale, a kind of Hu Ren suddenly looked like a wild beast, holding a machete, screaming and rushing towards the southern coalition forces.

However, a small part of the Han army had the advantage of war horses, and they charged forward, stabbing out with long spears in their hands. With the help of the power of the horses' charge, they caused considerable damage.

This annoyed the three of Shile Tuobasi very much. The Han army dared to bully them with war horses, and it was simply unworthy to fight them.

"Warriors, the Han army is timid and dare not dismount to fight, because they are afraid of the bravery of our barbarians, so charge up and let them know the strength of our grassland warriors, kill..."

Although the Hu people abandoned their horses, they ate meat all the year round, and their bodies were much stronger than the Han people. Therefore, when they heard the words, their morale increased greatly, and they rushed forward without fear. The cavalry suffered heavy losses, and the Hu people took the opportunity to seize the horses.

Soon, the cavalry of the Han army were defeated by the Hu people with sabers, their morale was low, and their combat effectiveness declined.

"I am Li Nong, a general under the command of the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Who dares to fight me?"

Seeing that one's own soldiers are at the bottom, there is an urgent need for a general to seize the flag to boost morale. As one of the top generals under the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Li Nong is naturally going to stand out.

"The nameless man is not worthy to fight with me, Hu'er, you go and behead this man and bring his head to me. It will be a great reward for my father!"

Shi Le saw that it wasn't the Northern Wei Wang Ranmin who called the battle, so naturally he wouldn't play, otherwise, wouldn't it be a bit of a drop in value/
"Dog thief, Shihu is here to kill you..."

Shi Hu heard his father say that killing this man will give you a lot of rewards, and he was immediately excited. The woman last time was delicious, and he was so greedy that he would die. Naturally, when he heard that killing this man will reward him, he was immediately very excited. kill over here.

Seeing that it was an unknown person, Li Nong naturally looked down upon it, and stabbed out with his long spear without using all his strength.

And Shihu is just the opposite.The giant ax in his hand carried the power to split the mountain, and he chopped down with the power of Mount Tai.



Li Nong, who was too careless, was split in half by Shi Hulian and his horse from his shoulders, and his flesh and blood flew all over him, turning him into a cold dead body in an instant.

"No, Li Nong..."

At this time, Ran Min, who was fighting the enemy not far away, saw the death of his friend and confidant Li Nong, and suddenly fell into a rage.

With one blow, the barbarian in front of him was smashed into pieces, and the two-person spear in the other hand was thrown by him in anger. The two-person spear carrying Ran Min's thunderous anger instantly pierced the void and fell in front of the unprepared Shi Hu. After he reacted, he was pierced through the chest by the double spear, leading him to leap over Hu Jun, and nailed him to death not far from Shi Le.

But Shi Le didn't react to this change for a while. Just a moment ago, his son showed great power and beheaded the enemy general in just one round. Before he had time to be happy, his son was pierced by Ran Min with a spear and nailed to death in front of him.

This contrast was really unacceptable to him. A surge of anger gushed out of his chest, and a trace of blood thunder flowed from his eyes. With a roar, he got off his horse and ran in front of Shi Hu. Distracted.

"Ah, Ran Min, I, Shi Le, will never die with you, ah..."

Seeing the death of his beloved son, Shi Le could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and out of the strength of his anger, he pulled out the two-man spears nailed to Shi Hu's body, mounted his horse and charged at Ran Min.
At this moment, he completely forgot about Ran Min's reputation. At this moment, he only had one thought, which was to kill Ran Min and avenge his son.

And Ran Min also looked at Li Nong, who was dead and without a complete body. As his servant of the dragon, Li Nong assisted him along the way. Overwhelmed by killing intent, his eyes were bloodshot, but at this moment he suddenly heard Shi Le's voice, and immediately looked up at Shi Le.

One of the two felt the pain of losing a son, the other felt the pain of losing a friend, and the same pain went to the marrow of the bone.

One was caught in a rage, and the other was completely overwhelmed by killing intent, and rushed towards each other respectively.

Just when the two were about to approach, Shi Le threw the two spears in anger, and ran straight to Ran Min's face. When Ran Min saw him for the first time, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In the middle of the day, he received his magic double spear.

Then, uh, Ran Min used the two-person spear as a long stick, and slammed it at Shi Le fiercely with the force of thunder and anger, his eyes were full of madness.


Although Shi Le was furious, he still had thoughts. Seeing that Ran Min was so crazy, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but at this moment, when the two spears smashed towards his face, he dodged aside with all his strength.

Although Shi Le escaped the fatal blow, his beloved horse did not, and was crushed to death by Ran Min's two-person spear. Shi Le's right leg was also smashed by the double spear, and his right leg was lying on the side, while Shi Le himself fell to the ground, his whole body was sore.

Ran Min, who was like a demon god, walked towards the immobile Shi Le step by step with two spears in his hands, like the footsteps of a god of death approaching slowly. At this moment, Shi Le's liver and gallbladder were torn, and he hadn't come out from the bloody scene just now.

Looking at Ran Min who was not far away from him, his soul suddenly trembled, his lips trembled, his face was extremely pale, and the Hu people around were even more stunned by Ran Min's performance like a demon god, and then they all backed away. He dared not approach Ran Min.

A strong murderous aura lingers around Ran Min. At this moment, he is the Demon God, and the Demon God is him!
"Escort, come and escort..."

At this moment, Shi Le watched Ran Min walking step by step, panicked with fright, shouted angrily, asked his hands to come down to escort him, and at the same time lay on the ground, crawling forward step by step...

"Today, no one can save you, you will die for sure... Boom!"

As Ran Min opened his mouth, Shi Le's death sentence was announced, and then Ran Min swung down the spear in his hand, and Shi Le's head was smashed to pieces.


Then Ran Min turned his head to look at Tuoba Sifu Hong who had already been stunned, and at the same time he shouted angrily, and everyone present lost their minds, all of them were affected by this demonic voice.

At the same time, Ran Min charged towards Fu Hong and the two of them. The two of them turned pale with fright. They rode their horses and fled towards the Weihe River, ignoring the soldiers behind them.

In front of Ran Min was a group of Hu people. For Hu people, Ran Min only had one word: kill.

So even though he was already in the midst of killing, he was still affected by the hatred buried in his heart, and rushed into the barbarian army without hesitation.

All of a sudden, arms and legs were broken, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. Ran Min didn't care about anything else, just killing, destroying everything in front of him, meeting gods and gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas, destroying everything...

Soon, the Hu people were completely terrified of being beaten, and the commander-in-chief had disappeared, and they all fled for the north desperately, wishing their parents would give birth to him with two more legs.

But at this time, the demon god Ran Min suddenly fell down and fell to the ground. At this moment, he was covered in blood, and he didn't know if it was his or the enemy's.

Ran Min's general Zhang Wenwen and Dong Run immediately ran over to protect Ran Min, for fear that others would take the opportunity to kill Ran Min.

And just when the Hu people were fleeing and crossing the Weihe River by boat, Gao Su Yuwenyong, who had been waiting in the river for a long time, immediately sent people to start digging the boat.

The Hu people's warships sank one after another before they reached the other side, and were swallowed by the swift water of the Wei River. A large number of Hu people were killed and injured again.

But at this time, Murong Hao and Yao Chang on the other side heard the news that the army was defeated, the coach Shi Le was killed, and Fu Hong and Tuoba Si were missing. one cent.

And just when Murong Hao and Yao Chang gathered the remnant soldiers and planned to retreat, the southern allied forces, under the leadership of Gao Su and Yu Wenyong, chased after them, forcibly crossed the Wei River, reached the north bank, and approached the barracks of the Hu camp.

"Your Majesty is not good, the Southern Allied Forces have crossed the Wei River to kill..."

Hu's heart and soul were first captured by Northern Wei Wang Ranmin, and then again ambushed by Gao Su Yuwenyong. At this moment, he was full of fear and no sense of security.

"Retreat, retreat with me!"

Murong Huang and Yao Chang were decisive people. When they saw the barbarians whose army was in a state of disarray due to the defeat, they knew that the battle was a complete failure, so they had no choice but to retreat.


(End of this chapter)

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